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little drops


By Donika StoyanovaPublished 10 months ago 2 min read

There, on the little cobbled streets, little drops of rain were falling, falling on the cobblestones. I was so fixed on those little drops that I didn't even notice who was approaching from the rough sidewalk. It was her. Still so perfect in her imperfection. She moved with small quick steps, dressed in a scarlet red dress, which was soaked from the rain and emphasized her ideal forms.

It was at this point that I stopped breathing. I held my breath so as not to miss any of her steps, blinking, breathing.And then our eyes met. I was numb from what I saw.

There was nothing but coldness left in those eyes. It was so categorically indifferent that the initial warm wave I felt turned into ash that froze.

He barely smiled at me, nodded his head slightly and continued on his way as if I were a complete stranger. As if I were a ghost. Or worse. It's like I never existed.

And right there I realized that all this time I really loved her.

I decided to go after her in the hope that I could ignite a spark in her and warm her up, but alas, I stopped right around the corner.

I saw her turning back into that woman bubbling with joy, happiness and love. But!

Not for me. For them! For her husband and son. She was so happy that I couldn't do anything but freeze in place. She grabbed her husband and took her child with her other hand, held him close to her and they continued down the street, got into their car and they set off.

And I wasn't breathing.

The little drops trickled down my face. And I swear at that moment I could hear them talking.

(You killed her! You betrayed her! You! You! You!)

I fell to my knees and cried

I killed her!

I killed your love! And now I'm cursed to love you all my life, even though I'll never have you.

And there in that little street, I realized what I had and what I had lost.

And the little droplets continued to flow and repeat

You killed her!


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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

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DSWritten by Donika Stoyanova

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