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Iron Dome


By Abigail EnimulaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Iron Dome
Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash

It didn't take long for the world as a whole to change once the first colossal satellite grid failed. Earth was on its way to establish telecommunication and internet as a free right for every human. The project was titled “Silk Canal”; the plan was to launch a new set of noncommercial satellites licensed through the United Nations. But free just means a void in revenue across the world; sabotage quickly ensued.

Dismantle a few key segments on each satellite, that was the idea. They were expected to collapse in orbit. Just become another pile of space junk permeating between the earth and moon. If only that was the case, it doesn’t require much for a rocket launch to fail. Dozens of satellites started crashing down. Some failed sooner, just another booster explosion. Others made it to the troposphere and caused cataclysmic destruction. The event was named “Chicxulub’s Apartheid”, craters of half buried icarus automatons painted the earth. Humanity wasn’t eradicated, infact as the apocalypse's name implies; plenty of cities were “fine”. The project that meant to equalize humanity in some form, just made for unprecedented disparities. The debris had many names but “iron dome” seemed to be the most common. The untouched cities are nicknamed “Oasis”. Oases were quickly annexed by those all too ready mobilized in case of...well in case of a doomsday. Leaving the previous citizens to live at the mercy of their colonizers.

Two travellers who were uprooted by an iron dome, were on their third year in search of an Oasis. The oldest Wasifa(25) guided her nibling, Bartholomew(19) on this journey. The two made their way to an untouched forest for some respite. Bartholomew is caught dissociating as their aunt returns from gathering water.

[Wasifa {Tossing a water bottle to her nibling to no avail}: Oh no, again? Really gotta find a way to cope with this better, salami kid.

Bartholomew{staring through a boulder across the way}: Three*sternly*

W{Shifting glances confused}: Three what? Oh, shoulda known.

B: Three Iron Domes in one year, and nothing.

W{Readying the next mystery can}: I’m not rallying this convo until you ground. Its non-conducive to resting…{Waiting to see if puns help}

B{Going through their coping mechanisms}: Its jus-do you really think finding an Oasis is the best idea? We could “Hatchet” it.

W{Sanding their cans down before pausing} Ha-Hatchet?! That would've been a deep cut when we wer-And no! I’m a techie and you probably zoning out in school.

B{fidgeting with their usual key}: Yeah bu-

W: No “buts”. Honey smoked Turkey, we only got this far because I hyper fixated on purifying water and you with hiking. We can't just pick an ecosystem and survive. No, unless we find a somehow intact library and hardware plus hiking shop combo store.

B: We could find a cell tower and study off that.

W{sighing}: You’re grasping for waterlogged paper straws bud, we haven't charged our phones in months. Not to mention the fact that a working cell tower at this point is most likely taken and made into a bare bones village.

B{fidget cont.}:Yeah but they’d likely be more kind then any Oasis we find. They were survivors like us. Not the vindicated monsters.

W: You're describing a commune as the best case scenario. Pastrami, they are problematic in their own right. Most of those turn out to be cults and if its not then its probably racist. {Wasifa notices Bartholomew’s fidgeting} Do you think its intact?

*The duo continue their talk, resting a few days before setting off once more.* ]

Wasifa’s sister, Jasmine, was one of the slew of contracted workers brought onto “Silk canal”. She managed to hide their late mother’s heart locket onto one of the satellites. Jasmine left one of the keys with Wasifa. The idea being a true final sendoff for their mom, where both had a key to the memory. Unfortunately once “Chicxulub’s Apartheid” occurred, her key was simply a grim reminder to the fall. Wasifa gifted it to Bartholomew as a way to remember their mother. Several months pass, the duo now a trio, five more “Iron domes” traversed.

[Bartholomew {As the two scavenge a desiccated hospital}: Run it by me again why you were allowed a ferret and I couldn't keep the turtle?

Wasifa: {Lock-picking a supply closet} Turtles need water, Colby Jack!

B{annoyed}: For the umpteenth time they were a tortoise! They don't live in water, and when did you get to cheeses?

W{Completing her task}: When i couldn’t think of anymore deli meats, I like the disparity from “Bartolomew” to “Bologna” and so forth. Also because when you see a turtle on the road you help it along to the other side. You don't just take it, they had a whole routine and life.

