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It Took Me Almost A Decade- But I Finally Did It

The Re-Publishing of my Fantasy Novel

By Hope MartinPublished 15 days ago 4 min read
The Newest Cover - Made by JLNP&DS - Link In The Article

When I first started writing my first completed novel, I was almost 20, I think. Oddly, I don't remember the year I started writing it. All I know is that it took me almost 8 years to get the first draft done.

What began as writer's block soon escalated into a forgotten project as life took me away from writing. There were reasons, and I won't bother to bore anybody with them. Eventually, it got done. I was so excited about it, that I really didn't do a complete and proper re-read. I just foolishly sent it to a publisher. And it was accepted.

I was sold a lot of mumbo jumbo that a sales associate who runs off commission would tell a clearly inexperienced and overly excited writer who has big, big dreams. I signed a contract and began paying them. Life smashed me in the face with a mace, so for a few months, payments fell off track and the progress of publishing the book was halted.

When I finally got my crap together and paid the rest of the 5k I owed them, they began the process of regretting the work done. They provided me with a wonderfully AI-rendered reconstruction of the cover I originally commissioned from a wonderful talented artist on Guru (this was several years ago, I do not know if she still works on there) that I had given to them as a sample.

They sent me a huge document of my 'edited' manuscript in a layer of RED over my original manuscript in a large PDF file. So after 3 days of attempting to read this migraine, unknowing that it had just been run through an AI program (again, about 6 YEARS ago, when AI wasn't as smart as Grammarly is now.) and it completely botched the job, I approved the changes after confirming that a person had been the one to edit my book.

Hint: She lied and I believed her.

It was 2 years of embarrassment. I made 100.08 cents, and I had paid a little over 5 grand. I gave up on this project for a few years. And I am horrified that people even bought and read it in the state it was in. It was a good story, I was just ashamed of my mistakes with the publisher.

When my family suggested (with force) that I try again, my fiance offered to edit and said I should re-read it, and touch it up. It took a little over a year, and a lot of arguing with myself over whether I should bother, I decided 6 weeks before my birthday that I wanted to get this done... for my birthday.

My sis even drew up a new cover for me to use: Jessie Lynn Photography and Digital Services

Sidenote: She thinks it looks terrible - but in my book, the environment is ever-changing and comprised of scenery that is borne of the dreams of the souls that live within the world. The moment in the book this cover represents, the world was made of felt at the time. Yes, felt, like felt puppets. So it's so amazingly appropriate - and I don't think she did it on purpose.

Two days ago, my newly polished and edited book was accepted on a third self-publishing platform. And, maybe this is just me feeling excited that... I am trying again, I just wanted to step back and be proud of what I've accomplished. I didn't think I would ever get to this point - and for a while, I doubted it was even worth it.

But... I am not the type to ever truly give up. I'm going to work hard - because if I don't then all the hard work my future husband and my sissy put into it would truly be for nothing - and that would be even worse than trying and failing.

To my family, and my mom, thanks for not giving up on my sorry ass.... And to my readers - if you would be so kind as to share my book links with those who might enjoy a good story of love, loss, individual growth, perseverance, a little hope, and a lot of fantasy - I would appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

Amazon has my book in hardcover, on kindle, and in paperback.

Barnes and Nobles has it in paperback and digitally.

But...if you ask me...

Campfirewriting.com is the best place to get the digital version, because not only do you get the book, but you can also choose to get juicy extras after each chapter, like a detailed description of Limbo, Warrior City, character profiles, and a personalized letter from me at the end.

You could buy it too if it sounds like your cup of tea - but I already feel REALLY weird asking people to even share my the links to my book. I should probably work on that if I want to succeed. I'm only beginning to realize I may have to socialize for this.


About the Creator

Hope Martin

I am a published author of a book called Memoirs of the In-Between. I am doing a rewrite of it, as it needed some polishing. I am a mom, a cook, a homesteader, and a second-generation shaman.

Find me on Medium also!


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