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Hello Dear!

My name is celebrity, do you believe me?

By Carol TownendPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
Hello Dear!
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Hello Dear,

Thank you for being a fan. I have been observing your engagement with my comments. I am interested to know you better.

Hello Dear,

I want you to know I really like your profile, and I love that you love my music. Are you single? I'd love to take you on a date.

Hello Dear,

We have been talking for a while. Do you mind doing me a favor? I can't get into my account, and I need your help to do so. Can you please transfer me some funds in order to update my account and get me back online?

Hello Dear,

My name is (celebrity) and I see you follow my page. I also promote (certain charity), could you please follow this (fake link) and make a donation?

Hello Dear,

Thanks for all the love and support you have shown to my band over the years. I'd love to chat some more and get to know you better, (but I won't tell you I'll ask for money later).

This is just a list of messages to show you how some fake messages from celebrities appear in my inbox. I have used the term 'hello dear' because I always get messages such as these from people impersonating Robbie Williams.

It started a few years ago on Facebook, and then it followed me to Instagram.

I can confirm that a few years ago, I did have a conversation with the actual Robbie Williams, under his verified Facebook account, which was almost ruined by one fake who was also messaging me at that time. I tried a number of times to get rid of that fake, only for the mentioned social media sites to allow him to come back using Robbie's name with numbers so that it looked different.

I was lucky that my husband was able to confirm that Robbie did indeed have a chat with me, while he was looking after Robbie in a professional setting; and Robbie did confirm this with my husband.

I'd like to offer my sincere apologies to Robbie Williams for not believing it was him. However, several of these 'Hello Dear' fakes were also trying to get me to start a relationship, even though you and I had partners at the time. I had to report it several times before it stopped because this guy came back using your name with numbers several times. I refused to engage, though I asked safe questions because at the time social media would not deal with it without evidence.

Anyone who wants to be a fake should be warned; I will catch you and I will report you no matter what.

I can also confirm with the whole team including my husband that Robbie did officially class us as 'best friends.'

I am eternally grateful for that since I have my own struggles with learning problems, including mental health problems, and a past that almost destroyed my life and left me without many friends.

I am also a mega fan of Robbie's wife Ayda

I bought some really cool gym wear from Ayda recently, which got me back into my gym.

I now consider her my 'best friend' when it comes to working out!

Listen Up!

Every time you fake a celebrity, you are taking credit for their work and stealing their reputation.

My Auntie-in-Law is Dame Penelope Keith and my Uncle-in-Law is Rodney Timson who is Peneople's husband.

I think my in-laws would be really angry if someone tried faking their names, and I know my husband and family would have something to say about that instantly,

and so would I, given the fact that I am also a family member and a big fan of my auntie-in-law.

It is good for fans to show appreciation for their favorite celebrities.

I love Robbie too. I spend much of my day listening to his music and checking updates to keep updated with upcoming events, banter, and other things.

I love many other stars in music too. Too many to mention here!

However, I have no need to impersonate them just to prove I am worth more than I am, or to get something out of another person. I am no scammer!

And, you shouldn't be doing it either!

Look, I want to make this clear.

The internet can be a dangerous place, and we have to be accountable for our own actions when it comes to safety.

Some of these fakes will go as far as linking to the celebrity's official pages just to convince you they are them,

However, you'll find:

  • They almost always use photos that are the same as those on the official account.
  • They will copy posts or re-post things from the official account, including the status that the celebrity has posted.
  • They will claim this is a 'private account' which means that it's only viewable once you follow them.
  • They will have little to nothing in their own accounts, or everything will be similar to the official celebrity account.
  • Once they have your attention, after a few days or more they will ask you for money.

Note: A true celebrity will never ask you for money ever, no matter their circumstances. If they are running a donations event, they will advertise it on their own official pages.

If you look for Robbie on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you'll see he has a blue tick, and if you hover your cursor on that tick, it will let you know that the page is authentic and has been verified.

Robbie makes it clear that his blue tick pages are his only pages.

This means that if you are going to impersonate his account, you're going to get found out by your victim.

Celebrities, though talented at what they do, are human beings like the rest of us. They have feelings too.

Next time you impersonate a celebrity, think about how you would feel if it happened to you.

Put yourselves in their shoes, and imagine the painful feelings it would cause you to find that your account is being impersonated.

If this sounds harsh, it's meant to be. I have spoken out about this several times now, and going to contact me as an impersonator?

Don't try it, because I won't mess, I will report you, and I will report you every single time you do it.

social media

About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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  • Jonathan Townend7 months ago

    It's been a good few years since I met Robbie where I was working. I never in a million years thought that I'd ever end up looking after him, and getting to know him in the personal way that I did, particularly when he told both myself and my colleagues at work, that you were in fact his best friend because he enjoyed chatting so much with you.

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