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How to Know If You Need Travel Insurance

An Infotainment Ride Down the Potholed Road of Travel Insurance Decisions

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
How to Know If You Need Travel Insurance
Photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash

Listen up, my fellow wayfarers. If you're anything like me, the mere mention of 'travel insurance' is enough to knock the excitement right out of your holiday planning. Suddenly, the vision of sunsets on exotic beaches or treks through unknown forests is replaced by a dull montage of paperwork, legalese, and fine print. But hold your horses! Let's navigate this insurance jungle together and by the end of this article, I promise, we'll turn that grimace into a confident smirk. Here we go!

"But I'm Already Insured, Aren't I?"

Ever felt like you're paying for a ghost? That's how many people feel about travel insurance. Sure, you have your health insurance, car insurance, house insurance… Your pet iguana is probably insured too. Why add another one to the list? Well, because these coverages often don't extend beyond your local borders. If you're bitten by a pygmy marmoset in the Amazon or you break a leg in the Alps, your health insurance may not come to the rescue. So, before you pack your bags, take a good look at your current policies and check their geographical limits. Now, wasn't that a fun fact?

"It's Just a Short Trip!"

You're just going on a weekend trip to the nearest city. What could possibly go wrong, right? Oh, bless your optimistic heart! Remember Murphy's law? Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Your luggage could get lost, the hotel could overbook, a sudden storm could cancel your flight… You could even get a sprained ankle while tripping over your own excitement! When it comes to travel, being prepared for the worst doesn't make you paranoid, it makes you smart.

"Adventures? Not for Me!"

Alright, let's put the high-octane, adrenaline-pumping adventures aside. You're just planning to spend your holidays lounging on a beach with a drink in one hand and a book in another. No pygmy marmosets or mountain treks in sight. But what about food poisoning from the street food stall you couldn't resist? Or sunburn so severe you need medical treatment? Yeah, travel insurance is not just for Indiana Jones wannabes. It's for everyone who ventures outside their comfort zone.

By Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

"Isn't Travel Insurance Just a Scam?"

I hear you. It's hard not to feel suspicious when you're asked to pay up front for something you hope to never use. But calling it a scam is like calling a seatbelt a scam because you never had an accident. The whole point is to protect you when things do go wrong. Think of travel insurance as a safety net. You hope you won't fall, but it's comforting to know it's there if you do.

"I'm Healthy, Why Bother?"

Being in the pink of health doesn't make you immune to travel mishaps. Imagine this: you've landed in Tokyo and are heading to the hotel when your taxi gets stuck in traffic for hours (trust me, Tokyo traffic is legendary). By the time you reach your hotel, you discover they've given your room to someone else because you didn't show up in time. A bit of bad luck, and your 'healthy' vacation just turned into a nightmarish 'Home Alone' sequel.

"But It's So Expensive!"

Is it, though? Weigh the cost of travel insurance against the price of your trip and potential medical expenses abroad. Sure, the extra cost might make you grimace, but not as much as having to shell out thousands for unexpected incidents abroad. Pro-tip: when shopping for travel insurance, compare multiple providers and plans. That way, you get the best bang for your buck and can rest easy knowing you're covered.

And that's a wrap! I'm not saying you should always get travel insurance. What I'm saying is, consider it. Understand it. And then make an informed decision based on your travel plans. Remember, being prepared isn't pessimistic, it's smart. And if you ever find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, with only a lost luggage and a wild marmoset for company, you'll thank me!

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About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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