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The Start

Let the weird stuff begin...

By Devon RiddlePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Annecy, France

I think we can all agree that COVID-19 is the absolute worst. A virus that came into existence less than a year ago has changed life as we know it. It's safe to assume that none of us view life the same way we did eight months ago. COVID-19 has made me completely re-examine my ideals and I can say, with absolute certainty, that I have absolutely no idea what this whole "life" thing is even about.

This is not a new thought of mine. I am a 19 year old female living and studying in the United States. When I got to college, I discovered that life was a lot harder to figure out than I thought. I was the type of person who always had a plan when it came to the big things. It's easier to cope with the anxieties of life when you have clear directions to where you are heading. I had a solid plan when I entered into my freshmen year of college. By the end of the first week, that "solid" plan turned into more of a runny liquid.

The events that started my college experience happened in this order: A breakup with the boy whom I considered to be my first real love, rooming with someone whom I did not get along with, losing interest in all my previous passions, and switching my major and classes about fifty times. First semester left me completely shattered and exhausted. It was a long, painful road where I learned that the people I loved weren't who they thought they were, and what I wanted to do with my life wasn't what I wanted to do at all. Finally, when second semester rolled around, I somewhat had my head back on my shoulders.

And then COVID-19 happened.

Another period that, I think we can all say, changed our life forever. I don't think any of us knew what was up and what was down anymore. It gave us all a reality check: We actually have no control in life. Everything is fragile. A year ago, none of us could've predicted our 2020 would be filled with quarantine, masks, and social distancing. I can 100% say that as soon as I thought I had my feet on the ground, COVID-19 lifted me up with a tornado of confusion and spit me into a ditch. I had hit another rock bottom.

However, this rock bottom helped me come to my senses. The one I had in college sent me down a very bad path of self destruction. This one showed me a new approach to life: Not having a plan. Focusing less on the idea of what I should do and more on what I want to do. To embrace the messy human being I am and just live every moment I have on this earth to the fullest. Life is so fleeting. I'm going to make sure I'm doing what makes me happy and making every second count.

And that's how I got here. In college, I found a new love of travel and adventure. Through COVID-19, I realized that is what I want to do with my life. I want to focus my career around my newfound passion of travel and an old passion of writing and storytelling.

Due to COVID-19, I took a gap year. After a messy freshmen year at college, I decided another year with COVID-19 would be a disaster. Zoom university was not the move I wanted to make. So, I am spending this year adventuring in the beautiful Colorado mountains. It won't definitely be all fun and games, I still have to work a ton to be able to afford living up there (I don't know why everything in life is so expensive, my goodness). However, I still hope to make plenty of memories during this year and the years to come.

I decided to come to Vocal to share my experiences and stories. This is, after all, exactly what I want to do with my life I have a feeling these coming years are going to be an insane mess. I cannot wait to document it all through writing, pictures and videos. So, without further ado, let's get started...


About the Creator

Devon Riddle

Hi it's me Devon! I'm just a mess of a human trying to figure out life :D

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