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Magento 2 Requirements: Things Required to Run a Magento Store

What are the prerequisites that should be followed to run a Magento Store? Let's find out!

By John MuellerPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

If you're planning to launch your online store or upgrade to a more robust platform, Magento 2 is an excellent choice. This powerful e-commerce platform offers a wide range of features and capabilities, enabling businesses to create scalable and flexible online stores.

However, before diving into the Magento 2 journey, it's essential to understand its requirements, including prerequisites and necessary software. In this article, we'll provide you with a reader-friendly and SEO-optimized guide on everything related to Magento 2 requirements.

1. Prerequisites for Magento 2

Before installing Magento 2, ensure that your server environment meets the following prerequisites:

1.1. Web Server Requirements:

The first step is to choose a compatible web server. Magento 2 supports Apache 2.4.x and Nginx 1.x. For Apache, make sure the mod_rewrite module is enabled, as it is essential for the platform's URL rewriting capabilities. Additionally, Magento 2 also extends support to LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed servers for added flexibility.

  • Apache 2.4.x or Nginx 1.x
  • Ensure mod_rewrite is enabled for Apache
  • Magento 2 also supports LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed servers

1.2. PHP Requirements:

Magento 2 relies heavily on PHP, making it vital to have the correct version and extensions. For optimal performance and compatibility, use PHP 7.4 or 7.3. While Magento 2.4.x supports PHP 7.4, Magento 2.3.x versions are compatible with both PHP 7.4 and 7.3. Furthermore, ensure the following PHP extensions are installed: pdo_mysql, simplexml, gd, curl, intl, hash, zip, dom, xsl, bcmath, soap, and ctype.

  • PHP 7.4 or 7.3 (Magento 2.4 supports PHP 7.4, while Magento 2.3 supports both versions)
  • Required PHP extensions: pdo_mysql, simplexml, gd, curl, intl, hash, zip, dom, xsl, bcmath, soap, and ctype

1.3. Database Requirements:

Selecting the right database is crucial for the smooth functioning of your Magento 2 store. Magento 2.4.x requires MySQL 8.0, while Magento 2.3.x versions support MySQL 5.7. Ensure that your database credentials are readily available during the installation process.

  • MySQL 8.0 (Magento 2.4.x)
  • MySQL 5.7 (Magento 2.3.x)

1.4. System Memory (RAM):

Magento 2 is resource-intensive, especially when handling multiple users and high volumes of data. To ensure optimal performance, have at least 2 GB of RAM available. However, we recommend 4 GB or more for improved efficiency, particularly if you expect significant traffic or plan to run resource-demanding extensions.

  • At least 2 GB (4 GB or more recommended)

1.5. Disk Space:

Disk space is another critical consideration, as Magento 2 requires sufficient storage for its files, media assets, databases, and backups. A minimum of 200 MB is needed for the Magento 2 files, but additional space will be required based on the size of your product catalog, media files, and other data.

  • Minimum 200 MB for Magento files
  • Additional space for media storage, databases, and backups

1.6. SSL Certificate:

As security is paramount for e-commerce websites, we strongly recommend obtaining an SSL certificate to enable secure transactions and safeguard sensitive customer data.

  • Recommended for secure transactions and data protection

Required Software for Magento 2

Magento 2 relies on specific software components to function efficiently. Make sure you have the following software installed:

2.1. Composer

Magento 2 uses Composer, a PHP dependency manager, to install and update software packages. Ensure you have Composer installed on your server before proceeding.

2.2. GIT (optional)

While not mandatory, using GIT for version control is highly recommended, especially if you plan to develop or customize your Magento store.

Installing Magento 2

Once you've confirmed that your server meets all the prerequisites and the necessary software is in place, you can begin the Magento 2 installation process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download Magento 2

Head to the official Magento website or GitHub repository to download the latest version of Magento 2.

Step 2: Setup Database

Create a MySQL database for your Magento 2 store. You'll need the database name, username, and password during the installation process.

Step 3: Run Composer

Using SSH, navigate to your Magento 2 root directory and run the composer command to install Magento and its dependencies.

Step 4: Run Magento Installer

Access your Magento 2 store via a web browser and follow the installation wizard. Enter the necessary database details and store configurations.

Step 5: Complete Installation

Once the installation process is complete, make sure to secure your store by setting appropriate file permissions and enabling security features like Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).


Magento 2 is a powerful and feature-rich e-commerce platform, but ensuring your server meets its requirements is crucial for a smooth installation and optimal performance. By understanding the prerequisites and necessary software, you can confidently set up your Magento 2 store and embark on a successful online retail journey.

Remember to regularly update Magento and its extensions, keep backups, and implement best security practices to protect your store from potential threats. Happy e-commerce selling with Magento 2.

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    JMWritten by John Mueller

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