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Girl, Get That Raise!

Here's your guide to getting that pay raise that you deserve. some tips

By Felicia VidaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Girl, Get That Raise!
Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

In the past, women didn't have the opportunities that they have today. Now, women are welcome in the workforce to develop their careers and reach their goals.

Even though the world has become more inclusive, there are still barriers that stop women from being equally treated with men. One of them is the gender pay gap. Despite having the same jobs and qualifications, women earn less money than men. To be exact, women used to make $10,169 less per year, going up to $19,000 now.

Women have to work twice—thrice, even—to get the same advantages as men. They have to be extraordinary to break the glass ceiling, and they can start by demanding fair compensation.

It's not an easy feat, though. To help you, here are tips to up your chances of getting that raise:

Show Your Value

Others must see how you work and contribute. Be present in the workplace and participate in discussions, collaborations, meetings, and every activity you can join in. Of course, make sure to deliver quality work, meet deadlines, and contribute meaningfully. Show your boss that you're the best employee they can ever have and that they'll have a hard time letting you go.

All your skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise are on your side. Use these as your strengths, and remember that nobody can ever take them away from you. You are valuable and worthy of the position and appropriate compensation. So, keep track of your contributions and participation in the company, as it will help you later.

Prepare Yourself

When you're having the conversation, you'll never know what to expect, but you can prepare yourself for whatever happens. The only way to do this is to practice the conversation.

You can start practicing in your head to help you start with your script and objectives. Doing so can also help you realize possible scenarios. It's like mapping out your game plan before putting it out into the world.

When you're ready, practice the conversation with a friend. This way, you'll get the feel of how it's going to go and gauge the person-to-person aspect of the conversation. If a friend is not available at the moment, consider practicing in front of a mirror. Compared to visualizing how the conversation will go, practicing with a mirror feels a little more concrete.

Make the Ask

Here's the moment you've been waiting for. All the hard work has led up to this moment—the conversation. It's time to tell your boss what you've been preparing for this whole time.

Remember to be objective. Your goal could be fair compensation or to advance your career. Whatever it is, focus on your value as an employee. This is where all your contributions come into play. By emphasizing what you have offered, your boss may see how valuable you are through your role. Lean into your strengths and skills and be confident.

The conversation may be nerve-wracking, but always be polite. You may have to negotiate with your employer to reach a good compromise between the two of you.

Review Your Options

The conversation can go according to plan or not. If you got the raise, you deserve a pat on the back and huge congratulations! You have worked so hard, and you're on your way to break the glass ceiling and more. After celebrating, you're on your way to make significant changes, from your lifestyle to this year's tax planning.

But, if it doesn't go as planned, you will have to think a few things over. The conversation may have been left open-ended, and you have to contemplate on an offer. Do you think it's a fair offer? How does it benefit you and your career? Does it make you feel valued, seen, and appreciated? Take your time and weigh your options. Only you can answer.

Another scenario would be the total rejection of your offer. There's a possibility that your boss is just unwilling to close the gender pay gap or address any problems in the system. When this happens, maybe it's time to start looking for other opportunities that recognize your worth.

For sure, one company out there would be more than happy to have you on board. Maybe they want to get rid of discrimination in the workplace as much as you do.

To quote our favorite mean girl, "The limit does not exist!"

Women can only do so much individually since gender-based discrimination is an institutionalized problem. But this does not mean they cannot break the glass ceiling. Doing so is, in itself, a form of resistance. You are a woman, and none of these can hold you back.


About the Creator

Felicia Vida

I'm a writer, first and foremost. I cover lifestyle, home, real estate, and luxury trends. I also occasionally ponder on the future of work and issues that we face daily.

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