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I'm Not Following a Trend...

Shame in taking Weight Loss Medication

By Hannah ElliottPublished about a month ago 4 min read

I am not following a trend. You do not know how hard I work to have the same result week in and week out. I eat healthy, workout 5 days a week doing strength and cardio, and track my macros but still do not see any changes on the scale.

It is not easy as someone with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, to lose weight. My body has extreme hormone imbalances and high levels of androgen making it almost impossible to lose weight in a normal fashion. Because of the extra androgen, it makes my body have a higher insulin resistance than a normal person’s body, making losing weight hard.

Like I workout for 5-6 hours a week, I track my macros to a T making sure I eat 180 grams of protein a day. I do everything right, everything that I should be doing to lose weight and if I did not have PCOS I probably would be able to lose weight at a normal rate. BUT I AM NOT.

I have literally stayed the same weight for almost 6 months…even with doing everything right and not straying from working out and eat right that scale did not move, not even for .5lb.

Because of this, after talking extensively with my doctor and trying so many different options, we decided to put me on a semaglutide medication like Ozempic to help with the process.

My first reaction should have been great, now I can actually have the chance to lose the weight I need to and be able to lead a healthier life. But that was not it. Because there is now such a stigma for people using these medications to advance their weight loss due to people using it who really do not need it..

All I thought was great, taking this people are going to say I am taking the lazy way out… Not actually wanting to put the work in but just get the results.

It was hard to get over that fear you could say.

But here is the thing, other than taking the medication, I have not changed a thing in my diet and workout habits, everything is the same, but I have actually lost weight…

It just shows that there really should not be any judgement on those who are taking the medication for actual reasons. Some of us really need an extra boost to help us with our journey.

The difference for some of us, is that we are using it to get to the weight that we having been trying to achieve for so long. I know in my case, I am just trying to lose these last 20lbs that I have been trying to lose for over 5 years at this point.

We have a goal in mind and once we are at that weight, we are fine stopping taking the medication.

These celebrities and people who a) did not really need this medication and b) don’t really have a goal in mind other than to just get as small as possible.

This world is already impossible for a woman to live in as the body standards are impossible for us to achieve and keep up with, now you add this to the mix?

Can we just stop trying to say that certain ways of losing weight, as long as they are done with the right intentions, are less valid than others?

Some people need extra help and that is okay. What is not okay, is making it seem like I am only doing this because of a trend to get skinny. I do not want to be skinny, most of the people using these mediciations for the right reason do not want to be super skinny. All we want is to get to the weight and the shape that if we could lose weight in a normal way, that we would be at naturally.

Let me move the scale how I can. Rather than trying to say how there's a right and wrong way, can we just focus on the goal of living healthy rather than worrying about getting skinny?


About the Creator

Hannah Elliott

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