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Sport is important in the fight against violence

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By Enas El Nemr Published about a year ago 3 min read
A street gym located in Alexandria-Egypt, free of charges, for all people

We all go through tough times, that’s life. We always need to refresh our body, lift our mood, mind and spirit. Daily exercise is one of the keys to excellent mood, healthy body, and sharp memory.

You just need to make daily movements that make your muscles work through different physical activities such as walking, running, swimming, gardening, cycling to name a few. The most type of exercises that appeals to many is joining a gym to do aerobic exercises and lifting weights. Getting big strong muscles is a dream of many, young or old.

Gym community is currently growing despite the emergence of covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has caused the closure of gyms in all countries for years and people flocked to convenience of doing exercises on demand from their own homes through online fitness sessions but after vaccines have effectively reduced corona virus infections, gyms return back to the scene. That does not mean corona virus is finally over, people may still develop health problems caused by corona virus. In these circumstances, the idea of street gyms is helpful and spreads out in many countries where Egypt is one of them.

It’s much easier to comply with social distancing, one of corona virus guidelines, when you train in the open air in street gyms than in an enclosed crowded space. Street gyms came as a safe alternative as well as they are free of charges so they are suitable to all people who want to keep doing their daily exercises but they can’t afford to pay the subscription fees of fitness clubs.

The emergence of corona virus has played a role in increasing the number of street gyms sequentially in the countries around the world.

Regular exercise is excellent for health while it helps reducing the level of violence in societies. Violence emerges when people are unable to cope with every day stresses, the most things that may cause stress are the unemployment, financial problems, losing a loved one, barriers to marriage, unhealthy life due to strained relationships at home or in the workplace, feelings of mistrust and insecurity, family break-ups and divorce. No one is violent by nature but when he loses control of his anger, he becomes violent. Some people are at low level of violence, they harm themselves more than they cause harm to others while people who reach high level of violence can do terrible things such as assault and murder.

Regular exercises in general help reducing violence by practicing self control and manage low feelings of depression in socially acceptable way.

Egypt is one of the countries that appreciate the importance of sports in lifting a country out of violence. The video showed here is for a street gym located in Alexandria, one of the governorates of Egypt. It’s place is on the Corniche, equipped with a set of equipment ranges from dumbbells, rope climbing wall, stair climber, pull-up bar to do upside down strengthening exercises, battling ropes which are one of the most effective pieces of gear that the athlete can swing, slam and shake to burn fat and challenge his muscles.

This street gym is free of charges, for all people of all ages, available 24 hours; it establishes good relationships among its goers.

It’s important that sport unites nations to create peace among their peoples through organizing joint sports events and providing poorer nations with global financing to establish sports grounds to their people to do their regular exercises without paying any money, just keep training.

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About the Creator

Enas El Nemr

I'm Egyptian writer. I have many inspiring ideas and interesting stories to share with you here on this great platform.

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