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A Beautiful Place to Die

This is my personal photo from Glacier National Park, but the story is fiction.

By Sarah DanaherPublished about a year ago 8 min read

The blustering breeze blew across the untamed land. Its mighty winds had blown since a man had ever been there. The hike could have been more rigorous but very pretty. The streams flowed everywhere, with creatures to follow. The rigid trees stand guard as one walks by the lower levels of the mountains. Claire could not stop taking pictures of the seamless, never-ending nature. Finally, She could relax from her hectic life. Claire sat completely calm, absorbing the sounds around her. The bubbling stream made a nice resting spot for a short break on the long hike.

The day turned out perfect with the weather and the hiking trail open. The few clouds made it a much hotter day, but the heat felt good on her light skin. It had been forever since she had a vacation, and this was her time to rewind and calm before the hectic, busy world at work. This place was recommended by her friend. A quaint little cabin tucked away in the west. She had traveled alone despite the warnings to at least have a companion.

The first day went well, with cloud cover making it cold. Today was much warmer, and even sweating was felt, unlike the previous day. This was a longer trail with a necessary break for drinking water. The high mountains stood guard in the distance with its menacing height. The stream slowly staggered on the rocks, but the sound was relaxing. The water trickled down her throat to refresh for part of the hike. The thumping of hiking boots was coming her way.

Two young men were trekking down the trail. Both good looking guys, but Claire already had a boyfriend. She went to take one more picture, but the young men started to walk back. Annoyed by the intrusion, she silently waited for them to move out of the frame. The background was perfect with the mountains, trees, and rushing water.

It is gorgeous here. Some others were coming down the trail, and Claire waited for more to pass.

Today must be a good day for this trail, Claire thought to herself. She then started to go farther on the path. It was a lovely day with the breeze blowing. The sparse clouds floated above the trees. Claire kept going along the trail with a few more bubbling streams. Falling water from the cliff pounded the earth up on the path. Its steam could be sensed from a short distance. The pictures turned out great as an immense experience. Claire could just stand in amazement at such a waterfall.

The day was turning. The animals come out in the dark, and large ones are in the area. The way back was just as fantastic as going to the waterfall. The fresh air felt great in her lungs. Coming down the trail, Claire notices some deer on the way. She pulled out her phone to take a picture. Having to stand still and snap the shot. Suddenly the deer scattered. Claire found herself on the ground. Male voices behind her started laughing.

"Look what we have here, a lone hiker," the skinny one stated.

"We will have fun with this one," the taller one replied.

Claire panicked but pushed the panic button on her phone, trying to get help. Screaming at the top of her lungs, Claire was trying to get another's attention. The taller one started beating her, knocking her almost unconscious. Her last view was of the most beautiful stream scene.

"Well, it a beautiful place to die for them, Adam," remarked the skinny one.

"I love it when they think they can hike alone, Brad," Adam responded.

"Let's move her to the side before anyone else comes down, "Brad interrupted.

Both picked Claire up in a groggy state and moved her to the trees. They had waited for this moment to pounce.

"We will wait till the last one comes down, then have our way with this one; she is mighty pretty," Adam stated.

"Just act normal till the time comes, and do not give anything away," Brad reminded Adam.

As the remaining hikers passed by, the young men smiled and acted as if they were taking a break. Finally, one of the hikers noticed Claire passed out near the trees. Park Rangers started coming up the trail too. Both men began to sweat and could not stay for their prey. Brad and Adam ran off as fast as they could with Rangers in tow. The scuffling of leaves and pacing through trees became less noticeable. An older man approached Claire and realized that she still had a pulse.

"Someone call 9-1-1; she is still alive, but not sure how long," screamed the older man.

"There is no way except through helicopter," stated a younger man.

"I can carry her to the front of the trail; I am a fireman," responded another hiker.

"The dispatcher said it was okay, and the ambulance will meet you there, be quick," the old man's wife stated.

The fireman hosted her on his shoulders and paced as they finished the trail back. Halfway through, a Marine carried her the rest of the way. The trek was arduous and yet seemed to outsmart them all. After the long walk back, the ambulance was waiting.

"She's still alive," the paramedic stated.

The light blared as the concerned hikers took a much-needed break. The ride was rushed as the many country roads made distances longer. As the hills are beautiful, the travel takes longer. The vehicle was going as fast to the nearest hospital, quite a while away.

