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Through the eyes of John Smith

By Ocusan MPublished 10 months ago 16 min read

The young Indian maidan was picking flowers in the forest while singing a song..I once traveled in my mind, to a Inca city back in time..where golden pillars reached the sky, Great men and women were proud to die..The great bear claw is in the live like a warrior one must be brave..The beating of the drum is in my blood, The golden Sun is full of love..She didn’t see the ships as they approached from the sea cliff view. Her name was Pocahontas the first Native woman to make contact with English explorers who sailed their clipper ships across the Atlantic to make first contact. And suddenly he was there, standing in the midst of the trees giving the young girl a magnificent scare as she had not seen a outsider before. Throwing down her gathered flowers she ran in fear until she reached her longhouse among her tribe. Telling her father, Powhatan what she had encountered while gathering flowers. Summing a group of tribesmen her father being the Chief became very alarmed at the sight of foreign ships carrying pirates from afar. The Captain who’s ships had sailed around the world exploring life, exotic & primitive, had a reputation where his honor had been threatened such as being accused of fraternising with un orthodox spirits. It’s not that he was violent or belligerent, he just understood things from the natives point of view, where his commanders thought of him as a traitor. His attraction towards the native girl blossomed like a fairy tale as he was attracted to her fascination for acquiring the fashion of the European well to do. Showing her a mirror for the first time, she gazed at her reflection of long dark hair decorated with handmade beads. Not understanding any English, Jon Smith taught her his name, touching his chest & pronouncing each syllable, Jon, Jon. She in turn learned his name, pronouncing his name in the same manner. Yes, I am Jon! He laughs while she laughs back. It was the first time her heart felt empathy for someone. Her father on the other hand stood in the background angered at her attraction. He wanted to kill him & attempted to do so. Before he could do so, the young maiden threw her body in front of Captain Smith, blocking his rage letting him know that she did not approve. Warning her that she must never see him again as he was an outsider who was not a part of the family clan. The kinship system of her people was different. Her mother sat in the corner weaving at her loom. She was silent because women were not allowed to speak until spoken to. She did not want to live this way, longing for a life with her newly found friend, she made a vow to escape. She watched from the sidelines of the new town the English explorers were building. She could see Captain Smith teaching settlers & natives how to farm & fish as she thought of him as a good teacher. She hadn’t approached him since that day with her father, Powhatan the Chief of her people. This was until Thanksgiving occurred when a feast between the two races sat down at one long table to celebrate the plentiful harvest. Wild Turkeys were the main course served with homemade bread and roasted corn with sweet potatoes. Standing by a tree to see such a celebration she was startled when Captain Smith called out to her from the crowd. Your invited too little Hon, as he liked to call her. Slowly she gathered the courage to sit down to eat a meal as everyone bowed their heads to say Grace. Looking down the table she could not see her father. He mysteriously wasn’t there. And then Captain Smith said a prayer that she could not understand, having it said..Lord, let us give Thanks to this day for the food we share as a bridge between peoples. Amen. She bowed her head mimicking their custom. The apple tree had provided cider served in wooden cups with silverware that she had never seen before. Soon, the winter season would arrive painting a fresh coat of snow upon the new settlement. Years went by as she saw less of Captain Jon while she attended the school they had built learning how to speak the English language. One day while she was writing on the chalkboard after class she turned around to find Captain Smith standing there. You have grown up little Hon! He remarked with his airy smile. She could understand although it was difficult. Yes, is all she could say. Her eyes saddened as she missed not seeing him. He felt her pity, touching her gently. I have missed you. And I miss you too. The two embraced and later they were seen running into the forest where a hidden hot spring was there secret meeting place. The two became love birds in the Swampy mist of vapors while day turned into night with owls & deers watching outside. I don’t care what my fathers thinks, I want to love. The moon was full as the two could not depart from each other. Come with me to England, we can elope. What is elope? To run away by ship.. She smiled and understood. Grabbing her hand they set off to take one of the ships across the sea that she had no idea how big it was. There was enough provisions on board to last the months it took as the water was calm having no storms to endure. She couldn’t help but feel as a part of the ocean