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I Have Questions

...and lots of them!

By Emma MerrittPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The other day, while scrolling on Facebook, I came across a post for a business that is closing. The owner was discarding miscellaneous items used in the store for display and storage. Out of the candles, racks, and baskets; a two-piece set of luggage caught my eye. I know nothing of fine vintage items. I simply know what sparks an interest and curiosity. I messaged the owner to see if the pieces were still available. A two-piece set of Hartmann brown leather vintage luggage for free came home with me the next day.

Now, you may be thinking, “What are you going to do with 2 pieces of vintage luggage that would get beat to hell at an airport?” That same thought has run through my mind several times. Am I crazy? Am I being a pack rat? Is it considered being a collector since the pieces are vintage? Where will I store something that could be of value? Does it make sense to use them when I travel since they do not have wheels? Will my husband look at me as if I have lost my mind?

The more I think about them, the more questions come to mind. These are more about the luggage than me. Such as, how old are they? Who have they belonged to? Where have they been? How many funerals, weddings, vacations, and new baby births have they been party to? What life have they lived?

Maybe the luggage belonged to a businessman that traveled often for work. He flew to all the major cities where he brokered high dollar deals and dined with big wigs. This man spent his life on the road to earn a living for his wife and two sons, which he hated to leave behind. It hurt his heart and soul each time he walked out the door, but knew he had to leave in order to pay the bills and put food on the table. When the deals were done, the suitcases were stashed away until the next trip. Then, one day, there were no more deals to be done and no more trips to take.

The brown leather cases could have been owned by a well to do woman that loved the finer things in life. Paris, London, and Rome are just a few of the many extravagant and wonderous places these pieces have traveled. Each time, returning home fuller and heavier than when they departed, carrying the spoils of travel. Never knowing despair. Always handled with the utmost care, respect, and regard by the bell hops working for tips.

It’s possible that the well-used and well cared for luggage was the property of a married couple that spent their lives building a home and family. Nothing fancy, but something to be proud of. These pieces were part of their honeymoon, oh so many years ago. That old leather saw the birth of their first child with an overnight stay at the hospital. Many years later, they were witness to the welcoming of their first grandchild. Each milestone engrained in the leather handles. Carefully stored in the top of the closet until the next life changing event called upon them.

It is so easy for us as humans to get caught up in our own lives. We all have family, work, health, bills, friends, neighbors, and many other things to fill our days and our concerns. The days are never long enough to get everything done. So many times, we can act and feel like there is nothing more important than our issues and the small part of the world that we exist in. What would the world be like if we all spent a little more time asking questions and focusing on others instead of ourselves? What change would take place if we all just lifted our heads from the devices a little more often and actually saw the world around us and all the possibilities it has to offer?


About the Creator

Emma Merritt

Lover of books, music, movies, fitness, chocolate, and the beach. I tend to see things from a different perspective than most.


Certified Personal Trainer

Nutrition Specialist


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