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The Real Reason No One Wants To Read Your Book

The biggest enemy of book sales

By Elise L. BlakePublished 19 days ago 3 min read
The Real Reason No One Wants To Read Your Book
Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

Every writer dreams of having their book in the hands of readers from all over the world, having a featured table in their local bookstore, and being called for an interview by some big media outlet for the success of their novel.

The truth of the matter? 

Your book will sit on the shelves of your local store which has agreed to stock it for you for maybe a few months. Selling a handful of copies before it finds its way to the discount rack or the store owner calls you to come pick them up depending on the agreement you have with them.

Why do so many books not receive the recognition they deserve? Why aren't they finding their way into the hands of readers?

Why is no one reading your book?

Let's look at the biggest obstacle.

They Don't Know About It

Effective marketing is the number one thing that is either going to make or break your book sales when your book is on the market.

Your book isn't getting overlooked because of a lackluster cover design, a poorly written synopsis, or even subpar writing quality - well it could be, but more often than not readers are truly unaware that your book exists.

The key to readers finding your book is found with effective marketing.

If you're struggling to sell your book then you are mostly likely neglecting to promote it through channels such as social media, sending advance reader copies out to bloggers or reviewers, or creating an email newsletter so that those who want to support you know the exact date that your book is going to be available.

Most readers don't walk into a bookstore anymore to browse the selections on the shelf. Almost 90% of the time they know exactly what book they are going in there to buy and while they may leave with an armful or two more than what they had intended, most of the books they leave with are ones that they had considered buying before stepping foot through the doors.

Your book should be anywhere and everywhere where readers can learn about, hear about it, see your cover, and get a general idea about what your book is about.

When it comes to book marketing there should be no stone left underturned.

The reach of your author platform should be as wide as the internet itself. 

Facebook, TikTok, Twitter (X), Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Substack, Tumblr, Threads, YouTube, and your local libraries are all ways for you to put your book in front of potential readers and build your audience LONG before your book has even been written.

Even if you're late to join the social media bandwagon, start today by building up your audience so that when the time comes it will be 100% easier for you to spread the word about your book instead of sticking it on the shelf and hoping someone will toddle on by and take a chance on it.

Best of luck!

With love,

B. xo xo


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This story was originally posted on Medium.

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About the Creator

Elise L. Blake

Elise is a full-time writing coach and novelist. She is a recent college graduate from Southern New Hampshire University where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.

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  • Mark Graham18 days ago

    Totally agree. By the way I have written book reviews on Substack but it seems that no one had an interest in the reviews. I also had a poetry book published on AmazonKDP no takers there either. I know poetry is a hard sell but I was hoping to sell more than one.

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