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Run Forrest Run

A Story from the .Ai Universe

By Brett RothenbergPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Run Forrest Run
Photo by joel protasio on Unsplash

I had always been searching for something more in my life. I had a feeling that there was something bigger out there for me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. That's when I heard about Jesus. I had never been particularly religious, but something about the idea of meeting Jesus in person really resonated with me. I knew that I had to find a way to meet him, no matter what it took.

My journey was not an easy one. Like Forrest Gump, my life seemed to be a series of random events. I had a knack for being in the right place at the right time, but I also had a tendency to get into trouble. I had always been a bit of a wild child, and I quickly found myself in a series of strange and dangerous situations.

One of the most unusual experiences I had on my journey was the day I met a green talking frog. I was traveling through the Deep South, and I stumbled upon a strange pond in the middle of the woods. As I approached the water, a frog suddenly appeared, and to my amazement, it spoke to me.

"You're looking for Jesus, aren't you?" the frog said in a surprisingly human-like voice.

I was shocked, but I couldn't deny the truth of the frog's words. "Yes, I am," I said.

The frog told me that he had information that could help me on my journey, but he warned me that it would not be easy. He told me that I would have to steal a car and drive across the United States to find a cure for a man-eating fungus that was ravaging the land.

At first, I was hesitant. Stealing a car seemed like a crazy idea, but the frog was insistent. He told me that it was the only way to save the people from the fungus.

So I took the frog's advice and stole a car. I hit the road, driving day and night, across the country. It was a dangerous and wild journey, but I was determined to find a cure for the fungus.

As I traveled, I encountered all sorts of strange and wonderful people. I helped a group of farmers fight off a horde of giant mutant insects, I joined a band of outlaws on a wild robbery, and I even met a woman who could control the elements with her mind. Each encounter taught me something new, and helped me to grow as a person.

One of the most challenging parts of my journey was when I found myself stranded in the middle of the desert. I had run out of gas and had no way to get more. I was lost and alone, with no sign of civilization in sight.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I saw a mirage in the distance. It was a strange, shimmering image of a man in a white robe, holding a jug of water. I knew it was Jesus. I ran towards the image, but as I got closer, it disappeared.

I was disappointed, but I knew that Jesus had come to me in a vision, to give me the strength to keep going. I searched for a way out of the desert and after a day of wandering I found an oasis. I filled up my car with water and continued my journey.

My journey was not only physical but also spiritual, I had to face my fears and doubts, I had to learn to trust in myself and in a higher power. Along the way, I also found myself facing moral dilemmas and had to make difficult choices.

Finally, after many months of traveling, I reached my destination. I found the cure for the fungus and saved the people. I had completed my mission, but my journey was not over yet.

As I looked around at the people I had helped, I realized that Jesus was not just a person to be met, but a way of living. The journey had taught me that living for something bigger than oneself and helping others is what truly brings purpose to life.

I decided to stay and help the people rebuild their lives. I knew that my work was not done yet, and that there was still more for me to do.

As I settled into my new life, I couldn't help but think about the green talking frog who had set me on this journey. I never saw him again, but I knew that he had been a guide sent to me by a higher power. And I knew that wherever my journey would take me next, I would always remember the lessons I had learned and the people I had helped along the way.

The end.

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    BRWritten by Brett Rothenberg

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