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John Jay Falls Short in 4-3 Loss to Carmel

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By Rich MonettiPublished 13 days ago Updated 10 days ago 3 min read


On Monday April 29, John Jay traveled to Carmel, and the teams found themselves in a pitcher’s duel. Nick Fassert and Brian McGrory locking horns and canines, the decision came down to the wire and did not disappoint.

With the tying run at second, Will Civetta grounded to second, and Carmel came away with an exciting 4-3 victory.

The game began with both pitchers putting up doughnuts, but McGrory had an easier time. Three up, three down, he handed the ball to Fassert, and Alex Luppino was quick to greet the John Jay starter.

A lead off single to right, Luppino had his eyes set on second on McGrory’s sacrifice bunt. Not quite, Fassert pounced on the ball and nailed the lead runner. A two out walk to Nick Kreatsoulas got the runner in scoring position, but Fassert got Casey Lowndes on strikes.

The second inning was the same - almost. McGrory faced the minimum again on two strikeouts, and Fassert got the first two batters on strikes.

A strike away on the third, a high pitch to Brandon Carty left doubt and ultimately opened the door. Contact definitely made with Carty’s helmet, it wasn’t clear whether the noise was made by the bat or the ball.

The umpire ruled the ball, and the inning remained alive. Fassert then issued two walks and was called for a balk. A wild pitch brought in a run, but Fassert got his counterpart on strikes.

Now, it was McGrory’s turn for a little drama. Troy Wood scorched a bouncer to third, and he got the benefit of a bad hop. A lead off double, he stole third, and John Jay was poised to tie.

So McGrory sharpened his horns. He got Nick Benson and Eliot Arbogast on strikes and ended the threat with Jacob Storch flying to center.

Fassert went back to the mound and did his job nonetheless. A ground out, a fly out and a strikeout kept the status quo after three.

The fourth looked like John Jay would disrupt the order again, though. Fassert doubled to right center with one out, and Nick Russo smoked a single to left.

Hoping to eke out a run, Russo took off for second, and left himself in a pickle. But Carmel wasn’t biting.

The second baseman simply eyed Fassert at third and walked Russo back to first. A good strategy it turned out, Russo was caught stealing on the next pitch, and Gavin Bisignano struck out swinging.

Conversely, Carmel would have the two out answer in the bottom of the fourth. Nevin Scaperotti led off with a single, got to second on a wild pitch, and after Fassert issued consecutive strikeouts, Carty pulled the clutch with a run scoring single.

A 2-0 game, Wolves again got themselves in trouble on the base paths. After Arbogast reached first on a fielder’s choice at second, he stole second, and that left Benson the chance to get his team on the board. A great at bat, the centerfielder ratcheted up the pitch count by fouling off ball after ball. Not to be, Arbogast got picked off second, and McGrory was off the hook.

At the plate, the Rams weren’t, though. Two more strikeouts, Fassert issued another zero, and this time the Wolves responded. Storch singled with one out, Civetta grounded one through the second base side, and Fassert was his own best friend with a run scoring single.

The pitch count then ushered in Jack Garneau, and he was greeted by a ground ball to his glove side. Unable to put the squeeze on, the deflection kept Storch from making the play at first.

So Carmel kept coming at Garneau. Willy Melikian laid a bunt down, and the reliever threw high to second. A wild pitch put runners on second and third, and Carty again answered. His single drove in two, but Garneau did at least close the door with a fly out and a ground out.

Three outs to go, John Jay was quickly down to two on Matt Denker’s pop to third. Sorry, quiet was the last thing the Wolves turned out to be. Wood launched a ball deep to deep center, and a gap hit seemed in order. Filling it in, Simon Bakker cut the ball off, and John Jay was on life support.

Walks to Arbogast and Benson said otherwise, and then Storch gave Carmel a jolt. A double to deep left center sent the runners home, and left it to Civetta. But Luppino gobbled the ball, and the Rams were able to turn tail in the victory.


About the Creator

Rich Monetti

I am, I write.

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