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Amazon Affiliate Program Pros & Cons In 2022

Amazon Affiliate Program Pros & Cons In 2022

By Irfan IshfaqPublished 3 years ago 12 min read

Amazon Affiliate Program Pros & Cons In 2022. There are ten things that you need to know if you're considering joining or not. Six of them are pros, four of them are cons. I'm going to cover them all in today's blog and talk about the pros & cons of the Amazon affiliate program. You may have heard of this program before. It's known technically as the Amazon Associates program. But essentially, what it is, Is the affiliate program there. It's by Amazon. Now, I've been an Amazon affiliate for the last few years. I have learned a lot over this time, whether Amazon affiliate is a great thing or a better option. That's what I'm going to talk about in this blog.

Amazon Affiliates

It is so easy to start, with only one requirement for anyone to get started. It's completely free to join, and you have a functional website. Furthermore, it is easy to do, either use WordPress or use Wix. If you have a working website And you've applied for this. That's all you need to get started, is free to do, accept, start creating affiliate links for Amazon products, and just get started. Go onto Amazon accepted as an associate, get your affiliate link for Any product on Amazon?

You're no longer limited to just having one Universal affiliate link for the whole company. When customers buy, you get credit. The way these works is you can find any products on Amazon and get a Specific link to that product. Page is the cool thing, Is that when you're accepted, as an affiliate, get these tools available to you right away. So you can create your custom links. You don't have to wait to make these custom links right away now. What's also cool about this is that you can link to any product on Amazon. It makes the topic, ideas for your niche affiliate marketing websites endless. You can link to any category, any product in any niches on Amazon.


One of the biggest pros to being on the Amazon affiliate program is that it's genuinely. Easy to make money now, don't get me wrong. Everyone says easy ways to make money. I am saying this is that when anyone clicks on your affiliate links from Amazon. Anything that they add to their cart and purchase within 24 hours of clicking that link, you will get a commission for this. It is not like other affiliate programs. And what's so cool about this is you can link certain products or anything else. It is in your articles, people can click on it. Let's talk, for example, that was for a pair of shoes that you link to Amazon in your blog. They click on it. They look at the shoes they decide, well, I'm not ready to buy right now. Maybe next week, Or They don't desire to purchase that pair of shoes. If they come back within 24 hours, let's say they buy a vacuum cleaner or anything on Amazon within 24 hours of clicking your link. You will still get a commission on whatever they put in their cart and purchase it. It is why I always recommend for beginners to start on the Amazon affiliate program because you may have accidental success. All you have to worry about is getting people to read your articles and click on your affiliate links to go over to Amazon. And then anything they purchase within 24 hours. You still get a commission on it.

It is another pro to the Amazon affiliate program. And that is that it is so evergreen, It is passive income. The reason I say it's evergreen if you haven't read about this before essentially what evergreen is, is you create the content or the links once it lasts forever. Do you want to set yourself up this way? So you have passive income long into the future. It is not just looking a month or two months down the road. The reason that the Amazon affiliate program is so long-lasting is that Amazon is not going anywhere shortly. They're not going to go away. They're not going to close up shop. They are a massive company and the other part of the equation here. Is that when you're linking to products on Amazon? They have name-brand products.

You can choose from big companies that also are not going anywhere. They're not going to close up shop. They're not going to stop selling on Amazon anytime in the future by you. Creating content around name-brand products things that are here to stay on Amazon aren't going anywhere. Shortly you can take advantage of your content being evergreen and making you money for years to come because it's still relevant. Your links are still relevant and working and linking to those same products. It helps us avoid creating affiliate content for products that go away in a year or are no longer relevant. Because then you have to recreate the content. What you create is not going to make you money in the future. But by having this be evergreen and passive income. You can pick the right products and our name brand and link to them on Amazon. It'll still be relevant for many years to Come. It is my favourite Pro to being part of the Amazon affiliate program. Amazon is arguably the most optimized website for getting people to buy things online; no doubt when you go on Amazon.

You find a product that you are remotely interested in buying the Make the checkout process and reviews and everything so easy for you and compelling for you to make a purchase. It works to our advantage because I like before if they go on to Amazon from your affiliate link. And they don't buy the product that you referred them to Amazon for they may look at other products. Since Amazon is so compelling and well optimized for you to make a purchase right then, it benefits us a ton because people will convert into Purchasing. Therefore, you get your Commission far more than other websites that aren't as optimized now. I know that Pro number five mixed into this list, but don't let it go unnoticed that is a big Pro. We can join the Amazon affiliate program free and make commissions off of products that sell on Amazon. But don't forget that Amazon has put so much money and resources into finding out what makes people buy and Tailoring their systems, and optimizing them to get people to make purchases. We can benefit from all of that by being a part of the Amazon affiliate program. Last Pro, the customer service on Amazon, is so good.

We all know the environment. You know it just as well as me when you purchase if you have any issues on Amazon. Their customer service is taken care of by experts. They are super quick to take care of anything. That's an issue of possible returns. If you have any questions, they're always sending emails on where your order is tracking through the app. They have everything figured out. So we get to take advantage of this as well and know that if you're referring someone to Amazon through your affiliate link, They purchase if they have any issues with that product at all. We're purchasing anything in good hands because they have Amazon's customer service taking care of them in itself is excellent. Pro for all of the affiliate marketing because as the affiliate marketer, you and myself, when we refer people to Products, we don't have to take care of the customer service. The company takes care of all the customer service processing the transaction fulfilling the orders, everything. We have to find the best product to refer people toSo certainly keep that in mind Amazon's customer service is top-notch.

