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90% Of Writers Quit. Read This So It Doesn't Happen To You.

You have a story to tell.

By Elise L. BlakePublished about a month ago 3 min read
90% Of Writers Quit. Read This So It Doesn't Happen To You.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Ever notice that some authors seem to just drop out of existence? 

One day their books are lining the windows and recent release table at your local book store and the next they're lining the bargain shelves.

Where did they go? Why did they stop writing?

Or even worse, all the writers out there who started their novels, but never finished them. 

Your favorite novel could be sitting unfinished on a writer's laptop out there and you'll never get to read it. 

Or maybe you're the writer.

Denying your readers their most treasured book. 

Why aren't you writing? Why have you stopped? 

Don't you know there's someone out there that needs that story? Your story? It's the missing puzzle piece to their life that will make the world make a little bit more sense or be the piece that will bring the sunshine to their rainy day. 

Your story might be the one that sees the inside of thousands of school bags or hundreds of coffee stains from drippy cafe cups. 

Your story may be the one that houses receipts and spare bits of paper, shoelaces, or shopping lists. 

Your story may become a secondary piece of art in the form of annotations, tabs, highlighters, and notes. 

Your story may be the one with the quote that will be printed out and placed as a daily shrine or contain a symbol that will be forever printed in ink on the skin of your readers. 

Why would you deny the world of your story?

Is it because you're afraid? Afraid of achieving the greatness your story is destined to be? Even if it only changes the life of that one reader, that is still one person in the world whose life would be forever changed because of your words, your characters, and your story. 

You can't let fear stop you. 

You can't let procrastination, laziness, forgetfulness, or doubt stop you. 

There is a world out there waiting for your story, but they can't read it from the inside of your mind or from where it sits locked up on your screen. 

It's time for you to let it run along the pages in the messy and beautiful way that it is meant to before it receives the trim and adornments to turn it into the amazing story that it is meant to be. 

The world is waiting for your story. 

I'm waiting for your story. 

But most importantly - 

You are waiting for your story. 

Now go write it. 

Don't quit, don't give up.

Take breaks if you need to, but never let it sit long enough to gather dust. 

You can do this. 

You can write this story. 

Your story. 

With love, 

B.K. xo xo


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This story was originally posted on Medium.

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About the Creator

Elise L. Blake

Elise is a full-time writing coach and novelist. She is a recent college graduate from Southern New Hampshire University where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.

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