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Follow These 8 Rules to Make $100,000 Per Month

Who is the most successful self-made millionaire in history? Warren Buffet spent 55 years building his fortune, while Jay Walker accomplished the same feat in less than a year, according to Forbes.

By Claudiu CozmaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Follow These 8 Rules to Make $100,000 Per Month
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

When he created during the dot-com bubble, his net worth skyrocketed from $0 to billions in a matter of months.

However, this was not sustainable since when the bubble burst, his net worth plummeted as well, but Buffett remains at the top of the list and does not appear to be going away anytime soon. Forbes magazine’s cover And that’s the type of riches you want to accumulate in your life. Money is a difficult game to master; it is harsh, competitive, and cruel, and if you don’t understand the rules, you are bound to fail. Generally speaking, the problem with most people is that they may work extremely hard their entire lives but still find themselves in poverty at the end of the journey because they don’t understand how the game works, so if you want to find yourself on the other side of the coin, you must first understand how the game works. You’d best learn how to play by the rules.

1. It is true that money grows on trees.

Even though I’m sure many of you have been taught the polar opposite, the fact is that if you don’t operate from this point of view, you will remain impoverished for the rest of your life. You will never be able to exchange your time for money for the rest of your life, which is why you must plant trees that will generate income for you even when you are not present. It is not as simple as it appears. For example, do you know how difficult it is to plant a tree? First, you must plant the seed, but the seed is worthless unless it is placed in nutrient-rich soil.

There are no guarantees that the tree will develop on its own; you must water and care for it on a regular basis, and it will not grow overnight. Some trees may physically live for ten, twenty, or even thirty years. However, once it has reached maturity, it will continue to produce fruits with the utmost efficiency. The same is true with assets; after you have built up a business or saved enough money to make a smart investment, the asset continues to provide income even when you are not there. Because, at some time, you may get old or sick and no longer be able to do your work duties, and even if you are earning 500 dollars an hour, you may find yourself back in poverty if you haven’t planted enough trees in your garden to provide for your family.

2. There is no limit to how much money you may spend following that.

I remember when I was living paycheck to paycheck and had a very tight budget. I used to assume that if I were to earn even a small amount more than I do now, I would start saving, but what actually happened was that I just increased my expenditures. As a matter of fact, when I began earning significantly more money, all that occurred was that my spending continued to rise at an alarming rate.

If you do not budget and discipline yourself to stay to a certain budget, you will not be able to save money for investment. Even if you earn a hundred thousand dollars per month, there are an unlimited number of ways to spend that hundred thousand dollars on various activities. Instead of repeatedly increasing your investment line of credit, force yourself to stick to a reduced spending budget. If Elon Musk could get by on a dollar a day, he would. In the United States, you will almost certainly be able to make do with a few hundred dollars.

Make no mistake: enjoy the money you’ve earned through your hard work, vacation, or do anything you like; nevertheless, maintain a budget that is smaller than your income since you must accumulate assets to be able to retire comfortably.

3. Money is a game that lasts a lifetime.

It was at this point that I became serious about money and investing. The vision in my head has been that once I start making so and so, I would no longer be required to adhere strictly to a budget and will be able to finally retire and enjoy the benefits of my labour. Is this image accurate? But the only thing that happened when I started creating that much was that I recognised it wasn’t enough and that I needed to produce even more.

On the contrary, if you stop managing it, it will cease to generate revenue. Just because you acquired property does not mean that you will immediately locate renters. Without proper care, it may potentially become a source of legal risk for you. The notion that you can produce an asset while doing absolutely nothing else is a load of crap. Even if you develop a great firm, you will have rivals who will want to bring you to your knees on a consistent basis.

So forget about the concept of retiring one day; yes, you may automate some of your chores and reduce your working hours, but in general, this game will never be over as long as you are alive. and a prominent illustration of this is the world’s wealthiest individuals, who continue to work even when they are not required to.

4. Money will not be able to alleviate your anxieties.

Our fears drive us to buy that costly automobile, relocate to a larger home or upgrade our phone in order to be accepted or admired by society, which is not always the case. Even if that pricey automobile will make you feel wonderful for a week or two, after that, your insecurity will not go away, leading you to seek a better, more expensive car in the future. It’s a never-ending loop that maintains those who make a lot of money in their positions of power.

