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Why Massachusetts Should Have Its Own Madame Tussaud's

We've all seen the creepily life-like wax figures featured at Madame Tussaud's...

By Kristen BarenthalerPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Madame Tussaud's

We've all seen the creepily life-like wax figures featured at Madame Tussaud's, whether it be at their Nashville, New York, or Las Vegas museums. But why doesn't Massachusetts yet have its own museum? Patriot Place, Boston, and Cape Cod are all waiting with perfect locations for visiting tourists to learn our history.

Let's break it down...

Most Madame Tussaud's have historical, political, and famed people from their city's history (and sometimes just because they happen to be slightly associated). So why doesn't Massachusetts, with all its glorious history, yet have its own version? Granted, we probably don't have as much of a tourist draw as the other big cities, but Boston (or even Foxboro's Patriot Place) could definitely bring in some major capital for a tourist location like this.

Historical Massachusetts

Historic Massachusetts

This seems like an obvious part of the argument, as of course, Massachusetts has numerous historical moments. From the Pilgrims, Plymouth Plantation, Lexington & Concord, Paul Revere's ride, Boston Tea Party, the Salem Witch Trials, and all the other various historical landmarks that took place right in our little part of the world. Never mind the historical people associated with Massachusetts including Paul Revere, John Adams, and Clara Barton, just to name a few.

I mean just look at this historic sites map of Massachusetts! No one can possibly see all that we have to offer historically, so putting it all in one place (like an interactive museum) would make it a lot more interesting and accessible to visitors and natives alike.

When you can easily walk from the Revolutionary War to the Salem Witch Trials, history becomes, not only easier to understand, but also more interesting to engage with. Who wouldn't want a picture with Paul Revere during his midnight ride? Or maybe with Tituba as she is brought to her trial? When history becomes interactive, it can be much more engaging for all ages; just look at the popularity of Plimoth Plantation.

Political Massachusetts

CG Trader

Considering we're home to one of the biggest political families in American history, we would definitely have more than enough figures of just the Kennedy clan to fill a political room in the museum. But then there's also the many other famous Massachusetts political players, as well as some infamous ones when considering the Boston Mafia's numerous players in the underworld. Hello, Whitey Bulger!

The Kennedy family has been a fixture of Massachusetts for generations with multiple political stops, from governor to senator and all the way to president. But they all come together at their Hyannisport house on Cape Cod for their summer soirees each year. The Kennedy's have become a dynasty of Massachusetts front-runners for their political services as well as their philanthropic works for the state, so honoring their family in a Massachusetts museum would only be right.

However, on the other side of Massachusetts, politics is our numerous connections to mobs, violence, and murder.

Most commonly known of these shady figures is that of James "Whitey" Bulger, Boston's most notorious mobster. With Johnny Depp's portrayal of Bulger in 2015's "Black Mass," the mobster became famous to yet another generation of Massachusetts natives.

However, Massachusetts, and in particular Boston, has a fair number of crime families, mob bosses, and hits to commemorate in the history of our state. While showcasing the mob in a museum of Massachusetts history may seem strange, it is actually a big tourist draw. People love murder, mayhem, and crime. They're drawn to it for its excitement, realism, and darkness.

Famous Massachusetts

W Magazine

We may not seem all that glamorous, except for our favorites Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, but Massachusetts has more than our fair share of fame.

Addison Magazine

And then there are the movies. New York may have King Kong and Pretty Woman but we've got Slenderman, Manchester by the Sea, The Town, Patriots Day, Black Mass, The Finest Hours, Ted (1 & 2), Good Will Hunting, Mystic River, Mona Lisa Smile, The Perfect Storm, The Crucible, Jaws, Little Women...the list goes on and on for the places Massachusetts can be a stand-in for, including herself in many films.

While Massachusetts may not seem as exciting as New York or Las Vegas, there is a definite history here that deserves some recognition. We have so much to offer visitors and natives alike.


About the Creator

Kristen Barenthaler

Curious adventurer. Crazed reader. Archery fanatic. Amateur author. Librarian.

Instagram: @kristenbarenthaler

Facebook: @kbarenthaler

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15101108.Kristen_Barenthaler

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