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The Astrology of Bitcoin —Uranus in Taurus

As an astrologer I’m used to contrast, but it would be nice to be believed sometimes.

By Pamella RichardsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Astrology of Bitcoin —Uranus in Taurus
Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Uranus moved into the sign of Taurus for a long term stay on 6th March 2019; typically Uranus spends 7 years in any one sign, its a generation thing.

(By way of background to those who don’t consider astrology and are unaware of the workings of Astrology, the areas ruled by the Sign of Taurus includes Banking and Finance.)

The last time this happened was in the period 1936–1942.

There are very few people alive today who remember that time. It was the rise of fascism in Europe. On 7 March 1936, Germany reoccupied the Rhineland. Many readers will know from the History books, that the Rhineland was confiscated from Germany following their surrender at the end of the First World War.

Tensions in the economy were visible by 1936, Germany had already announced its intention to rebuild its army as early as 1935 and had started defaulting on its foreign loans.

Germany’s treatment following their defeat in the First World War had been very brutal, and unfair.

When I look around at what is happening now, there are some similarities.

Governments are printing money for fiscal stimulus, and amassing huge debts in the process to deal with the Pandemic.

During the Second World War the Enigma encryption machine was used extensively by the Nazis and it took the genius of Alan Turin, with his team of ‘boffins’ at Bletchley Park in the UK, to crack the code. The Film ‘The Immitation Game’ starring Benedick Cumberbach and Kiera Knightley told the story of Alan Turin — fascinating and a must see for Crypto fans.

Cumberbatch's Alan Turing is a British mathematician who joins a cryptography team to decipher a German code. A team of other mathematicians helps him build a machine to crack it.

The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius will spend the next 7 years travelling through Taurus, as viewed from the earth (6 March 2019–25 April 2026).

Uranus in astrology is similar to the mad scientist. It’s both the Genius and the Fool. Both Uranus and Aquarius, the sign ruled by Uranus are associated with intelligence, inventions and new ideas. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury in astrology.

Uranus is a ‘Cardinal’ planet that doesn’t traditionally sit well in a ‘fixed’ sign like Taurus — so we may be in for a roller-coaster ride!

What has been predicted is that the traditional banking system will be revolutionised. The most likely contented was declared: CRYPTO CURRENCY.

Bitcoin was ‘born’ during the financial crisis of 2008–2009 and, in many ways it was created specifically as a safe-haven asset against other banking crisis.

Bitcoin has never actually been tested in a recession, or a ‘Black Swan’ event in the Stock Market.

I sold my Bitcoin on 6 May 2021. Bitcoin wasn’t at the all time high, I just got this feeling it would fall. I see that Warren Buffet has off-loaded a huge amount of Banking Stocks.

The money markets are often bluff, counteracted with double bluff, it's impossible to say how things will react and how the scenario will play out.

Many years ago I qualified as a financial advisor, however I don’t have a licence to give financial advice. Therefore I am not a Authorised financial advisor and you should do your own research and not just listen to random people on the internet. Nothing contained in this publication should be construed as investment advice.

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This story was also published on Medium.


About the Creator

Pamella Richards

Beekeeper and lover of the countryside. Writer, Gardener and Astrologer

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