You should learn how to better regulate your emotions if you are looking for acceptance in the first place. The fact is that your anxieties will empty your financial account, but they will remain in your account forever. Instead, work on honing your social skills and learning how to raise your self-esteem.

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on a luxury automobile or a private plane. Don’t be afraid to spend money on whatever you want, but don’t do it in order to compensate for your uneasiness. There are more efficient and less expensive ways to accomplish this.

5. Don’t tell anyone that you have money in your possession.

We take great pleasure in boasting about how much money we make. That is ultimately what determines your social standing in the era of capitalism, or at least that is what the majority of people believe. The issue is that money acts like a magnet, drawing others to you and causing them to desire a piece of your fortune. Of sure, it will make you feel wonderful and valued, but it will do so at a cost that is not worth the effort. And if they are unable to obtain it through diplomatic means, they will sue you and obtain it through the legal system. That is the reality in which we live. Regardless of if you make a million dollars per annum, don’t tell anyone about it. Maintain your modesty, don’t boast about your accomplishments, and continue to produce more.

6. The greatest wealth transfers occur during times of crisis.

When the economy tanked in 2008, the unemployment rate surged as a result of the inability of the businesses to pay their payments on time. Millions of individuals lost their jobs, became homeless, or fell into poverty. Some people, on the other hand, began investing actively and got significantly wealthier as a result of the crises, as the largest transfers of wealth occur during times of crisis. If you are willing to take advantage of the chance, you can become a successful entrepreneur overnight.

Remember Jay Walker, who became the youngest member of the billionaires club in less than a year by taking advantage of the dot com bubble? Despite the fact that his fortune was unsustainable, he was nevertheless able to retain hundreds of millions of dollars. Another example is Mark Cuban, who has amassed a substantial fortune. Indeed, he has stated that he has been fortunate to become a billionaire since if it had not been for the 1998 financial crisis, he would not have been a billionaire.

Instead of seeing the financial crisis as an elaborate ruse orchestrated by the government or the 1 percent to fleece the people, take advantage of it in the same way those in power do. Understand how the system operates, research previous crises to see how and why they began, and prepare to be on the receivables side when the next one occurs.

7. As you grow older, your costs will rise as a result.

Have you ever noticed that year after year, you spend more and more money in some manner or another? Even though one hundred dollars was a lot of money when you were a teenager, it barely covers the cost of a tank of gas nowadays. Furthermore, as you grow older, your expenditures will only continue to rise.

In our life, especially if we have children, this is the way things are meant to be. While the majority of individuals are not concerned about the future since they are earning a respectable salary now, when their costs outweigh their earnings, they begin to worry that they do not have enough money to put up for retirement or investment.

You will quickly find yourself trapped in a cycle of paycheck to paycheck that will keep you impoverished for the rest of your life if you do not ensure that your income increases year after year (see above).

And it is for this reason that you must take the following guideline quite carefully.

8. The accumulation of wealth occurs over a period of time.

Just as it is impossible to grow a tree overnight, it is also impossible to build riches overnight. Keep in mind that the earlier you start investing, the better. The power of compounding allows you to become wealthy with as little as one hundred dollars. It’s no surprise that the world’s best investor began investing at the age of eleven. What were you doing when you were eleven?

Consider this interesting fact: you can make your grandchild a millionaire by only spending 1160 dollars, which is equal to the cost of a new smartphone, and seeing it grow to more than a million dollars over the course of a hundred years, with no more investment required on your part. Although you are unlikely to live until then, I am confident that your grandchild will be grateful.

If we assume he will not be greedy and will preserve it for his grandson for another hundred years, the value of the estate will have increased to about a billion dollars. Of course, it is foolish to wait for so long, but the sooner you begin, the sooner you will be able to reach a point where you will be earning enough money that you will no longer have to worry about paying your expenses.

Warren Buffett needed 55 years to reach his first billion dollars, but just three years to reach his second billion dollars. In reality, he made 98 percent of his money after reaching the age of five-hundred-fifty.

personal finance

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    Claudiu CozmaWritten by Claudiu Cozma

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