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A Box Outside of your Comfort Zone

Safety is sometimes an enemy in disguise.

By Leslie ScottPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read

There I was, 4 provinces away from home, with people I didn't know and participating in an activity I swore I'd never do. However; life has a peculiar way of turning things upside down and inside out within a few inhales and exhales. In this case it was all in the delivery of one little box.

Reverse to 48 hours earlier and I was living my life like I always had, safe. My comfort zone was my happy place. Getting out of it was not in my plans. Get up, go to work, workout, eat healthy and repeat. I am not like others, no need to test the boundaries of life. Safe is good, predictable and keeps me sane. Or so I thought.

I had woken up at my usual 5:00 am ungodly time to pratice yoga. Then a little cardio. Always followed by a little journalling, then shower. Eat a healthy vegan breakfast and out the door to my job of teaching of 18 years. Safe.

Never late for work and actually normally the first one there. Need time to settle in, wrap my head around the day. As a teacher, keeping the chaos down to a minimun is crucial to keeping my sanity.

This day however, has differnt plans.

I head out of my rural home at the exact time everyday, it is usually very peaceful, quiet and serene. This day though, I observe a faint but somewhat obnoxious sound in the distance. I don't really give it much of my focus until the sound gets louder and clearly headed in my direction.

As my eyes and brain can actually make sense of what is coming my way, I realize that it appears to be a drone of some type. Now if you ask me of my knowledge of what a drone is, I'd tell you it's a remote control toy for geeks. That's it, that's all I've got. So, in other words, virtually nothing.

This drone zooms right to me, flys around me and I see it's carrying someting, a package or a box, not really sure honestly. My brain is not truly computing what is actually happening right now. I'm already a few minutes past my normal time of leaving. Defintely not in danger of being late, but defintely late in my safe world.

This drone mechanical flying machine thingy lands in front of me and releases, what I can now confirm as a package. This techy little device than zooms off, out of sight and sound.

Now, it's just me and this package in my driveway. It's as if it has eyes and is scanning me as I scan it. My name is printed on top in the neatest handrwriting I have ever seen. Being a teacher that is a pretty bold statement, trust me. Under my name and address, printed in bold letters "OPEN TONIGHT AT 8 PM." Lucklily, I am now running late so my curiosity will have to wait.

In a mad dash, I grab this mystery package and place it on the front seat of my car. My mind is racing in so many directions I can't even form a distuigshable thought. How the heck am I going to teach a grade 2 class full of excited 7 year olds. Christmas is only a week away and it is our last day before the break and it's our Christmas concert. Now I have to contend with this package. I've ordered so many things from Amazon and recieve packages daily, especially now around the holidays. They are delivered either to the post office, my mailbox or front door. I'm pretty sure none have ever been delivered by a drone instructing me very and quite specifically when to open it. Who sent this package? Where did it come from? What is inside? The list of questions is a non stop barage of thoughts in my head. This is going to be a very long day.

I get to work feeling overwhelmed by my tardiness. I only have an hour to set up and prep for this crazy day! Not the way I needed to start this day. What do I do with this box? Trunk, I will put it in the trunk of my car. Should be safe there. I do not want to risk bringing it inside and losing it, or someone seeing it. For now, this box is my little secret. At least until I have answers. Which, when I truly think about it, I assume it's probably some silly sales gimmick. A pretty clever one if I am being honest. It certainly has my attention. In the trunk it goes. I whisper to myself before I close the trunk " see you soon my little mystery friend." Then, off I go, to a delightfully fun, insane but yet heartwarming day.

Nine hours later I return to my car, but with an exuberant amount of teacher gifts. I am feeling truly blessed to work with the most caring students, staff and community. Lucklily, today has been so busy I have hardly had a moment to think about the strange events that occured this morning. I walk towards my car, with my hands full of bags and my curiosity starts to skyrocket. My mind fills up with these little voices "what if someone broke in and took the box" Sheer panic takes me over. I would never know. This would remain a mystery. What would happen at 8 pm if I don't open the box? I am physically making myself ill. I walk faster, fumbling with my keys all while trying to balance a ton of chocolate gifts, mugs, gift cards and other misc items. Barely making it to my car without smashing something to the ground, I manage to open my trunk and see the little mystery item is still in my trunk. With a huge sigh I think, of course it is. It's funny how the brain can manipulate you and control you to feel and think outrageous things. Mine seems to have perfected this skill.

