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The Accidental Poet - The Book!

My Book is out now on Amazon - Celebrate with me!

By Paul StewartPublished 8 months ago β€’ Updated 8 months ago β€’ 3 min read
Top Story - December 2023
Screenshot of the cover image, of my book. Yeah, okay. I'll stop.

Folks, I am absolutely delighted to inform you, all who care at least, that one of my two big ventures, have come to fruition.

The Accidental Poet by Paul Stewart is now available on Amazon.

Quick Update - The Kindle Edition is now Live too!

It kinda feels like a long time coming, but also, it's completely baffling to me that after a year of writing poetry with some degree of seriousness that the time has come to tell you about my book.

Yep, you read that right. A book by Paul Stewart, that Scottish-Italian guy that very recently was referred to as a "pain in the arse" in a poem by one Cathy Holmes, has a paperback book.

Okay, so I know it's not through traditional publishing, which would be the big sexy ultimate dream, but, I wanted to put something out there and know others have used Amazon, so here we are.

I have still to sort the Kindle edition, but that is something I will be working on over the next few days. I just couldn't wait to let you all know, as it will mean I stop saying "I'm still working on my bloody book" or something similar like that.

Anyway, to flesh out this post a little, I thought I'd dive into some of the things I discovered about doing it all myself...the cheap and nasty way.

It was fun looking back through my entire portfolio of work on Vocal and seeing some of the real gems that I am still proud of and the ones that were not so good. Everything I have done, good or bad, I've tried to learn from and improve with the next piece.

I have written a lot, duh! So, it was quite a job taking all the pieces that I wanted to have in the book. Because, Paul the Poet is not the smartest at times and didn't have copies of the finished poems as they were on Vocal on his hard drive. That would have made things easier.

It was interesting and a learning experience formatting and dealing with the sizing thing when creating the book. It was also the most annoying part of it. It was all new to me. But, for the next book that will hopefully be a little bit easier.

I am pleased with the cover design and all that - I just kept it nice and simple because it's not like a work of fiction and there is no specific theme -other than all the poems are written by me. So, simple seemed appropriate.

I am absolutely dreading there being some unexpected or unwanted and non-deliberate spelling mistake or something in there. But, I tried my level best to ensure that wouldn't happen.

So, yeah...I'm excited. It won't get me on the bestsellers list anytime soon and the earnings are not going to be superb - I am not complaining though! I am just going to let it sink in that I did it - a little something and that my work is out there for sale somewhere. To me...someone who has not had a lot of successes...often because of my own faults, it feels immense.

Oh, and I didn't forget my Vocal peoples - you all get a mention - not by name because how the hell would I find all the space for all of you. But, trust me, without your support, encouragement, egging on and non-judgemental approach to some of my deeper pieces, I probably would have given up this thing a long while ago.

Anyway, if you would like to treat yourself or someone you love to poetry by a complete rank amateur who just loves messing around with words and eliciting some kind of emotional response from his readers, the link is here:

Anyway, thank you for your continued support and for helping me get to this stage in both confidence and just having enough work I feel proud of to put out there.


About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!


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Comments (50)

  • Stephen A. Roddewig3 months ago

    Reporting in as the latest customer of The Accidental Poet. Should have the book in hand in the next few days 😁

  • Yippee!! I am the proud owner of an electronic copy of your fabulous book! Great work... Some of my favourite poems in it are: * Poetry Found Me"... brilliant! Sadly it hasn't found me yet! It is time consuming searching for a few random thoughts, let alone specific words or phrases. * 1.2.3 challenges: "How to be kind to yourself" & "How to forgive yourself. Recipe serves 1." So clever & wise advice. * "Evening Reflections": beautiful content & I adore the syllable count for each line... it also looks pretty. Amazing effort and achievement... give yourself a big pat on the back and an extra plate of sauerkraut!

  • joseph lambon8 months ago


  • L.C. SchΓ€fer8 months ago

    Well done!!! You're inspirational πŸ™Œ

  • Sundram Chaurasiya8 months ago

    as soon as possible, I'm getting my books πŸ’—

  • Sara Wilson8 months ago

    Congratulations! This is amazing!! I will be getting my copy asap!!

  • Mackenzie Davis8 months ago

    I can't believe how quickly you got it published since the first time I heard about it! What, like 2 weeks, tops?? Incredible, incredible, my friend, truly thrilled for you! I just bought my copy, Kindle verison, babyeeee. Btw, I would love some insider tips and tricks about the process, if you're taking votes, lol. :DDD Congratulations again! Immensely happy for you! You have a fricking poetry book!!! (What a title, too. I love that you went with your self-ascribed moniker!) πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸ˜±πŸ˜

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    This is amazing news, Paul! I’m more than happy for you. Your journey on vocal is now solidified forever. And I bet it won’t be the last thing you publish in the world, only the beginning. Cheers my friend. I will toast a shot of tequila for you tonight. πŸ₯ƒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΎ

  • Heather Hubler8 months ago

    A massive congratulations to you!! I remember during your interview how unsure you were of your status as a poet, and now look...you're a published poet!! So proud of you for chasing your dreams and making them reality. I'm thrilled to have a Paul original on my bookshelves...just put it in my Amazon cart!

  • ROCK 8 months ago

    Hi Paul, I just tried to buy it and it was unavailable. Maybe the wrong link? Thanks, Rock

  • Kristen Balyeat8 months ago

    Oh my goodness gracious! CONGRATULATIONS PALLY PAL! I am so incredibly happy for you! This is such great news and an amazing accomplishment. I'm so excited to own a Paul book! Someday soon I'll be saying "I know that guy" Great work, Paul! I told you I already have a spot open on my bookshelf. :) Super duper proud of you!

  • The Dani Writer8 months ago

    Aw man, that's great Paul! Congratulations!

  • Susanna Kiernan8 months ago


  • Darkos8 months ago

    Congratulations and a Great title :) !

  • Wooohooooo congratulations Sir Paul Shakespeare! That's a hugeeeee achievement and I'm so happy for you! Also, I wanna know, does the green signify anything or was it just random? And you should also add pain in the arse and Scottish Nerd to your businesses card!

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    Congratulations, Paul. Let the successes continue and grow.

  • Congratulations, Paul! Btw, she also called you a nerd, lol.

  • Inspiration for all of us taking the self-publishing plunge. Congrats!

  • Bex Jordan8 months ago

    CONGRATULATIONS, Paul!!! You are amazing!!! It's been so inspiring to see you flourish as a writer and poet ❀️

  • S.J. Frederick8 months ago

    Congratulations!! That is wonderful!

  • Kendall Defoe 8 months ago

    Excellent! I will be looking online for this... Well done, sir!

  • Grz Colm8 months ago

    Woop woop! Insert very cheesy dance here! Did you push some secret button and get top story immediately though?! πŸ˜‰ May I have the coordinates of said button? Huge congrats Paul. I’m legit happy for you and can tell you are pumped! It is a great achievement! Particularly as it’s all happened in year or so. So feel proud! I will be getting onto this very soon! Glad you have tangible copies! 😁 Good luck!

  • Shirley Belk8 months ago


Paul StewartWritten by Paul Stewart

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