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Mussel Strong

Purple Mussels

By Michellia Wilson Published 3 years ago 3 min read

I have been a mussel driver for better than twenty years. I have had modest wild pearl finds in the Tennessee side of the Kentucky Lake. I keep track of my dives in a little black book. This book has been invaluable in helping me analyze where and when I had the best dives. My black book is integral to my mussel diving business.

Recently, I was told rare freshwater purple pearls located very near where I do most of my dives. The value of these particula wild pearls is phenomenal. The appraisers have been eager to purchase these special pearls at a price that rivals the value of natural saltwater pearls found in the ocean. The news excited me and I prepared to dive until I located the hotbed of purple pearl mussels.

My adventure began the following Monday. I loaded my truck with supplies and equipment, ready to capitalize on my finds. I arrived at my favorite location, secured my vehicle and began my dive. The water was cool, but I was determined to find the rare mussels with the purple pearls. I dove most of the day, only finding two white pearls from regular mussels. I was fatigued and stopped the dive for the day. I loaded up my gear, took out my little black book and made notations of my day’s work.

The next morning I woke up early and prepared my gear for another day of diving. I ate breakfast and then made the 45 minute drive to the diving location. I parked and decided to move to a less popular place to dive for the day. The water was a bit murky and it was yet another day of swimming around in cool water. I found a few mussels with no pearls, but pushed forward to find the elusive purple pearl mussels.

I located a bridge of rocks very near where I was diving. I decided to venture around the unique rock formation. I made my first dive at the new location and saw a large bed of mussels between the rock formations. I swam over and was amazed at the size of the untouched bed. I began to feel excited. I picked up several mussels and headed back up to land. I took my shucker and opened the first few mussels. NOTHING.

Feeling discouraged, I decided after I opened the rest of the mussels I had in the basket, I would head back home and call it a day. I opened three more and to my amazement, I found beautiful, perfect, purple pearls. I became extremely excited. I gathered my gear and headed for the hot spot. My heart was pounding and my hands a little shaky as I picked up mussels all around the rock formation.

I brought my haul to the surface of the water and made my way to land. I dragged some of my gear and my net bag full of mussels to my truck. I decided to load up and go home to shuck my finds. I dove two more times and yielded many mussels.

The trip home was filled with excitement. I began to think about the money I would receive. My mind was racing in all kids of thought as I drove home. I rounded the last corner and finally got to my driveway. The first thing I did was count the mussels and record the number in my little black book, then I took out my shucker. I opened 581 shells and yielded an unheard of 475 rare purple freshwater pearls. I also retrieved 14 white pearls. It is unheard of to have a yield so large, but it happened to me and I was beside myself.

The next day I packed up my precious pearls and made a visit to the pearl vendor near the lake. I was nervous, excited and full of anticipation. I arrived and the man poured out the massive yield. The broker could hardly believe his eyes. He called for his partner to come look at my collection. The broker categorized them by size and tint, and then assigned a value to each pile. He calculated, counted, weighed the pearls and even x-rayed some to verify their true quality. We spoke for a while, dickered and came upon a dollar figure to cover the lot of pearls. The store owner left the room and soon returned with a check for $20,000. I recorded the entire incident in my little black book. Needless to say that I found a new favorite place to make my dives.


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    Michellia Wilson Written by Michellia Wilson

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