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The Bucket List

Adventures to take before I die.

By Kate AdamsPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Bucket for the beach.

By definition, The Bucket List is a number of experiences or adventures that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. As depicted in the movie The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, the definition is oh so true. In the movie, we have two men who have been stricken with cancer and are in the same hospital room. Jack Nicholson plays a millionaire and if I remember correctly Morgan Freeman's career is working in a garage to support his family. As the movie plays on, both men have a bucket list and against the doctor's orders both leave the hospital to achieve as many adventures as they can on their lists before they die. For those who have not seen the movie, I am not going to ruin it by telling you the whole story. You will have to watch The Bucket List" in its entirety to find out what happens during their adventures.

With the movie in mind; how many of you have thought about creating a bucket list and how many adventures have you gone on thus far?? To some, the thought of creating such a list might sound crazy or not worth completing due to having the feeling of "I have done everything I wanted to do." I am sure though that over the course of your lifetime there is a state or country in which you want to go to and just haven't made it yet. Yes, life does have its twists and turns where we are not able to go on planned adventures. So, why not start now with a bucket list?? Where would you like to go that you have never been? Somewhere that has always been a dream to go but due to finances and family life, it seems so out of reach. I challenge all who read this to at least start a bucket list and complete at least one adventure within a year's time. Who knows, you might feel better by meeting a personal goal rather than a professional goal.

Thus far I have kept my bucket list small. I have gone home to Illinois a few times and spent what time I could with family I haven't seen in many years. One thing I had on my bucket list was to actually see how a military funeral played out. I have only seen clips of said funerals on TV, whether it be the news or a TV show. It was in 2015 when my mother had passed and I hadn't seen a cousin and an aunt since childhood that I traveled back to Champaign Urbana Illinois to see them. Both were stricken with cancer but different types. What little time I spent with them was well worth the time I had. My cousin though is an army vet and I was able to go to his funeral at the VA Cemetery in Danville. I was expecting taps to be played but it was only the certain amount of gun shots that they did. Which is fine, at least I was able to scratch a military funeral off my list. With my always wanting to try something new and not being able stay put very long, I went to Salina Kansas to venture around and take in whatever attractions they had. By the end of almost a year, I became so bored with the small town living and lack of adventure. For me, it's a Phoenix thing. Having lived in Phoenix, Arizona for thirty plus years I still have the "Big City" life running through my veins. So, I'm good for a minute in small towns but got to go after a few days.

With the big city in mind, I have on my bucket list to visit New York City, Montreal, Quebec Canada, and France. Which all take a few more bucks in the bank than what I have now. In time though, and with frugal spending so as to save the money I need I know I will be able to visit one or two places off my list. If I am lucky enough to do so I will also be able to visit Italy and Ireland. Will see what happens in the near future.

In the meantime and between time, happy travels my friends and stay safe. Never know what you will run into wherever you go.

activitiessolo travel

About the Creator

Kate Adams

I have worked in the Medical field for 13 years before continuing on to working in several business offices as an Administrative Assistant. My passion though is writing; with the hardest part, for me is what to write about.

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    Kate AdamsWritten by Kate Adams

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