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3700 years ago, Hammurabi, the sixth king of the legendary Babylonian Empire, for the first time, laid down the “seemingly” first civil code humans had ever had - the so-called Hammurabi’s Code.

By Thao Thao TranPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

It states straightforward the laws that secured women’s positions as follows (simplified): [Ref: 1, 2, 3]

- Women are allowed to freely marry slaves and when her husband dies, she and her children will inherit dowry and half of the property (the other half belongs to slave owners).

- A man who leaves his wife must give a dowry and custody to his ex-wife and provide other assets such as land so she can raise the children.

- Widows can stay at their husband's house for as long as they like, until remarriage.

But Babylon was now in slavery and the position of man was superior to that of women. In fact, when looking deeply at Hammurabi’s Code, women and slaves are considered to be the property of men, so the majority of laws protecting women are born to protect men's possessions.

For example, when a woman dies, her wealth will belong to other men in the family, such as her husband, father, son, or brother / brother. When a woman is caught cheating, the couple will be tied and thrown into the water. A woman can only live if her husband is willing to forgive sins (then the man tied up is also saved as a king's property). There is no law about adultery.

The rest of the world works almost similarly to Babylon: women, though not overly miserable or oppressive, exploit, but their interests depend on their relationship with men and social status. inferior union than men. This lasted until at least the second half of the 19th century.

Until the late 19th century, mankind was skeptical that "are women human?" Or “should we consider women as “human” as men?”.

Despite the more comfortable living conditions, the social status of women is lower than ... slaves. In the US, blacks were considered one-fourth the number of whites compared to whites from the end of the 18th century (because southern states wanted more seats in parliament, so they drew this out to vote for their slave. property). By 1870, votes of blacks were counted as votes of whites.

But it was not until 1920, after many struggles and small movements, that women voted. That means before that, even though they made up half of the population, they were not even allowed to vote for the government - which was closely related to the policies that affected their fate.

After this success, women have continued to struggle until the end of the 20th century to claim seemingly obvious benefits such as inheriting the same education as men, being paid the same salary as men (previously barem is paid exclusively for women), enjoys the same health care as men, is allowed to use contraception and culminates in being allowed to have abortion in some states [4].

This is also the time when laws against violence and sexual abuse in marriage and at work are born. That is, until the end of the Vietnam War, women in the United States began to protect the basic rights of the law.

This was the beginning of the feminism movement, which has empowered women today to have rights that everyone thinks are "obvious".

At that time, everyone considered that women should talk less, participate less in social and political care and take care of their families more than it is evident and truthful. The controversy surrounding feminism is as complicated as this: you don't know how many classes it has.

Assuming you prefer to have a son over a girl, is that your personal preference or social prejudice that impacts? Assuming you can prove it to be a personal preference, are you sure it doesn't come from a sexist society?

Equal rights and laws (such as the right to vote for both men and women) are easy to measure, but moral values ​​are not. It is possible that sex discrimination has become so profound that it becomes part of the unconscious, and influences the decisions you think are as fair as possible. It is possible that they themselves have the opposite effect, establishing a social order that you think is obvious.

Similarly to the black slaves in the slavery regime that always thought they deserve it, sometimes the social context makes it impossible for a woman to think otherwise ... a woman can. think. We often blame a stupid woman who cannot overcome adversity, but are they thinking that it was because of them and not a sexist society?

Let's be honest, we really don't know the answer to that question.

This problem is quite complex and has many layers, modern feminism is focusing on these things to continue the struggle, but their movements are becoming more dramatic, ridiculous and counterproductive.

The "feminist" movement that you often come across today on the internet like #metoo or similar, is completely different from feminism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as mentioned above. But they are still a feminist movement, an inevitable version when a certain philosophical viewpoint becomes popular and attracts political power.

Political groups always start with very cool and timely appeals, attracting many followers after that to become strong. Then the evil instincts of humankind gradually manifest and cover them.

To ensure a solid and united organization, you must come up with seemingly radical ideals and confront other organizations. If feminism fights for the rights of men, how do they attract followers? But if they are only fighting for the rights of women, how can they guarantee that they will not demand too much?

Just as communism in the twentieth century called for equality for all to come to the universal world, but brought the working class to power (?!), Feminism despite calling for gender equality, but unduly demanding women's rights. And even though these things are not convincing but reasonable.

When a political group is large enough, the members' beliefs and moral values ​​do not matter. The organization itself will carry a soul and establish a system with the purpose of helping it grow.

After a series of reforms from the feminist wave in the 1960s and 70s that helped to equalize the conditions of the sexes, modern feminist waves are showing that they tend to demand more rights and leave men. back behind. It's funny that their original purpose was gender equality.

Let's go back to the feminist movement in the 1960s and '70s. They have become icons, editors and university lecturers today. Their rights depend on how many inequalities they swim in.

These people spread the idea that this world is influenced by patriarchy, that men are aggressive, violent, paternalistic and the difference between men and women is the product of cultural fantasies. must be biological. But is this extreme of them also a sign of the patriarchal? They also remove these ideal skeptics from the organization. Is this action oppressive?

Modern feminism has been described by other women as "a movement of people all too often full of hostility, inciting and misery. Only a minor number of advocators are enthusiastic and overjoyed”[5].

Feminists today are seen as those who take away things like "racist cereal boxes" [6], "university mascots Husky will encourage rape and sexual abuse ”[7] ...

Much of what we see about feminism today is t-shirts, books, magazines that are widely sold, on which the slogans or slogans are written. female that the author himself could not become.

Feminist activists instead of trying to become typical women as they preached, they were only in one place to draw one thing after another. Surprisingly, few successful women fight for modern feminism.

“Do you want more women than scientists, engineers or professors? Pursue science and knowledge. Do you want more women to be CEOs? Let's start a business. The world not only doesn't care, but supports you.

One of the prejudices that men attribute to women is that they are too concerned about their emotions and think that people are always judging them. This is also something that modern feminists entangled themselves with, proving that the prejudice is correct ”[8].

Modern feminism has not only done nothing new, but also shatters the achievements of previous movements. They are creating a world of inequality and bad prejudices for women - something their mothers and grandmothers have spent their lives struggling to.

I have been to several gender equality workshops, when the host gave data on unequal women in poor and underdeveloped countries, participants were still skeptical. Extremely feminist prejudice causes them to start asking unrelated questions, even quibbling like "I see women around me being unfair, even more happy than men." But that does not deny the fact that there are other women living in such poor conditions as the data show.

Or, as in the #metoo movement, many people start to be skeptical about the morality and correctness in the accusations of female stars, or put big questions in exposed sex abuse events: is it true that Were these women involuntary, or did they not take advantage of the movement to bleach and polish their names?

But even so, the above does not negate the fact that sexual abuse in the entertainment industry is a problem that many victims have to live in silence.

The same goes for your feelings about modern feminism. Even if you have aversion to it, don't get misconceptions about gender equality.

Two truths can exist in tandem, but not necessarily negatively. Sometimes it is just different aspects of the same problem.

Since feminism has seven types, feminism opposites also have seven types. Be alert.











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Thao Thao Tran

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