B{Glaring at Wasifia and gesturing to her new companion}: And taking it was fine?

W {Holding up her pet towards her nibbling assertively}: “SHE” is the Grand Mistress Azalea, and you will give her the respect she deserves. Her addition to this family is valuable, Gouda.

B{Annoyed stare}:...

W{Letting Azalea return to wiggling in her bag}: Fine, you can take on a companion next time. But no snakes!

Azalea{Wiggling out of her satchel nest}*Audible squeak*

*The trio continue to scavenge*]

Another few months pass as their journey continues. Wasifa managed to trade info with a separate travelling party. A year into the apocalypse, the prepper empires fell due to lack of knowledge and experience. Some still existed but the natural course of action meant their undoing. Can’t really keep a civilization disjointed by an apocalypse under your thumb for long. Once people are back on their feet, there's no stopping them when they band together. The trio now up to speed on the reality of this new world. Bartholomew’s apprehension waned as they set out, their pipe dream now more plausible. Not to mention how helpful a working civilization will be for their companions.

[*The group makes their way with new information of where to head*

Wasifa: It had to be a snek huh?

Bartholomew{Holding up their snake encompassed arm}: Excuse me!?

W{sighing before a long breath}: Sorry, it had to be First Corporal Silly String the Third?

B{Locking eyes with their pet}: Yes...its a tragic tale and he never met his grandfather, and his father was a section of nautical rope. But the one thing he knew was his name.

*a SUV rolls past*

Azalea{Poking out of her nest}: *Squeaking at the vehicle*

W: And “the third” isnt roman numeral three but just “the third” right?

B: Yeah no duh. Reptiles, and especially snakes, don’t have an understanding on greek numerals. So the reptile magistrate offices use the english language.

W{Pausing}: Yeah, makes total sense. They don't have fingers to count on.

{to FCSSTT in earnest} I cannot express my regret for the injustice I have caused you this day. Will you ever forgive me?

FCSSSTT{Blankly}: *sensing the air with his tongue*

*hours pass*

B{Scared}: Waunty? What's the plan?

W{Confused}: For what?.. We got a pretty early start, so a quick rest is a go if you need it.

B: No, I mean...if we find an Oasis. What if they didn't revolt yet, or what if they did and its worse than before, what if it's abandoned?

W*Comfortingly*: We figure it out as we go. If they did not revolt? We join the resistance they most likely have. If it's worse, that means we can try to deal with it or look for the next. If abandoned then we go with your idea of setting up in a forest or something after learning what we can from their hopefully intact library. Whatever happens we’d still have ea-....Was that a car?

B: Uhhh, I mean there's a rock that we passed a bit ag-whoa wait you're right, a big one too!

W{Revitalized}: Well i guess that rules out the “if its worse” option…

B: Does that mean we’re close?

W: I mean it's a car, who knows how long they were driving. Its been a while, let's rest to see if they come back. If they don't, we find a more cautious place for the night and follow the tracks back to where they came from.

B{Fidgeting with their key} So this is it? We’ll finally be done walking soon...Will the First Corporal and Grand Mistress get to stay with us?

W{Confidently}: Does it matter? If they say no we’ll just keep them as a secret. Plus after all that's happened, I sincerely doubt that housing boards and landlords honestly care about things like that anymore. No one would turn away two new citizens because of a snake and fuzzy spaghetti.

*The group takes their final rest of their long journey, with their goal quite literally on the horizon*]

The next morning Wasifa and Bartholomew are stopped shortly after their start. This time a pick up truck, the driver offering a ride. Obviously cautious, the pair hop in the bed at attention. After the stressful trip, the stranger makes it to the checkpoint. He could enter, they would have to register as new citizens. Not immediately awful, but not abandoned. It felt surreal and solid, the most comforting scenario they have experienced since meeting their animal companions. As if it were all a nightmare turned lucid dream; as if they were suddenly going to be woken up by an annoyed Jasmine after sleeping in. Unfortunately there is no waking up, no school the next day, no snapping out of a vivid daydream. Some form of society was in their grasp again, it wasn't worthless. After looking down at the key in their palm, Bartholomew looks up to Wasifa before contentedly stating, “Does it matter”. Where Wasifa looks at them as confused as ever, “What?! The cit-Oh the locket!”.

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