as waves rocked her & her love to sleep many fandoms deep. Her mind swirled with joy as she learned to catch fish, crab & lobsters. With her sole mate at the wheel of the ship it was an adventure she shall never forget. As the days lingered on she became a bit homesick as she thought of her mother & father so far from home. And then her Captain showed her a device she had not known to exist. Resembling a pocket watch, although it was not. Instead of watch hands it had a small globe to where she could see an image of her parents. She could see they were worried about her as her mother’s tears made her feel sadness. Don’t worry, we shall send a letter once we arrive. The ship sailed on following the course of a compass & sextant she learned how to read. He taught her how to tell time the sailors way by extending his fist to where the sun was positioned. Twelve o’clock was straight up, three o’clock was to the right, six was straight down, nine to the left & so on. She had never experienced devices before as a telescope & instruments that mapped the stars. Marking the stars kept them on the right course as her Captain had many maps of the constellations that Pocahontas helped name after the animals such as the big & little bear. Jon Smith was very knowledgeable with the constellations as he learned from his voyages in the far East of the Sea of China to follow the stars of sea dragons in the sky. His words were not fully comprehend although his stories kept her imagination vivid. And finally one morning land was sighted as soon as they stepped ashore they were greeted by the Royal British Navy who had an arrest warrant for mutiny & illegal kidnapping. It was a grueling trial where Pocahontas had never seen powdered wigs before. She bravely agreed to have her name changed to a Christian name in order to legalize her existence. She won the court over by telling the story in her broken words of how Captain Jon had built Jamestown teaching her people how to farm the land with a school built where she learned English. The Thanksgiving they had where she had learned a prayer was so heartwarming they dismissed the charges against Jon Smith. The ship they had taken was returned to the Royal Navy ending the sea adventure that brought her to a new & vast world. Residing at his River Thames home, the two lived their lives with Pocahontas renamed, Rebecca. Her new life opened up as a lavished European lifestyle as she wore powdered wigs, glittering jewels & elegant Victorian dresses that Sir Jon furnished to his delight. The couple was madly in love & celebrated with a wedding at sea accompanied by court musicians who played instruments such as the fife & drum with a candlelight ceremony. Just as the were married upon the Godspeed, a strange ship approached having a crew of soldiers who seized Lady Rebecca, demanding the Native American eccentric to be returned to her home world by orders of Queen Ann. Captain Jon would never see his love again. Upon visiting the Queen that he questioned intensely about the abduction, she remained still with pouting lips & too red of French rouge. She gave a speech stating a false rule where native women were not allowed matrimonial under military law. She then promoted him to Admiral but Captain Smith refused and was punished for his refusal with the Queen sending him to live at a Dominican monastery. Rebecca was sent to a deportation ship where she met another Native American named John Rolfe whom she married out of desperation from her heartbreaking realization that her brief marriage to Sir Jon was annulled from existence. While upon her departure her broken heart ached so strongly as she had kept her glass bauble where she could see the image of her family, she had tried to find within it a vision of Captain Jon. Pressing on the orb while shouting..Jon please come back.. As the ship departed the shore a distant face appeared within the orb, as it was her Soulmate. He was trying to speak but she could not hear his words, only his blurry image that broke her heart into a tragic death where she wouldn’t make it back to the distant shores she remembered as her first world. Memories of her life rushed through her mind of them playing in the forest, laughing & running to the sea. It ended too soon as her memory orb she wore around her wrist went dark. The bracelet was returned to Jon Smith upon hearing of her sudden death he fell tired of living a discipline’s life style as a ostracized monk & made a getaway from British rule by boarding a ship to the Caribbean islands. Working as a deck hand he made no reveals of his identity. He felt himself becoming alive again as the sea breeze restored his ailments of confinement. Years passed as the island’s washed away his distant life where he had almost forgotten of his past marriage until one day his ship sailed to the shores of New Spain where he spotted a young maiden who wore the headdress of a Aztec Princess. Her body was adorned with jade trinkets as she stood on the shore admiring the ship. He knew the history of New Spain and read the journals of Cortez, as he had conquered the territory while burning the ships that he sailed after Columbus had discovered America. New Spain was still under British rule yet the people were empowered by