Entering the city was a good sign with the higher rate of speed. The hospital was already notified of the injury. Claire was rushed into the hospital and went straight for examinations.

"The pupils are still responsive; we need a head CT to see if there was a concussion or worse," replied the doctor as they rushed to the necessary tests.

The hospital staff rushed to keep Claire alive, and she kept holding on. The bruising and concussion were discovered as she lay in her bed asleep.

"Keep fighting; you can make it," responded a nurse. "You are lucky there is no bleeding in the brain."

The police would check-in time to check on their victim. Even her parents and boyfriend came out to visit Claire. They told her not to go alone, but she insisted she was safe. On the fourth day, Claire opened her eyes, blinking. The panic set in, but her boyfriend kept her calm.

"Where am I?" Claire asked, confused by her surroundings.

"You are at the hospital, Claire, with a concussion," her boyfriend responded.

"Do you remember what happened?" Her boyfriend, Tom, asked.

"I was taking a picture, and I was attacked by the same men that I accidentally took a picture of earlier," Claire stated.

"It was stated they had gotten away, but you have a picture," Tom replied.

The police detective entered on his weekly trip to check on her.

"You took a picture of them earlier in the day," the detective responded.

"Yeah, it should be almost the same picture but with the men in it," responded Claire.

"We have your phone, another hiker picked it up and your stuff," The detective replied.

The detective went into the hallway to make a call to check all the pictures on the phone for that day. He was there for quite a bit. The men were still at large, and the Rangers had been on the trails to ensure safety. Claire could just feel the pain of the beating and the headache from the concussion.

The detective came back into the room calmly.

I am Detective Grisly; I have been investigating your case since you were admitted to the hospital," Det Grisly stated. "May I get a statement to the best of your recollection of the event on the trail?"

"I can tell you what I remember," responded Claire. "I was taking a photo of some deer on the trail when I was knocked to the ground."

"Did you see them then?" Det Grisly questioned her.

"Yes, and I pressed my panic button on my phone and started to scream," Claire commented. "Then I was beaten in my head and body till I passed out cold." "That is all I remember about the attack."

"Thank you so much for this information; this will help stop these criminals from attacking someone else," Det Grisly commended her. "Now get some rest, and we will have a picture of your attackers."

He gently touched her hand and left the room. All grew quiet as the feeling of panic set over Claire. Tom held her close, whispering she was okay. She had survived the worst thing, yet the nightmare returned every night. Even being released was not the best thing. She stayed with her parents while she continued to recover. The many therapy sessions were helping with the night terrors, and I even looked at the photos again. The one was so pretty and yet so triggering at the same time. About six months later, a detective from her local police department shows up on her parent's doorstep.

"We have received news that your attackers have been apprehended and in prison," the detective said. "Adam and Brad Zigler have been linked to at least ten deaths of young women across the nation in the many parks."

"I survived a set of serial killers by pushing a panic button," Claire responded.

"Yes, you were fortunate that they did not kill you after they were going to rape you," the detective replied. "Your picture made a difference, and now the park stranglers are behind bars."

"Thank you for the news, and now they cannot come after me again," Claire stated, sitting down in relief.

The detective waved goodbye as he entered his car. Claire cried and was grateful for justice to be served finally. She slept the best she had in a long time with them put away. The picture was less haunting with the federal trial since they were everywhere. For now, the world could be at some peace. She even returned to the trail with her boyfriend, now husband, and saw the sites again, this time no attack.

The trial stirred up the memories. On the stand, Claire held firm, even nervous to see them again. Claire spoke of the attack; not even the defense attorney could shake her up.

The evidence was significant in the other cases leading to a guilty verdict. The men were never getting out, making her feel more secure.

Claire remembered the last words she could recall "A beautiful place to die." She said out loud on the trail claiming victory over her PTSD and the attackers, "It is a beautiful place to die but a better place to live."


About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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Comments (4)

  • Antoinette L Breyabout a year ago

    It was sad. but very well told. Abuse usually has psychological foot prints

  • Congratulations on your hundredth story and this is a great way to reach that goal, brilliant story

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Excellent storytelling! I love Glacier, got there on the third try. The first year there was a flood and the next attempt a fire. It was well worth it!

SDWritten by Sarah Danaher

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