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Wet Weather Camping Essentials

These tips, tricks, and products are wet weather camping essentials. Stay dry when everything else is wet!

By Chica ReyassPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

Sometimes, when you go camping, it rains. That's just the way it goes. But you can't let nature get in the way of your trip! Besides, wet camping is a skill in and of itself. And you need to have as many skills as possible in this world that live in. Climate change, refugees, civil unrest, terrorism. Don't think I don't know what's coming! This world has Children of Men written all over it. And I plan to survive beyond that when this world just becomes The Road. I won't let a little rain stop me from living! And, until then, this is just a fun way for me to build up my skills with friends. Let's go!

These clip-on LED lights are wet weather camping essentials because they let you find your way back to camp no matter how rainy it is. Hang them up using rope or string and you don't have to worry about venturing too far away from camp. You should still venture with caution; just not with worry. Fear is the mind killer. You need to be alert but not wary to survive the harshness of this world. Also, it's really pretty with the lights; like a carnival taking a bath.

Polyester base layers are a wet weather camping essential. They're better than wool because they're not rough and itchy. They'll keep you warm and keep you from second-guessing what you have to wear. When the going gets rough the rough demands you spend less time debating between choices and more time making decisions. This comes in one color: black. No decisions necessary. Stay warm and stay alive! Also, you look like a sexy criminal camping! "Mister police. You could have gone camping in the rain. I gave you all the clues."

Rain suits are wet weather camping essentials. They're the easiest way to stay dry in the rain because you wear them over your clothes. You don't have to worry about an umbrella flying away or being destroyed by wind; or a cheap rain poncho getting snagged on a branch or not covering you 100%. This is your rain jacket too; you don't need to double bag yourself.

Appreciate the rain on your body, only a thin layer between you and nature itself. Let the rain run down your face, drink it in, swallow it. Your body aches for the rain; you want to make love to it. For the rain to take you right there and then, in the forest, where you are more woman than human, communing with nature in the most primal and unbridled way you can. But go back to the tent because you're in charge; not the rain.

Some wet weather camping essentials come out of left field. You need to be comfortable with the left field because survival isn't a sitting by-the-sidelines kind of game. You have to be looking at all directions! That's why you can't have your mind clouded by fear. The more you ruminate, the less you see, and then you're going to end up with a baseball bouncing off your glove and the post-game snow cone isn't going to taste as good knowing that you get them even if you lose. Don't be a loser; be a winner! Buy plastic sheeting and lay it on the inside of your tent to keep your sleeping bag dry. Cut it so the square is bigger than the bottom of the tent so that it protects against water pooling.

Socks are wet weather camping essentials. You don't want to end up with wet feet. If your feet are wet then the rain has won. That's why you want plenty of socks to keep your feet warm and morale high. Dry feet are as tasty as s'mores.

Stoves are wet weather camping essentials. Rain means using either a gas or alcohol stove. I like to cook with wood because I like the smell of it, and since I'm not in a precarious state I'm not going to make use of supplies that I should save for more trying times. A little rain is not a trying time! Camping in the rain is like camping at a relaxing spa. The drip-drops against your tent, the smell of wet dirt, the crackling of your wood burning stove. Zzzzz... Sorry! I fell asleep because I was so relaxed.

"These boots are meant for camping, and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are going camping with you!" Obvi, waterproof boots are wet weather camping essentials. They're also great for when you have to run through a muddy field because they won't get your foot stuck in the mud while a farmer chases you off his land for seeking shelter in his barn from the elements while waving a rifle in the air to scare you away. You think he won't shoot because he would have already, but then you hear the, "Bang!" rip through the silence of the night and the adrenaline pushes you toward where the barren field meets the trees. That's why you shouldn't wander too far from the campsite. Look for the LED lights!

Wet weather camping essentials include tent sealant. You should check your tent in general by setting it up in the backyard and dousing it with your hose to see what sort of shape it's in. Then use the sealant to patch it up before heading out. You should always be prepared, though, and bring tent sealant with you.

Set up your camp site on higher ground. Don't be near any bodies of water. And don't set up under a tree; the branches could break off and ruin your whole night. If you want, you can set up a site with your tarp to just hang out, lounge, and relax. If relaxing is too hard, then maybe you'd appreciate knowing that relaxation is just one reason why you should drink cannabis tea.

Wet weather camping essentials include tents with porches. That gives you a space to change out of wet clothes without getting wetness into the main sleeping area. When it's raining everywhere dryness becomes a commodity. Preserve dryness at any cost. If you're feeling defeated, dig deep. Try some inspiring quotes to reignite your motivation. You can do it!

Places to dry clothes are wet weather camping essentials. If you can just hang up a line inside your tent it'll give you just that much of an advantage over the rain. Rain: it gives life and it takes it away. The push and pull relationship with nature is endless. Sensual one moment; strict and demanding the other. You never know where you stand and that's why I practice non-attachment. When you are like water, you do not mind the rain.

Who wants to leave the tent to pee when it's raining? Don't let a little bladder discomfort stop your camping experience! Portable urinals are wet weather camping essentials because they level the playing field between you and the elements. Not tonight, nature!

There are at least 8 household items that double as gear, making plastic compactors bags wet weather camping essentials. They keep your clothes waterproof; and your wet clothes from stinking up everything that's dry. Plus, it cuts down on a lot time.

Backpacks get wet too, which is why you want a waterproof backpack and backup packs too. Big backpacks are wet weather camping essentials. This one is big enough to hold several backpacks that have been vanquished by the rain. I actually think that if I were reincarnated as a backpack I'd be this on because I am a survivor and I can take more than most people. When you've been through as much as I can that's the only way to be. Oh, the humanity I've seen.

Some wet weather camping essentials come in spray bottles! This is one of them. Rosewater is another because I like to spray it on my pillow cases so that I always have a sense of home. With this tent waterproofer, you have yet another leg up against the rain, and you need as many legs up as you can get. I have eight legs up like a spider. Another way in which I am like a spider is that I make my home in corners and live unseen, weaving the beautiful tapestry that is my life out of a silk that can withstand gale force winds.

Self-care and entertainment are wet weather camping essentials people take for granted. But you need self-care and entertainment. Without relaxation, your body will never recover. It's also a form of activism when you belong to a group that's been historically marginalized. Especially in the wake of President Sex Criminal.

I like to read books that inspire me and push me toward higher ground, which, again, is where you want to put up your tent. In a way, I am a tent: I keep others safe from the elements but I require care from others to maintain my longevity and usefulness. That's the sort of lesson you can only learn outdoors; I hope you learn something too while camping in the rain.

travel gear

About the Creator

Chica Reyass

Gym rat pumping enough iron to become a muskrat.

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    Chica ReyassWritten by Chica Reyass

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