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Love stories.


By GlitchPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

1. Eternal Embrace

In the realm where time is but a fleeting breeze,

Exists a force that brings humanity to its knees.

It's love, the essence of our souls' deepest desire,

A burning, eternal, unquenchable fire.

2. Love's Awakening

In youth's tender dawn, love takes its first breath,

A whispered promise, a dance with no death.

In blushing cheeks and stolen glances, it starts,

A symphony of emotions that conquers all hearts.

A touch, a smile, a heartbeat's gentle thrum,

In love's embrace, we find where we're from.

Two souls collide in a cosmic design,

A love story written by the stars, divine.

3. Love's Passion

As love matures, it ignites with a blaze,

A passionate fire that in hearts amaze.

Desire burns hot, like a raging wildfire,

Conquering doubts and fears, never to tire.

In the heat of passion, we lose our way,

In the depth of your eyes, forever I'd stay.

Our bodies entwine, a dance so profound,

In love's fervent embrace, we're forever bound.

4. Love's Trials

Yet love's path is not always smooth and clear,

It's fraught with trials that often bring tears.

We stumble and fall, our hearts may break,

But love, resilient, finds a way to remake.

Through storms we sail, hand in hand, side by side,

Love's unyielding fortress, nothing can divide.

In adversity's grip, our love finds its might,

Emerging unscathed, bathed in a celestial light.

5. Love's Depth

Love is not just passion, it's profound and deep,

A connection that promises secrets to keep.

In whispered confessions under the moon's gentle glow,

We bare our souls, letting emotions freely flow.

In laughter and silence, in joy and despair,

Love's tender embrace is always there.

It's the depth of understanding, the bond we share,

A love that transcends the ordinary, rare.

6. Love's Wisdom

With time, love matures, gaining wisdom's grace,

An enduring presence that time cannot erase.

It's a knowing glance, a comforting touch,

A love that has weathered life's storms as such.

Through the pages of time, our love's story unfolds,

A masterpiece of emotions, in vibrant colors, bold.

Each chapter written, our hearts intertwined,

In love's endless narrative, forever defined.

7. Love's Legacy

As we journey through life, hand in hand, heart in heart,

We leave a legacy of love, a work of art.

For love is the legacy that truly remains,

In the hearts of those touched by its sweet, gentle strains.

So let us cherish this gift, so divine,

A love that transcends the limits of time.

In the tapestry of existence, our love is the thread,

A love that will live on, even after we're dead.

8. Love's Everlasting Promise

In the end, as the sands of time gently slip away,

Our love will endure, in the night and the day.

For love is eternal, a timeless refrain,

In its sweet, endless embrace, we'll forever remain.

In every heartbeat, in each breath that we take,

In the love we give and the love we forsake,

Love's enduring promise, forever we'll prove,

In this journey of love, our souls will truly groove.

So let us celebrate love in all its splendor,

A force that's boundless, tender, and tender.

In love's embrace, we find our truest worth,

A love that's eternal, the most precious on Earth.

9. My place

In your eyes, I found my place,

A love so pure, a warm embrace.

Together we soar, like birds above,

In your love, I've found my love.


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