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Hey Vocal, Your AI Detection Algorithm Is Flagging Your Real Users

An Open Letter to the Vocal Dev Team, On Behalf of Writers Facing Off Against Artificial Intelligence Writing

By Olivia L. DobbsPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Hey Vocal, Your AI Detection Algorithm Is Flagging Your Real Users
Photo by erica steeves on Unsplash

If it wasn’t readily apparent from my profile and collection of stories, I’m a huge STEM nerd. When ChatGPT was announced I rejoiced about the potential for innovation and efficiency. Where many saw [an absolutely incredibly valid] concern about jobs being stolen and their livelihood being jeopardized, I couldn’t help but wax optimistic, suddenly all authors were granted a new, free tool for peer-like review, SEO optimization, and, yes, even text generation.

AI very quickly became my new, favorite writing tutor. I could paste in my rough paragraphs and get validation, reviews for improvement, and relevant SEO-optimized title suggestions in seconds. With the tool, I could spend more time doing what I actually love: writing - and could then worry less about the editing and marketing aspect of this career. On top of that, having the validation of a bot behind me boosted my confidence as a writer - I could post knowing that an algorithm trained on good writing patterns thought that what I was creating was at least technically sound.

Then, one day after the submission of a story, a shocking email arrived in my inbox: Your Story Has NOT Been Approved Due to AI and/or Spam Content. I was hit with a sense of dread. Did having an AI writing tutor make me start writing more like an AI to the point where it looked like I was a robot? Was I harming my craft? Did using Grammarly cause some unforeseen consequences?

I turned to the internet to find out what the issue was. I pasted my story into ChatGPT asking, “Does this appear to be written by AI?” and the bot responded, “Nope, that’s human, definitely not AI.” I did the same with Copyleaks and Writer.com and passed the tests with flying colors on both, not a sentence indicating plagiarism or AI-chat generation. In a panic, I went through my entire article and re-edited, taking random guesses at sentence structures that maybe were too robotic-sounding and resubmitted. A few hours later after the resubmit, I got a new email. Once again: Your Story Has NOT Been Approved Due to AI and/or Spam Content.

Stressed and frustrated, I turned to the Vocal Social Society for support and quickly discovered that I wasn’t the only person who received one of these warning emails. In fact, a lot of people have been struggling with my exact issue, or even worse, since this update.

One author I spoke with joined Vocal just a couple of months ago to publish self-care articles and almost immediately had problems. According to Colleen Flanagan, she’s already noticed multiple issues with the AI detection on Vocal. Out of 13 stories, “Two already [falsely] flagged as spam or AI, including one about adult acne care I spent 6.5 hours writing, the other about my true experiences as an online psychic. When I contacted support, my request went to ZenDesk, another fiasco, and poor customer service. I wish I'd NEVER joined Vocal+ and as of today, I plan to delete my account and articles in July 2024 when my yearly subscription expires”

Another author, Ashley Lima, was shocked to find that a Handmaid’s Tale essay she wrote was flagged, which she was thankfully able to resolve. Even after producing over 100 stories over two years and even winning a challenge and being highlighted by the Vocal Community, the new Vocal algorithm was concerned she was a bot.

Some users have even experienced a pseudo-shadow-ban because of false flagging. According to author Dhawy Febrianti, “I still have my author profile but it doesn’t show my profile anymore because of this issue [...] Now my Vocal author profile has gone because of this issue. I kept contacting them, [proving] that they are not AI articles but it ended up that way, apparently.”

Even more concerningly, other authors like Cendrine Marrouat were surprised to hear that Vocal had any sort of AI detection in place, “They have an AI-detection system? More seriously, I don't know what they use, but it is obviously not working. They let so many AI-generated through and get [Top Stories] that at this point, I am thinking of leaving. I think one was actually able to place in a challenge.”

Harris AJ noticed the same concerning trend on his feed; “Genuine articles get flagged; AI fills up the pages. Weird.”

The people being penalized by Vocal’s update are real writers - folks who are engaged in the community, winning contests, making top stories, and writing their hearts out. And yet, after all this frustration from individual Vocal writers, AI is still getting through and bots are still clogging up even the Top Story section.

Here’s the problem: not even AI companies are confident about being able to tell if written content is AI-generated or not. OpenAI itself recently shut down its AI-detection tool because of its disappointingly low accuracy. And we need to face the facts: AI is going to get more sophisticated and more difficult to detect. Whether we like it or not, we are engaging in an arms race we’ve already lost.

The ultimate goal here, as a community of writers, is to keep humanity in writing. To do so sustainably, we need to adapt the platform along with the unignorable shifts in technology we’re witnessing. Using AI to detect AI isn’t the solution that we need - or a solution that’s working well for us.

If Vocal’s concern is the frequency of posting, as author Mike Singleton mentioned in his article, Art Should Be By Artists Not "Artificial Intelligence", Vocal would be better off setting post limits for writers, especially on new accounts. Or, perhaps users could provide personal information to verify their accounts or captchas to submit so that folks aren’t using bot accounts to mass-submit articles at the very least.

