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Science fiction romance film

By GokilaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

"Passengers" is a 2016 science fiction romance film directed by Morten Tyldum and starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. The film follows Jim Preston, a mechanical engineer who wakes up from hibernation 90 years too early on a spacecraft traveling to a distant planet. Struggling with loneliness and desperation, Jim makes a morally questionable decision that affects the fate of another passenger, Aurora Lane, a journalist who is also awoken from hibernation early.

The short storyline of Passengers movie:

"Passengers" is a science fiction romance film that follows Jim Preston, a mechanical engineer who wakes up from hibernation 90 years too early on a spacecraft traveling to a distant planet. Jim struggles with loneliness and desperation, leading him to make a morally questionable decision that affects the fate of another passenger, Aurora Lane, a journalist who is also awoken from hibernation early. Together, they must navigate the dangers of space travel and confront the moral implications of Jim's decision as they fall in love and fight for their survival.

Main Characters of Passengers:

Jim Preston (Chris Pratt): A mechanical engineer who wakes up from hibernation 90 years too early on a spacecraft traveling to a distant planet. Jim struggles with loneliness and desperation, leading him to make a morally questionable decision that affects the fate of another passenger.

Aurora Lane: [to Jim] You die, I die.

Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence): A journalist who is also awoken from hibernation early. Aurora is kind, curious, and intelligent, but she becomes a victim of Jim's desperate actions.

Aurora Lane: My dad used to say, "If you live an ordinary life, all you'll have are ordinary stories. You have to live a life of adventure." So... Here I am.

Arthur (Michael Sheen): A robot bartender on the spacecraft who serves as a companion and confidant to Jim. Arthur is polite and efficient, but he also has limitations in his programming that prevent him from fully understanding human emotions.

Arthur: They say time heals all wounds.

Aurora Lane: Broken hearts aren't that simple, Arthur. You wouldn't understand.

The Avalon Starship:

The Avalon is a starship featured in the science fiction film "Passengers". The ship is designed to carry thousands of passengers in hibernation pods on a 120-year journey to the colony planet of Homestead II. The Avalon is a state-of-the-art spacecraft with advanced systems for life support, navigation, and entertainment.

The ship is equipped with a variety of amenities, including a swimming pool, a movie theater, and restaurants. It also features advanced artificial intelligence technology, including an android bartender named Arthur, who serves as a confidant and companion to the passengers.

However, when the ship experiences a malfunction, Jim Preston, a mechanical engineer, is awoken from hibernation 90 years too early. Jim is the only awake passenger on the ship, and he must find a way to survive in the isolated environment. When he becomes desperate for companionship, Jim makes the controversial decision to wake up another passenger, Aurora Lane, a journalist, who is also stranded on the ship.

Throughout the film, the Avalon serves as a metaphor for the isolation and loneliness that Jim and Aurora experience. The ship is a self-contained ecosystem that is both beautiful and dangerous, and the characters must learn to navigate its systems and overcome its challenges to survive. Ultimately, the Avalon becomes a symbol of the characters' perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.

More reviews:

The first thing that stands out in "Passengers" is the stunning visuals. The spacecraft, Avalon, is beautifully designed and feels like a fully realized futuristic environment. The special effects are top-notch, with scenes of the ship's systems malfunctioning and the dangers of space travel depicted with breathtaking realism.

But as impressive as the visual effects are, it is the story and characters that make "Passengers" a compelling film. Chris Pratt is perfectly cast as Jim Preston, the everyman hero who finds himself alone in space. Pratt brings warmth and vulnerability to the role which makes it easy to empathize with his character's plight. Jennifer Lawrence is also excellent as Aurora Lane, a strong-willed journalist who is forced to confront her own mortality and the reality of being stranded in space.

Jim Preston: How do I send a message to Earth?

InfoMat: Interstellar messages are sent by laser array. This is an expensive service.

Jim Preston: Bite me!

InfoMat: Happy to help!

One of the most interesting aspects of "Passengers" is the moral dilemma that Jim faces. After a year of being alone, Jim becomes increasingly desperate for human contact and wakes up Aurora, condemning her to a life of isolation and uncertainty. The film does not shy away from the moral implications of Jim's decision, and it raises some thought-provoking questions about the limits of human empathy and the price of survival.

The relationship between Jim and Aurora is also a highlight of the film. At first, they are hostile toward each other, but as they spend more time together, they begin to form a bond. Their chemistry is palpable, and the scenes of them exploring the ship together are both tense and heartwarming. The film manages to balance the romantic elements with the sci-fi elements, creating a unique and satisfying blend of genres.

Michael Sheen also deserves a mention for his excellent performance as Arthur, the robotic bartender on the Avalon. Sheen brings a wry sense of humor to the role, and his interactions with Jim and Aurora provide some of the film's funniest moments. Arthur also serves as a kind of surrogate therapist for Jim, offering advice and companionship as he struggles with his isolation.

However, despite its strengths, "Passengers" is not without its flaws. The third act of the film feels rushed and contrived, with the introduction of a life-threatening situation that feels forced and unnecessary. The resolution of the film's central conflict also feels somewhat unsatisfying, with the characters coming to a resolution that feels too neat and tidy.

Overall, "Passengers" is a visually stunning and thought-provoking sci-fi drama with strong performances from its lead actors. The film raises complex ethical questions about isolation and desperation, and the relationship between Jim and Aurora is both tense and heartwarming. The addition of the character Arthur provides a unique perspective on the human condition, and his scenes provide some of the film's best moments. While the film's third act may be a letdown, "Passengers" is still a must-see for fans of science fiction and romance alike.

[last lines]

Aurora Lane: [voice over] A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way. But we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life. Together.

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About the Creator


She is an astrophile, introvert,

loves to read books all day long,

addicts in healthy lifestyle

and having curiosity to know about new things.

Life Is As Beautiful As You Make It. Contentment Is The Key To Happiness. Peace Be Upon The Saviour.

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    GokilaWritten by Gokila

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