their native customs of costume & dance that was centered around myth derived from divine deities both human & animal. This is what she appeared to be to him as he walked from the sea in his high boots & swashbuckling attire. Her face among the ocean air looked straight ahead as if a statue he thought until he moved closer to see the resemblance she had to his Rebecca. From the years sailing the islands Sir Jon had learned to speak a dialect of Espanol which he used to communicate as well as hand signals. He stared at her from a distance, as she motioned for him to move closer. He didn’t know he was standing in the same sunlight with a self created duality. Her name was Ometecuhti, the mother of Quetzalcoatl who existed on two planes, both heaven & Earth. Her body seemed to fluctuate in radiance as if it could disappear at any time as the scent of flowers & incense burned in the background. She led him to a hidden chamber underneath a pyramid that was constructed out of luminous gems that glowed iridescent underneath the moonlight. It was in the pyramid where he learned how to pro create with glass slides that Omet placed upon a crystal table that illuminated a image upon the sun beam that beamed through a open hole in the wall. When she placed a glass slide of a pony, the pony would materialize within the sun’s particles. The pony would then become alive as if it were born in this fashion. Sir Jon changed his name to Senior Juan, as his thoughts changed with the archeological aspects inside the Aztec pyramid. He tried several slides of animals such as Eagles & wolves, until he found one of a man. When manifested he saw it was a warrior dressed in a full head dress of dream catcher feathers that made him wonder if he were Montezuma who commanded to build a house to reach heaven. Holding the slides in his hands he knew the sun would change its position where he only could view the images at high noon. He wasn’t sure how much time he spent inside the structure, as the experience caused him to fall asleep. Upon waking he found the Princess had taken his bracelet & placed it where the glass slides went. Somehow it portrayed a image that it might have gotten its power from. He wasn’t sure where the obstacle originated from since he found it with a chest of buried treasure. There it sat upon the glass table now beaming what looked like another pyramid underneath the stars. Then his Toltec Princess took his hand urging him to jump into the image. Juan was confused as he couldn’t materialize into a projection. Taking his hand she showed him that he could, as his hand materialized through the dust particles. Slowly Senior Juan stepped into the picture with Omet following. He was standing in a desert somewhere as the stars seemed back in time with a North Star he was not familiar with. Camels grazing in the distance told him he was in the far East. A pyramid entrance could be seen as they approached a sand storm picked up causing them to run into the structure. Inside the entrance stood a golden Harpy who told stood upon a burning pedestal that’s flames never extinguished. The Harpy informed them that they were inside the structure built by Montezuma and that they were located above the hemisphere and not upon Earth. Little did he know that his bracelet had the key to heaven above Earth, as he believed it to be more of a mystery that he called his mood watch. Drums began to beet coming from the long corridors that the Harpy told a great ceremony was taking place. Descending through the narrow passages they found a tribe of ancient people offering prayers to bring rain for the harvest. They welcomed the strangers serving them hot soup that was boiling in a caldron that nourished Juan. The rice seemed of ancient grains while the meat tasted like buffalo. Looking around he could see the wall had a waterfall where mugs were filled with rain water as it began to rain as the drumming became stronger. The women danced in joy of the rain ceremony celebration while Juan stared at the faces marked by white paint. He studied the face of their chief who’s name he said was king Pinyon, named from the pine nut. He told him that he was not inside a ordinary pyramid, this one held the spirit’s & ancestors of the departed. He was shown A three dimensional window in the floor that looked down upon planet earth that could zoom in to view his native people. Juan looked through the glass and could see a giant wheel spinning with natives attached by ropes. Fireworks exploded as puppet like figures portrayed what was truly the Spanish American empire. King Pinyon told how the world below was the place in the center, the navel of the moon. He wanted to know how the two travelers had gotten their, as Omet had found a Jade throne decorated with silver hummingbirds to sit upon. Sir Juan tried to tell king Pinyon about his magic bracelet with no understanding, as he stood with his arms folded looking for a answer. If he went to retrieve the bracelet he feared he would he would disappear back in the Spanish pyramid the slide machine was in. It was much simpler to tell him they were caught by a giant whirlwind and somehow landed there. King Pinyon smiled after he told so. It’s very unusual to survive the eye of a storm, he said. You must have