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Roe V Wade Overturned

My thoughts on this matter

By Samantha WardPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

So, my thoughts on Roe V. Wade being overturned are that this is completely insane. How can we be the "land of the free" when not everyone is free? Women had to fight for our rights and now they are just taking them away again? For what? Just because some people want to cry about it?

Let me put it this way. The government doesn't care about anyone, all they care about is control. This is all about control. They want to control everyone.

My thoughts on Abortion? I think that it should be a choice! Is it a choice I would personally make no. Not unless it was medically necessary and now I wouldn't even have that choice.

I had complications with both of my children. In another story, I can elaborate on those complications. I just keep thinking if I got pregnant again and they told me I would die if I carried the baby to term and I knew that I did not have a choice to make I am not being forced to carry this baby no matter what it makes me sick.

What life are they trying to save? Just a life that isn't even born yet, this life they are trying to save doesn't even have a name! How can you want something to live that badly that you are willing to kill the mother just so it can live? Why do they think it is logical? What if the father of that baby is not around, what if the mother was raped, Incest babies, or babies that won't live past birth?

Recently, A 10-year-old girl was raped in my state (Ohio). Do you know what her doctor told her when he told her she was pregnant? He told her that he could not abort the baby because she was 2 days over the "heartbeat bill" that Ohio has in place. A ten-year-old little girl! Luckily for this girl, she was able to be transported to Indiana where they could do the abortion.

All these pro-lifers think this is just okay and that she should have had to carry that baby because someone would love that baby. But, what if that baby doesn't ever get a home that loves it? The foster system is so broken and a majority of those kids are abused. Do you think they would rather have been aborted because their parents couldn't care for them or they were an outcome of a rape? I think that most of them would probably tell you that would have been better for them than being abused by someone all day every day. The system is broken.

Adoption is not a choice for everyone either. Do you have the money to spend to adopt a child? Most likely your answer is going to be no, but yet you want everyone to have babies?

The more I think about this being overturned the more it makes me furious. You may be reading this thinking "old news" but this is a matter that is never going to be "old news" because it has to do with our freedom and when you mess with freedom then people are going to be outraged. I will fight for my rights. I worry for my children and what they are going to go through in the future.

This government is nothing like it was back when I was young. I was born in 1990 so, when I was growing up I thought that the government was supposed to protect us in any way possible. I quickly and I mean quickly found out that I was totally wrong.


About the Creator

Samantha Ward

Just a mom of 4 children going through this rough life! Love reading and writing.

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