The ultimate solution that will remain sustainable will require more nuance than what we’re currently working with. More nuance, too, than I’m qualified to offer. But it is apparent that the detection system isn’t working for me, and it isn’t working for many other Vocal authors. If Vocal is going to persist, it needs to adapt with a better solution than what it is offering us.

“I feel like they are using AI to detect AI and the whole thing is going to blow up”, author Carianna Zeisel pointed out on the same post on Vocal Social Society, “I understand wanting to be aware of people using AI but there [are so] many stories of false flagging already, they’re going to lose members over it.

Carianna is definitely on to something here. If stories like these, of real writers growing frustrated over the site’s false flagging, of users experiencing heartbreak over losing their accounts when they’ve done nothing wrong, writers are going to lose faith in Vocal.

After days of radio silence from support, I gave up and posted my article about Fast Fashion to Medium instead. As I run my final edit of this blog, I’m stricken by a newfound sensation of dread and nervousness - will this fully human blog be flagged? Will my account be suspended? Did I write too much like a robot again? I’ll press submit and hope for the best, but it doesn’t elicit the same feeling of joy it used to.

Vocal, I hope one day I’ll feel that joy on your platform again.


About the Creator

Olivia L. Dobbs

Science Enthusiast, Naturalist, Dreamer, Nerd.

I crosspost my Medium articles here :)

You can find my main account on Medium: https://medium.com/@oliviadobbs13

Check out my science! -> bit.ly/DobbsEtAl

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Comments (14)

  • Erzsébetabout a month ago

    This is becoming so frustrating. I've just gotten back into writing and expressing, my posts, the new that I have all only took minutes to publish. Now I'm sitting here attempting my second post in the week waiting hours. I don't seem to even get an email saying it's been denied, just to log back on at some point and see it back in my drafts. They don't even tell me what part and why.

  • Unbreakable Heart2 months ago

    I'm having the same issues here. I already had two stories flagged as "AI-generated" even though I spent many hours writing them and all words are my own (apart from some quotes that I clearly credit to their authors). The first time I contacted support they published my story anyway. Let's see what happens this time. But I'm already considering leaving Vocal and just sticking to Medium because I don't want to keep on contacting support even though I put so much effort into my stories.

  • This is my first day on Vocal. I'm a writer on Medium. My very first story was flagged as Possible Spam/AI-generated. But that's total b.s. I WROTE MY STORY -- it's a story that I copy and pasted from my Medium account to Vocal. My first day and I'm thinking of leaving already. sigh. Blythe

  • Annie Amalaha 2 months ago

    Asides vocal who knows any other platform because I can't see any reason I will stay up all night writing and it's flagged

  • Johanna4 months ago

    Thanks for this article. I'm new to Vocal, my article was flagged and I was going to give it a second try but now they can burn in hello. Thank you autocorrect.

  • VUONG4 months ago

    I posted 2 first post and was refused

  • Wam Rellora5 months ago

    It just happened to me! I worked hard on my story this morning, 2500+ words from my journal, and it was flagged as AI-content? That’s weird. I sent a message to support. I hope they’d respond immediately. If not, I’m just going to upload it on my medium account. I never had this experience there.

  • Alicia Anspaugh5 months ago

    Also, I wanted to Thank you. I have just set up a medium account for my articles. Fingers Crossed that my journey there goes well.

  • Alicia Anspaugh5 months ago

    So Thank you for putting this article up, this has been extremely frustrating.

  • Alicia Anspaugh5 months ago

    I have two accounts on vocal 1 is for my creative writing and the other for my non fiction articles and local interviews. The one that holds my articles is CONSTANTLY GETTING FLAGGED FOR AI & SPAM.....I can barely get anything to submit for review. Its very frustrating as I was attempting to bring my blog audience to vocal and I cant get my work posted.

  • Armchair Detective6 months ago

    I just had a story rejected due to AI. I found your story as I was looking if other writers were having similar issues. Hopefully, it will be resolved soon, otherwise, I will stop posting here.

  • Jackie Adams6 months ago

    I was just flagged for a completely original story, unedited! I’m so disappointed and don’t understand what could be the contention….hoping it gets resolved but by reading the members comments on the issue it seems it may not. I finally overcame my fear of sharing my work and now it’s still not shared. Argh. :(

  • Taylor Rigsby8 months ago

    Thanks for the article Olivia! I'm still pretty new to Vocal and was so excited when I first published my first 3 stories... but then felt immediate dread when, this past week, I started getting these rejection notices. And over stories I actually worked really hard on! I tried reaching out to support and got in contact with someone who made it seem like they put me on a list or something (saying I wasn't an AI)... but then when I went to resubmit those stories they were flagged yet again - for the same reason! I was really excited and hopeful when I first found this platform, but now I'm not so sure. Anyway, thank you for providing some much needed insight. At least it makes me feel like I'm not going crazy.

  • Colleen Flanagan10 months ago

    Thanks Olivia, for sharing my unhappy experiences on this platform, along with others' being falsely accused of spam/AI when we've ALL seen articles here that reek of spam & sales pitches. I hope the Vocal admins & investors take note. I've lost ALL desire to post on Vocal, despite buying a V+ membership. Congrats on this well-written, cautionary article... well done!

Olivia L. DobbsWritten by Olivia L. Dobbs

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