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I Promise

Web Series

By Armatha MayfieldPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Maya Stanford, a loving wife to her husband of five years, wishes to have the “American Dream” family. Sacrificing her life long dream career of being an restaurant owner, working as a bank teller, to please and cater to her husband-- Jackson. Even though she does all she can for him, Jackson still finds a way to drag her through the mud, leaving her with heartache and depression. After a outrageous argument-- that causes a traumatizing incident, Maya has to decide if saving her marriage is what she wants-- or is another man in the view of her being truly happy.

Season 1 Episode 1 - VALENTINE'S DAY (Scene 1)

[FLASHBACK - Opening Scene] Jackson and I met our Freshman Year in high school, in history class. He was so sweet and handsome. I, on the other hand, was the normal go unseen girl in school. Although it was a weird match, we just sort of grew on one another. Our relationship lasted through breakups, makeups, cheating, lying, and beatings. When we got in college it's like I was just a familiar face that he knew he could always go back to if needed. Now that I think about it, I was just in love with a man that I knew didn't love me in that same measure. Although, kept me because he didn't want to see what I would look like with another man.

[Scene ends with fading clip of Maya and Jaclson hugged up and snuggling. Then the screen goes black and Mayas narrative starts to play.]

[Narration voice of Maya]: I couldn't wait for my husband to come home. It was Valentine's day weekend, which so happen to be our anniversary weekend as well. Clever right? My husband and I decided to get married on Valentine's because we knew neither one of us would forget, nor would we waste a minute of it. Besides, it was a good excuse for me to do whatever I wanted with my husband, and that was the golden ticket for me.

Maya: “What could be taking him so long?” (Looks at the time on her phone.)

[Narrative voice of Maya]: However, for the last two years, he's forgotten-- or so he says. Our relationship hasn't been the brightest lately, but we were still trying to make our marriage last-- at least I was anyway.

Jackson: “Ah, yes sir. I will have those papers to you Monday. Alright sir. Goodbye.” (Jackson begins to walk into the bedroom door.)

Maya: “Hey baby. How was work?” (Maya begins to walk over to Jackson to embrace him. As soon as she makes it close to him, he brushes her off and walks over to the bed to set down his belongings.)

Jackson: “It was work. Like always.”

[Narrative voice of Maya]: I hated when he did this. He couldn't even at least act like he still remembered. I mean for goodness sake, it was our fifth year anniversary. He could act like he cared for once in our relationship.

Maya: (Sighs and turns towards Jackson) “Yes, I know it's work. But was it good? Bad? Busy? How was it?”

Jackson: (Begins to let out a sigh and rub his forehead.) “Maya. I don't feel like doing this tonight… Ok?”

[Narrative voice of Maya]: Here we go again. Why couldn't he just let the moment happen!? Every time I tried to do what a wife does, and give pleasure to the man I loved… He acted as if I was a fungi he didn't want to touch. Ok Maya, just start over… It's fine…

Maya: (Walks up to Jackson and places her hand on the right side of his face, making him look up at her.) “I don't want to fight tonight Jackson. I just want to know how your day was. That's all.”

Jackson: (Stands up and slightly moves away from Maya.) “Work. It doesn't matter how it went. Someone has to pay the bills around here, don't you think? (Starts to look her up and down with disgust.) And what the hell do you have on?”

Maya: “It's your anniversary present. You do remember you're married right?” (Stands with her arms crossed.)

Jackson: “I know that I'm married. I know who my wife is. I know who she isn't, and she's not a person I would want to spend a romantic anniversary with. Or anything for that matter.

Maya: (Slowly starts to unfold her arms, with a sadden look on her face.)

Jackson: “Now (pause), go put some clothes on.” (Walks into the bathroom and begins to undress.)

Maya: (Stands in the room, with her hand over her mouth about to cry.)

[Camera begins to go towards the opposite direction from Maya-- end scene.]


Episode 1 - VALENTINE’S DAY (Scene 2)

[Casey is in her living room, watching TV. Her phone begins to ring, and its Maya on the other end.]

Casey: “Hello.” (Casey waits patiently on the line.) “Maya?”

Maya: (Silently sobbing, then clears throat.) “Hey Cass. Got a minute?”

Casey: “Always. What’s going on girl?”

[Narrative voice of Casey]: Whenever Maya called me having a problem, it was spelled, J.A.C.K.S.O.N. Ever since I met her my Sophomore Year in college, she was always worried about losing her precious Jackson-- even if he was full of crap. I never could understand what she saw in him. I mean, my girl was bad! She could have had any man she wanted… But she choice, Jackson.

Maya: “Can you come get me, and we'll go out for drinks? My treat.”

Casey: “Sure thing girl. I'll be there in twenty minutes, be ready.” (Casey hangs up the phone with a puzzled look on her face.)

[Camera clip cuts to Casey in front of Maya’s home.]

[Maya gets into the car with her head hung low.]

Casey; “Hey girl. What’s going on? Lemme guess, Jackson’s sorry ass…”

Maya: “Don’t start that Cass… Don’t. I just need a drink-- that’s it.”

Casey: (Rolls her eyes, and begins to crank up the car.) “Ok, whatever.”

[Maya and Casey make it to a local bar. They are now sitting down, waiting for to order their drinks.]

Casey: “So, what's really going on Ya-Ya? I know it's something with that asshole of a man.”

Maya: “Cass. After all these years of me being with that man, I just can't do it anymore. I want my husband but, not like this.” (Starts to hang and shake her head.)

Casey: “I knew it... Alright, tell me what happened this time.”

[Right when Maya was about to begin telling Casey what happened, the bartender approaches them and greets them.]

Bartender: “Hey ladies. What can I get you on this fine Valentine's day?”

Casey: (Begins to smirk.) “If you're on the menu. That's what I'll have.” (Looking the bartender up and down in a seductive manner.)

Bartender: “Sorry miss. I'm not on the menu.”

[Narrative voice of Casey]: Damn. Shot down. He must've been one of those “pretty boys”, to turn down a pass from me.

Bartender: “What's wrong with your friend? (gesturing towards Maya, who is looking a little down in her seat) She looks a little sappy on a weekend like this.”

Maya: (Speaking with her head still hung down.) “I don't have a lot to be happy about.”

Bartender: (Looking at her in confusion and empathy.) “Well, if I had a woman as beautiful as you. You wouldn't be mopping around. You'll have the biggest smile on your face from me giving you everything you needed.” (The bartender starts to smirk, and Maya raises her her and looks at him in awe.)

[Narrative voice of Casey]: Oh no he didn't! I finally saw that it wasn't that I was flirting… It was just that fact that he didn't wanna flirt with me!

(Casey looks at the bartender with a perched lip.)

Casey: “I need to go to the bathroom. I think I'm going to be sick.” (Begins to get up and walk away.)


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    AMWritten by Armatha Mayfield

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