I put all my gifts into the trunk. With the same wonder as a child, I carefully pick up the package. I study it with the same enthusiasm as a scientist that just discovered a new species. It's light but not as a feather. When shaken, nothing shakes. So, whatever is in there, is super secure or the exact same size of the box.

What time is it? How much longer do I need to wait? Am I going to wait?

I drive home with the box in the front passenger seat. It feels as though it is taunting me. Sitting there so silent, so still but offers no clues or insights.

My mind is going wild with different scenarios of the contents of this box. Some are outrageous such as a king from a far off land wants to sweep me off my feet to something as minimal as I won a grocery sweepstakes and I get a twenty five dollar gift card.

I arrive home and its just past 5 pm. Three. Long. Hours. I decide to stick to my normal routine and just for the fun of it, I will "obey" the box and open it promptly at 8 pm.

Supper, clean the dishes, put away all my gifts, except for the tasty one. I am going to munch away while I sit and stare at the box.

What could it be? Who would want to send me something? This better not be a scam! How disappointing that will be.

Time has never moved slower in the history of time. Two hours left. One hour left. 55 minuts left. 50 mins left.

Normally, I would be getting a little sleepy but my excitement and pure curiosity are killing me. My house is very tidy and neat but it's exceptionally tidy tonight. I have been cleaning non stop since supper. Nerves do that to me. It must be my wanting to control the situation. This is way out of my control and I haven't seen my comfort zone in a few hours.

The time is getting close. I sit and examine the box some more. My anxiety is rushing through my whole body like that of a tornado in the midwest.It's not comfortable but it is exhilarating. Part of me wants it be a life changer and the other me, the safe me, wants it to be a silly sales gimmick. I'm not sure what percentage of each.

It is 7:55 PM. I can barely contain my emotions. I actually think I could burst into tears. So strange. I just need to know what this is, who is responsible and what I have to do, if anything. I sit and count the last few minutes. Just to be precise, I set an alarm on my Garmin for 8:00 pm. I am ready. I think. Tick tock, tick tock. I don't actually have a clock that makes that sound, but it is pretty loud in my mind at this exact moment.

Brrrrrrrrr!!!!! Brrrrrrrrr!!!!! Brrrrrrrr!!!!!

There it is! It is 8PM. It is time. I pick up the box. I already have a plan to open it. I came up with that about three hours ago. It is wrapped in plain brown paper bag wrapping.

I slowly tear off one side, then the other. The box in now visible and bare. The lid is just gently tucked in. So, I gently untuck it. The tension in the air is as thick as the mud at last years mud race. I peer in and their is a smaller package, wrapped. I pull that out. Also, wrapped in plain brown wrapping paper. I unwrap this. Gently I peel off the paper. My eyes are having a hard time adjusting to what I am looking at.

Is this a phone? A phone? It's an apple phone? Which make I cannot say, but a newer one. It is fully activated and ready to go. I'm sitting in confusion, not knowing and certainly not understanding. No notes or instructions.

A phone? For what? By who? Why?

A little PING snaps me out of my daze. A ping from the phone. I look in absolute wonder and see a text message that reads

"reply YES if you have unwrapped and recieved the phone."

I promptly and immediately type YES. I wait, nothing, nothing. Still nothing. Is this a prank? A joke put on by some bored individuals?


I nearly jump out of my seat!!!!!

YUP! It's ringing.Unknown caller. Hesitantly, I answer with a very faint and unsure "hello"

The voice on the other end says

"Hello, is this Lisa Wilton of 878 Forward Ave.?"

I answer with the sound of confusion in my voice "Yes, it is"

The voice on the other shreiks" Oh Good! You unwrapped when you were exactly told to! Very good! Very Good!" Boy, Do we have exciting news for you!"