It is always tremendous. So, you know that the customers you're referring are in good hands, So all six of these pros are extremely good. Still, it does come with some cons. Not everything is perfect, So I've got a list of four cons that you should be aware of if you're considering joining the Amazon affiliate program.



It is the biggest con, and it's the biggest drawback to the affiliate program here, And that's that the commission rate is low. They have a commission chart that will show you how much you will make in commissions on each category of products on Amazon. But know that roughly on average, you'll make about 5% of the total sale. So to put that in perspective, if you refer someone to a product and they order $100 worth of that product. Whatever it is, you will get 5 dollars as a commission. Now that's on average some categories go up to 10%. Most categories are about 4% but know that the Commission rate is generally pretty low compared to some other affiliate programs out there, but with that said, you have to look at the flip side to this people are going into the Amazon environment where they do compel and easily convinced to make purchases. So these sales come pretty easy on the Amazon affiliate program, so essentially, with the Amazon affiliate program, keep in mind that you're going to make your money in volume a lot of people ordering Affiliate products. It will not be high commission high ticket sales where they make one purchase, and you get a hefty commission payout. It is a big drawback for some people, but trust me from experience, especially a beginner. It is a good thing because, as I said before, they have a 24-hour window when they click your affiliate link over to Amazon Anything that adds to their cart and purchases within 24 hours. You will get the commission on and whether that's in the 10% category or 5% or 4 %, whatever it is, you will still earn commission on anything that they buy, so keep that in mind. That's a massive con to the Amazon affiliate program. That's that it's generally a low Commission rate.

The second kind of big con here is that we have to talk about Is that it is limited availability? Although the application to Amazon is very easy And all you need is a functioning website some countries and regions are not supported So you may go to sign up and find that your country region is not on any supported list This is typically going to come in when you're putting in your banking information Amazon has to be sure that they can pay for your bank and everything are proper So if you're not in one of the countries or regions that are supported, this can be a little discouraging although look into using Payoneer com you can use they're completely free us payment service where you get us banking details that you can use on your the application so that you can put the USA as your banking location.

The third big con we need to talk about here is that The tracking link only lasts 24 hours. So this is positive and a negative I'll explain why it's a negative here, Now when someone clicks on your link and goes over to AmazonIt tracks that for basically 24 hours they give you credit for anything They purchase within the next 24 hours of clicking your link Now that's all great because people are buying things on Amazon So regularly, whether that's the product that you're recommending or a random product on Amazon, they needed anyway. You'll still get credit but only for 24 hours now if they click your link every day Then you'll keep getting credit for 24 hours after they click your link, But the con to this is when we start comparing that to another affiliate program, some affiliate programs out there give you 30 or 90 days of tracking, so if someone clicks your link if they purchase a product or any product on the site within 90 days. You will still get a commission on that. So looking at this kind of with a grain of salt, You have to look at both sides here. You have to know that on Amazon, customers buy things so Regularly that they can only give you 24 hours of credit because chances are even if they use your link in three days or four days. They may come back and need to buy something on Amazon anyway. So Amazon can't give us credit for referring them because amazon knows that people are generally going to come back buy things regularly. So obviously, there are pros and cons to that one. But that is the con side of only having a 24-hour tracking window.

It is the last big con to the Amazon affiliate program And that is that you have a 180-day review on your account Now what that means is you sign up to be an Amazon affiliate You have your functioning website. You get in through a proper country or region. You're good to go But that gives you 180 days to get three qualified sales So three people click your link and purchase anything in the first one eighty days and at least ten pieces of content on your website These can be ten videos. They can be ten articles, ten exclusive junk of content that you created as original content So keep in mind once you sign up to be a part of the affiliate program, You're inside. That's good However, in 180 days from when you're accepted. They're going to review your account and look for those two things They want to make sure that you've gotten three affiliate sales and you have at least ten pieces of content Now a lot of people ask I buy three products through my affiliate links. the answer to that is no Amazon does not count our purchases towards the affiliate program sales now Another question that I got often is. If you get your account shut down at 180 days. You only had two qualifying sales So they closed your account, know that you can go apply get a new account go through all of the pieces of content You already created, switch out the links with the links from the new account You can go into your new account, find the same product and get the new link and swap it out with your old Accounts links that'll give you another 180 days to meet the requirements of three sales and ten pieces of content So with all of that said there, are six pros. There are four cons. Do I recommend it to you? The short answer here is yes especially if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing as long as you focus on creating good content with your affiliate links in it people will click on your links the more time that you give your articles to rank in Google people are going to be Clicking on your links and then anything that they buy on Amazon for the next 24 hours, you will get a commission for it It's so easy. It's free. It's stress-free. It's as passive as it gets. I can't say no to this I do recommend using the Amazon affiliate program now.

I know a lot of people are going to get hung up on seeing low Commission's between four or five-ten per cent compared to other affiliate programs where you might have a big payout But know that in exchange for getting that low Commission rate, you're getting Amazon's website that is optimized it's compelling. It converts people to purchasing products so much better than other websites on the internet. Lastly, remember how many people are using Amazon and buying things on there? Regularly I've known this number is enormous, but I looked it up before this video. There are over 100 million people with amazon prime Memberships what other company with an affiliate program can say that they have that many returning customers Whether these people are using your Amazon affiliate link to make purchases or not They're going to be making purchases on Amazon No matter what So it's to our advantage to create Amazon affiliate content and have them click our link first purchase. Whatever they're going to be purchasing anyway, and then we get a commission, So I hope this video has been helpful to show you the pros and cons of the Amazon affiliate program. I'll link up resources in the description and a couple of helpful videos that will help you, as well as Always if you like this blog I appreciate the thumbs up.

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    IIWritten by Irfan Ishfaq

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