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Top 3 Productivity Apps for iOS and Android To Keep You Productive.

With These Apps, You Can Get Anything Done.

By Dhanush KaluvalaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Top 3 Productivity Apps for iOS and Android To Keep You Productive.
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash


Evernote is a digital space for taking notes and mapping out ideas and events that need extensive organization. This app comes with a variety of functions all centred around facilitating note-taking. With this app, you can upload a photo of a hand-written note, store it, and download it when necessary. Notes with photos, PDFs, and digital sketches can be captured too.

Evernote is an amazing application that helps manage your notes efficiently. Evernote allows users to keep work-related to professional drafts or simple personal notes easily on the smartphone. Evernote can store as many notes as needed and they can be easily accessed from the app at convenience.

Evernote is a note-taking application equipped with tools that help you capture ideas, create to-do lists, and even prioritize tasks. The application works for both individuals and businesses. If you need a way to keep your thoughts organized and execute them efficiently, Evernote can be a great help. It helps you keep everything in sync. Whether it's notes, files, web clips, or images, no matter what you're working with - Evernote can make things easier and faster for you.


If you are one of those professionals who seek the help of a dedicated to-do list app, then Todoist is worth checking out. Todoist, as the name suggests, is a to-do app with which individuals and teams can set up new tasks, assign priority to the task, as well as add it to a group of similar tasks. When you complete a task using Todoist, you have to check it off the task list - and there is a certain unique satisfaction to it. We won't consider Todoist as the perfect to-do app, but it certainly has all the features that you would want to pay for in a to-do app.

Todoist is a simple task manager app that allows you to record and group tasks together based on projects. Consider this an upgraded version of your traditional to-do list. In addition to recording and organizing your own tasks, you can use the app to collaborate with other people by sharing and assigning tasks.

Todoist is a task management tool that promises to turn complex to-do lists into something easily manageable. In many ways, it's like a Trello for individuals (and without the cards), helping you keep track of your own tasks and make sure nothing gets forgotten.


In 2015, Microsoft bought Wunderlist and put that team to work on a new to-do list app. Microsoft To Do is the result of that, and you can find Wunderlist's DNA throughout the project. The main interface is clean and friendly, adding tasks is quick, but there's a lot of flexibility below the surface.

Wunderlist takes the classic to-do list concept and turns it into a feature-rich productivity app for individuals and teams. As you add new tasks to your lists you can assign them to specific dates, define the duration, set them to repeat, create reminders and organise your tasks.

Wunderlist is a task management app with all kinds of advanced features. While Trello is designed for teams and Todoist is designed for individuals, Wunderlist is designed for both and it feels very much like a Trello alternative designed around to-do lists, rather than cards.

Well, these are the 3 top apps which has most audience positive response in the surveys

There another App which is specifically for IOS is Apple Remainders, but personally i hate the interface and UI of Apple Remainders, -- I mean that's subjective.

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Dhanush Kaluvala

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