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Dream Maestro

Chirping of the Cicadas

By Ocusan MPublished 10 months ago 10 min read

Somewhere deep down below there is a door to the Underworld that opens into another dimension that only a few have witnessed. The entrance lies within a garden where a house stands with a secret basement. The house is a decent house with many rooms once occupied by a Doctor who discovered the hidden tunnels after an earthquake caved in a portion of a wall. Taking a lantern through the tunnels he found at the end a strange door that was left ajar. Thick vaporous smoke evaporated into mist as he felt he was stepping into another realm. And then the Doctor was seen no more. His disappearance was alarming to his wife who maintained the house learning that it was connected to a underworld. Sleeping became Supernatural as the young widow became transfixed by the calling of the mist that loomed from below awaking her slumber. She wore a white luminous gown while barefoot she walked with her velvet robe trailing. The moon was full while on this night hundreds of cicada bugs swarmed down from the Trees . She had always been fascinated by the glittery wings while wondering how they obtained their glitter. It was a special night she shall never forget for on this night the widow would meet her true love. She stepped through the door where she had looked several times for her husband with no avail. The fog made it difficult to find anything but the soil beneath her feet. She wondered where the mist originated from as the moon above turned to a purple heart absorbing her nature. Then there in the clouds stood a glittering figure that reminded her of a cicada manifesting a silver glittery cape with a matching mask. He looked Supernatural himself underneath the hearted moon. Up in the trees the chirping of the winged bugs made the scene elusive. She moved in closer to speak to the masked man. Asking who he was, he just smiled a handsome smile telling her he was part of her imagination. He explained further that she had entered the realm of the Supernatural where dreams become reality. She became confused asking if he had seen the missing Doctor. He said he had not although it was dangerous in this realm where monsters prey upon innocent souls. He beckoned her with his cape leading her through the mist to a house that she hadn’t seen before. It’s alright, it’s my house. Upon entering she found everything decorated with white furniture where she found a sofa to sit. He sat next to her looking at her through his mask. Do you ever take it off? He laughed again finding her words amusing. Suddenly a chirping cicada flew in, landing upon her frail neck. The widow screamed as its golden wings flapped while the masked man scooped up the insect tossing it through an open window. It had terrified the girl to tears as she wept where he had to comfort her. There, there don’t be frightened, it’s only a harmless bug. Then he kissed her lips ever so softly making her feel like she had never felt before. The silhouette of glittery bugs upon the window were seen through the gold satin curtains. She felt as if they were watching her as she held his embrace. He picked her up taking her to his bed chamber while more bugs appeared on his window. Outside something had fallen from the sky & was burning a bright iridescent green that burned through out the night as the two became lovers. Upon awakening the fire became a noticeable bright glare that caused the couple to inspect. What do you think it is? I’m not sure, it looks like maybe a meteorite. Funny that it didn’t make a sound when landing. Why does it glow a green light? It could be radiation, we should not stand near it long, it could be toxic. Should we report it? To Who? No one else but me lives in the Supernatural. Why do you exist here? To keep dreams alive, I am the Dream Maestro . Going back into the house he began searching his library for clues of the metal object. The woman searched too as she found a picture in a book that resembled the meteorite with a green cloud that explained it was krypton. Isn’t kryptonite a fictional invention of flying characters? I’ve heard this before, yet somehow I don’t remember where. I hope things don’t start flying around, or create a poltergeist.. The masked man smiled, he had changed his mask to another color, this one solid white,silver & traces of glittery green.She liked staying with him yet she hadn’t found any food with her stomach hungry. Don’t you eat food? He smiled & explained that he was not of the same world, he needed no food as he was a spirit existing for over one hundred years. Do you have any other friends? He said he did, that they contact him on his time piece that he used to connect if needed. She wanted to stay as she needed food substance yet there wasn’t even a kitchen. He told her to go back & to return when she felt nourished. She looked outside with the meteorite fire still burning, her gown needed changing as well. He wished her well as she departed back through the tunnel to the huge door that led her into her house. She wasn’t expecting to find the horrific site of her missing husband lying in a pile of smoking leaves with cicadas covering his zombiefied body. She screamed at the realization it was her husband while pieces of green meteorites stuck to his face. It was a horrible site to endeavor as his widow packed her things running back through the hidden door to find her man. Dream Maestro, where are you? She found his home empty. I’m over here, she found him in his meditation garden seeming to float in thin air. I’m not sure how this happened, I think you were right about the krypton. He spoke to her while floating as if upon a surrealistic pillow. I brought some food provisions, I just need a fire to cook on. That can be made, I know how to make a meteorite fire now. He held out some pieces of meteorite tossing them into the wind. They lit up like fireworks. It was a strange place where she found water drinkable as he could drink as if it was all he required. She liked the simplicity of drinking water from the garden fountain, as it washed away her experience of finding her X mummified in her front yard. She told him about it as he was puzzled of how he had contacted the fallen object from the sky. She never noticed before that