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What is the Best Month to Buy a Mattress?

When is the best time of year to buy a mattress? Are there conditions that render some parts of the year better for mattress shopping than others? Follow along with us at Slumberland Furniture as we go into this and more.

By GbarrosPublished about a year ago 4 min read
What is the Best Month to Buy a Mattress?
Photo by Ty Carlson on Unsplash

Best Month

Is there a best month to buy a mattress? The answer is not really! Mattresses are more or less the same year-round, and there is no particular month that is best for mattress purchasing. Instead, you should focus on a few of the essential factors that will determine a mattress’ suitability for you.

Mattress Type

There are two main types of mattress design: the innerspring type mattress and the hybrid type mattress. While both of these have their merits, there are a few reasons to pick one or the other depending on your individual needs.


This type of mattress is composed of a coil-based support system, along with several other layers. The coils offer the bulk of the support of this type of mattress. Innerspring mattresses are also generally bouncier than other types of mattresses, so if you like a bit of spring in your mattress, this type might be the right choice for you.


This form of mattress has two main elements, an innerspring support core and a foam cushion system. The so-called “comfort layers” of the foam cushion system can include foam, latex, or even a layer of micro coils. These types of mattresses generally provide a good blend of bounciness and contouring. They also typically have low heat retention, which is good if you tend to sleep hot.

Body Type

Your body type greatly influences how you will fit in a mattress and what will be most optimally comfortable for you. For example, sleepers under 130 pounds will generally not sink into their mattress as fully as heavier people. To get sufficient contouring while you sleep, you should select a softer mattress if you are this light. Hybrid mattresses are a good choice for sleepers in this category. If you weigh more than 230 pounds, you will likely sink further into the mattress, which can cause spinal alignment problems. For this reason, heavier sleepers should choose a firmer mattress. Individuals that fit between 130 and 230 pounds should choose a mattress firmness level based on their sleeping position, which we will go over in the following section.

Sleeping Position

What position you sleep in will largely determine the firmness and type of mattress that will be optimally comfortable for your to get a good night’s rest. There are three main types of sleepers: back sleepers, side sleepers, and stomach sleepers.

Back Sleeper

Sleeping on your back puts the most significant pressure on your lower back. It also presents specific necessary parameters for sleep. If your mattress is too soft, then the torso will sink in too far relative to the rest of your body and cause uncomfortable strain. However, if the mattress is too firm, there won’t be much accommodation for the curve in your lower back. For these reasons, a medium-firm to firm mattress is best for back sleepers.

Side Sleeper

Being a side sleeper puts pressure on your shoulders and hips, and on a too soft mattress, these points will go out of alignment with the rest of the body, causing strain. However, on a too firm mattress, there will be impact at these points and further misalignment. Consequently, side sleepers generally do best on medium-soft to medium-firm mattresses.

Stomach Sleeper

This type of sleeper, much like back sleepers, puts the most pressure on the lumbar spine. Stomach sleepers benefit most from a firm mattress that will prevent them from curving into a U shape while sleeping, but that also won’t feel suffocating when lying face down.

Mattress Firmness

Stearns and Foster mattress firmness is measured on a scale of one to five, with one being the firmest feel and five being the softest. You should probably come into one of Slumberland Furniture’s many stores and try out several of their Stearns and Foster mattresses in order to determine how each relative level of firmness feels for you. This will help you orient the levels of firmness the mattresses are rated with to your subjective sensation of firmness, and it will allow you to take into account the advice about firmness in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mattress Selection

Here we will go over some of the most commonly asked questions about the comfort, selection, and choice of mattress offered by Slumberland Furniture.

What If I Have Back Problems?

First, you need to determine whether what you are suffering from is acute back pain or chronic back pain, as the two are addressed differently. Back pain that is short-term and comes on suddenly is acute back pain. Back pain that exists over a long period of time is chronic back pain. Acute back pain generally doesn’t require a change in mattress to address, so much as it merits extra pillows or a change in sleeping position. However, chronic back pain is generally a mattress issue. The source of the pain is essential as well. For example, the most common type of back pain is lower back pain, and this is generally caused by a misalignment of the bottom five vertebrae during sleep. For this reason, side sleepers should generally choose a softer mattress than back and stomach sleepers in order to keep the spine in proper alignment during sleep.

What If I Am A Side Sleeper Over 230 Pounds?

Generally speaking, your body size will be a more significant determinant of what sort of mattress is optimal for you than your sleeping position. So, if you’re a side sleeper who weighs over 230 pounds, then you should opt for a somewhat firmer mattress than a side sleeper would ordinarily require.

What If I Am A Stomach Sleeper Under 130 Pounds?

Just as in the above question, the body size is generally a bigger determinant of what sort of mattress you should have. If you’re a stomach sleeper under 130 pounds, you should try a softer mattress than most stomach sleepers would use.

Slumberland Furniture

Come by one of our many Slumberland Furniture locations, so our qualified staff can help you find the mattress of your dreams!


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