I am at a literal loss for words. I am not even able to put a few common words togther to form a sentence, let alone a question that makes any sense.

I actually respond with a very low voice "huh?"

Huh? That's all I can get out? I am an educated teacher! The most I can get out of brain to mouth are three little letters that make a grunt noise that sounds like "huh".

The voice on the other end breaks out laughing! Then I hear multiple people laughing.

I am so beyond confused at this moment, I start laughing. Most likely not the same kind of laughter as these strangers on the other end of the phone. More like the kind of nervous laughter that I probably sound like I am on the verge of a panic attack. Which, in all fairness is not that far fetched.

The voice on the other end manages to stop laughing and begins to tell me what is happening. Their voice is happy. Like that of a child on Christmas morning.

"Lisa! Some fellow teachers put your name in a very unique contest. One only for individuals that excel in all they do. It's for individuals that have sacraficed for the betterment of others. You exceeded in all expectations and have proven that by far, you deserve this very special prize."

They continue with the explanation as tears start to roll down my face.

"Consider this the real life golden ticket from Willy Wonka. And you my dear have a golden ticket.This is a contest for the most exceptional role models throughout our great country. Once a year, we handpick 10 worthy people out of thousands of entries. As a panel, it was absolutely unanimous that you are by far, worthy of this award. So, let me speak on behalf of all of us on this panel and the many, many people that put your name forward, Congratulations! It is well deserved."

Is this a joke? I'm crying and laughing, but defintely crying way more.

The voice on the other end asks

"Lisa, are you ok?"

I am barely able to talk. I am completely humbled, shocked and in a litlle bit of disbelief.

As we are talking, my personal cellphone starts ringing and ringing. First its the local paper. The next call is the local news station. This is real. This is 100 percent real

I am able to form a few words. With my voice quivering, and speaking through tears, I say

"Thank you. Thank you. I can't believe this! Who? Who put my name in? Why? Why me? What now?"

Barely coherent but I managed to get in a few questions.

"Lisa, too many people to mention. Fellow coworkers, parents of students, friends. You have made quite the impression on people. Humble came up a lot. You have no idea how many people you have inspired or have helped."

They continue with an excitement in their voice

"Let's tell you the prize! Tomorrow morning you will be flying out to beautiful Bristish Columbia, where eventually your family will meet you there for an all inclusive, one of a kind Christmas at one of the most beautiful winter retreats British Columbia has to offer. Your family has known about this for quite awhile and all arrangements have been made for them."

They continue" But first, you will flyout ahead of them, meet up with the other winners, So, basically with other humans as awesome as you, where you will all be treated to an all inclusive ski vacation until your family comes to meet you. In that package tere is a beautiful lodge, outings and spas. The best skiing in the country."

I can't prove this but I am sure if I look into a mirror it's safe to say that not only have I reached over into full on ugly crying, but my jaw must be dropped to the ground. Literally. I use that word carefully and not often. So, if I am using it, then you must understand what I am feeling.

None of this can be true. How did this happen? Too many questions.

They assure me they will be in touch in the AM and a car will be by to take me to the airport.

I don't even know who to thank yet or even how to respond. I don't even know how to ski! Stay with strangers? This is all just so surreal. My comfort zone is no longer in sight. I am actually pretty sure it's flown south for the winter.

Am I really just going to get up and go? Four provinces away? Stay with people I don't know? Do something I have never done?

I think I do not have a choice. That's life though, right? Gives you what you need right exactly when you need it. My comfort zone has been, well, comfortable. I haven't felt this much excitement, fear or pure fun in a long time. It truly is a mixed bag of emotions, but one that deep down I have been craving.

Blessed or grateful are underacheivers when it comes to words to describe how I feel right now. They are good starts though.

Time to pack. Get ready to leave that comfort zone behind and just live, with a gentle inhale and exhale. But that's life. What we perceive as being safe is sometimes not living at all. Lesson learned.

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About the Creator

Leslie Scott

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    LSWritten by Leslie Scott

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