been chosen by the Gods themselves. As they conversed Omet continued to sit on the high throne that belonged to king Pinyon. Omet, come down from there, it’s not proper to obtain the throne of a king. I will not, I have a reason to sit in the throne of a king since I am a Princess, daughter of Montezuma. King Pinyon wanted to know more about Montezuma, as Juan told of how he had found her inside a Toltec Pyramid where she must have lived for centuries. And why won’t she come down from my throne? Juan knelt before her asking what she required. A child! She stated King Pinyon laughed saying if that’s what she wants, by all means you must be married here in the concubines of space! Leading Sir Juan deeper into the Pyramid he found many rooms where he found accustomed to his lifestyle. Omet followed as she learned she would be a bride. The King brought news that his Queen in her elderly years was passing away and would join him when the time had come. He invited all to watch her ascension with a ceremony of prayers offered as her eternal smoke will rise. The engaged couple sat in the holy room while bells rang as they could see her spirit ascending upward through the glass window inside. In the walls of the ascension room were holes where the Spirit would drift down onto a bed where spirits lay. As she ascended down the bells crescendoed as Sir Juan could see her spirit materialize. The king took her in his arms overwhelmed with happiness as he had waited many years as she grew old. There was a new overwhelming presence about having a Queen reside in the kingdom as if a missing piece of a puzzle had been found. I have finally found you my Deer Pinyon. She said as her aging eyes seemed to regain a youthful glance. Come bathe in the fountain of youth given to us by Ponce de Leon. The king took her hand he hadn’t felt in so many years leading her to a sauna room. Curious the people were who followed from the candle lit ascension room to a steam vapor massage room where the party of the invited guests sat among the steam conversing. The Elderly Queen was wrapped by slaves in white papyrus cloth where her long braids were combed revealing long silver strands. It was there that she met Sir Juan & his engaged Toltec Princess. They will be wed in the Star Chamber, Pinyon informed. The Queen was served a astral drink to refresh her nearly departed soul. Do you have a Priest for this Wedding? Omet said she knew not of one in this world. I am a Priest, I shall do the honors.. Thank you dear Queen Mother. And so it was a ceremony that happened after the Queen had rested where her head dress & ceremonial dress were made. The Star chamber was upon the dome of the Pyramid having floating fountains as the gravity inside was lower allowing the absence of chairs. A Golden rope was carried by the Harpy that tied the newly wed together as more bells were rung, tambourine & tam tam. The brides hair was bound in a white turban as her dress was sparkling in lunar glitter. Senior Juan wore a simple cotton tunic with long hair that had grown from the time within the structure. He almost looked native himself. The ceremony was quite different from his first wedding upon his ship. He never imagined to be married a second time in space. It was an exhilarating experience to be floating & saying the vows. I now pronounce you man & wife. The Priestess shook her ancient rain stick filled with rattling seeds to end the ceremony. Immediately it began to rain upon the glass dome overhead. Does it have to rain? Sir Juan asked. Of course, all weddings must allow for the sky to cry it’s tears of joy! It was as if in a dream as Sir Juan embraced his bride while floating in thin air within the Star Chamber. Moon cake was served as Juan studied the faces of the guests. Many looked as if they were from all parts of the world, as the pyramid was a heaven for all people. It wasn’t long before the Princess gave birth to a son whom she named, Quetzalcoatl, little kukulcan for short. Juan was happy to have fulfilled his brides wish with the child, although his heart began to long to return to his Ocean of ships. Not knowing how to break the news of his plans to return home, he slowly told of how he would go on a mission to bring back hidden treasures that were calling to be explored. Kissing his child goodbye, he knew he wouldn’t be back until the boy was older. It just didn’t feel right to exist forever in the astral plane. Finding the entrance out in the sand he found his bracelet that took him back to the Pyramid that started his astral journey. He just had to feel the waves under his body as he was more accustomed to floating on water then in the cosmos. Looking down upon the earth from above, the Queen Mother reassured the Princess. He has a rugged side that only the sea can quench, don’t worry child, I shall guide him with this golden ladder that he will be able to climb from his ship. She spread out her arms that became wings and transpired a ladder woven of magical gold threads. And so it was that he would return uniting sea to air as Sir Juan became more of a argonaut who taught other men of the sea to climb the ladder in search of destiny.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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