he had a receiver earpiece inserted in his mask. It was blinking a blue flash where he had gotten a call. I understand Professor, I’ll be there right away with the device. His way of communication was beyond her thinking, although she understood. Excuse me Madam X, I must attend to a delivery beyond the stars. Where are you going? It’s a remote moon base made into a hospital that gives me top priority. What will you take there? A Dream box that I invented that will help recovering soldiers, they are eager to experience my equipment. I want to go too, how will you get there? Do you have a craft? He cleared his throat saying with his deep masculine voice, My house is my craft. I do not understand?? Step inside and I will show you. Getting adjusted in two swivel chairs that sat at a control panel that pulled out from a panel where controls flew the house as it lifted up flying through the air. It was a bit overwhelming as she never expected to travel to space, let alone inside a house. He tried to explain how it flew with no rockets but used anti gravity that too was beyond her comprehension. It felt excelerating to rush through the stars where they had a window view of the hemisphere. Soon the moon was in full view as its milky structure blurred as if surrounded by a invisible nebulosity. The house itself played sounds that sounded like synthesized notes of fragments that made the voyage surreal. I know so little about you, now I discover you are not only a Dream Maestro but an inventor. He smiled easing down on the controls as he landed the home upon the moons surface. The hospital was in full view as the closet opened with suitable spacesuits that they climbed into in the zero gravity. Everything seemed to float into place as they stepped out onto the lunar surface with the cargo held firmly in his hand. They were instantly greeted by the Professor who had a big grin that welcomed them into the tiny structure. You made it! We’re all so overjoyed to have you here. The room was full of hospital beds holding golden age war veterans who were the first chosen for the mission. Doctors & nurses swayed in the rhythm of zero gravity while large plastic pipes filtered down the corridors. The inner shell of a dome where the vets slept seemed like being under a mother turtle, as that was the nickname they gave the clinic. Many were traumatized severely so their wasn’t a celebration, just solemn eyes staring with the understanding that the Dream machine had arrived. The Professor explained that they all were given a pill with the Dream camera that would make contact with the recording of the machine. There were ten cd burners, one for each patient. His white hair was ecstatic looking much like Albert Einstein as it seemed electrified in the zero gravity. His interns took the box that had long extensions of headbands that were placed upon each patient. We can converse in the other room while they sleep. We’d love to Professor, as we’re a bit tired from our journey and wish to retire to our house for the night. Of course! Won’t you & your lady come tomorrow to view the results? Seeing the manifestations of my inventions is part of my job, it makes my work reputation a full picture. Then let us resume tomorrow, be sure to set your timer as the sun doesn’t rise on the moon. I almost forgot, the solar lighting is unmistakably well done! There was laughter among the small circle of Nurses & interns who gathered around the two time travelers. The Professor then switched out the light as the room lightly snored themselves to sleep. The following day the patients were wide awake gathering in the viewing room to see their dreams interrupted upon disc. Since this was the first experience with the recording their wasn’t a lot of full pictures as many had memory loss from being Prisoners of War. There was one patient who dreamt of his family having a Christmas dinner somewhere in the past. It felt rewarding to see him experience seeing his family as he had lost them being a sole survivor.Other recordings started to manifest past family members that replaced the bad memories of being POWs.It made the men regain moral as the recording played on pleasant experiences erasing the shell shock experiences. The men began singing while they dreamt night after night of marching & sailing out to sea. Tears of joy spilled from the Professors face, I don’t know how to thank you enough! I should like to know how you invented such a machine, but I know it’s your secret. Indeed it is, the masked hero held out a small case of gold compact discs. I present you with a gift of modern technology that will expand more consciousness for this first hospital moon base. Taking the golden box, the Professor handed him a check for One Hundred Thousand Dollars!🤪🤪 We have plans for female Veterans after the new section is built! There is something distressing.. Oh, go on..I found a fallen meteorite in my yard. You don’t say! Did it have green gases? It had a glow to it that I thought safe until my lady found her late husband deceased & covered with glowing meteorite debris. Oh my! That is alarming, what can I do? If you can have someone pick up his body to investigate. He handed the Professor the address. It will be done as I am curious about such science. Id like some pictures of the meteorite as well. I hope it doesn’t fall up here! The voice of a man yelled out from overhearing. Always joking around Colin, I saw your dream sequence of what looked like a giant Hedgehog🦔🦔 hoping on the lunar surface 🧐🧐 It wasn’t a Hedgehog, it was a Groundhog because my birthday is on Groundhog Day🤨🤨 I was unaware the day had significance. Maestro laughed & said that he liked all animals, even Grounhogs🦫🦫 on that note Maestro shook hands with Doctors & Professionals acknowledging the trip had been a success. Going back inside their flying house they said their Goodbyes.. Lady X wondered what a hundred year old Spirit would do with the money he received.. Oh she could think of some thing she could do with a surplus of wealth. This would have to wait for another day as she & her masked friend had other things to take care of. They both fell upon the revolving bed as the house zoomed through the stars back to the Dream World.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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