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Dead City

Unexpected Adventures in the Forgotten City

By Mhd NasrullohPublished 4 days ago 2 min read

You ever hear about Dead City? It's not the kind of place you'd find on any map, but it exists, I promise. It’s one of those towns you stumble upon when you take the wrong exit and just keep driving.

So, last summer, my buddies and I decided to go on this epic road trip. We had no real destination, just a tank full of gas and a cooler full of snacks. After hours of driving and a heated debate over the best road trip playlist, we ended up on this narrow, winding road. That's when we saw the sign: "Welcome to Dead City."

Naturally, we had to check it out. We rolled in and immediately noticed how... quiet it was. The kind of quiet that makes your ears ring. There were no people around, just empty buildings and abandoned cars. We parked near what looked like an old diner. The sign was faded, but you could still make out the name: "Mabel’s."

We walked in, half expecting someone to yell at us for trespassing, but there was no one. Dust covered the counter, and a half-eaten slice of pie was still sitting there, like someone had just walked out mid-bite.

Danny, the fearless one of our group, suggested we explore a bit more. We wandered down Main Street, peeking into old shops and houses. Everything looked like it had been frozen in time. There was a barbershop with scissors left open, a toy store with teddy bears still sitting on the shelves, and a movie theater advertising a film from the 80s.

We started feeling a bit uneasy. I mean, where did everyone go? It was like they vanished into thin air. That’s when we heard it—a faint, haunting melody. It was coming from the direction of the park. Curiosity got the better of us, so we followed the sound.

The park was just as deserted as the rest of the town, but in the middle was an old carousel. And yep, you guessed it, it was still running. The music was coming from the carousel, which creaked and groaned as it turned, though there was no one to ride it.

We stood there, mesmerized and a little freaked out, when Danny had the bright idea to get on. “Come on, guys! When’s the next time we’re gonna find a haunted carousel?” Reluctantly, we joined him. As soon as we did, the air seemed to get colder. The horses moved up and down, and the music played louder.

And then, everything went dark.

When we woke up, we were back in our car, parked outside of town. None of us remembered getting off the carousel or even walking back. The weirdest part? Our car was now facing the opposite direction, like it was ready to head out of Dead City.

We didn't need to say much. We just started the engine and drove off. None of us talked about what happened, not during the rest of the trip or even after we got home. But sometimes, when I’m driving late at night, I think about that sign and wonder if it’s still there, waiting for the next group of curious travelers to take the wrong exit and find themselves in Dead City.

So, if you ever see a sign for Dead City, maybe think twice before you take that exit. You never know what you might find—or what might find you.


About the Creator

Mhd Nasrulloh

Hi everybody

I am Mhd Nasrullah. I hope you are happy with what I have written

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Comments (2)

  • Mhd Firsa nasrullah4 days ago

    wow what a great story

  • Jude Ojiaku4 days ago

    This is a fiction, right?

Mhd NasrullohWritten by Mhd Nasrulloh

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