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"Will You Shut Up Man"

Finally, Someone Said It

By Grace GenetPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

For those of you that watched the debate on September 29th, I am glad you got to experience the all-out craziness of this last debate. There were moments that were hilarious, annoying, and just childish. Most of which came from the President's end of the stage. However, as you may have noticed, I have chosen to highlight a quote stated by Biden on the night of the election, "Will you just shut up man," iconic if I may.

Now I'm not saying that this quote did not also come off as childish, but for those of us who have been watching along with President Trump's speeches for these four years he has been in office, it was a much-needed rebuke. On the other side of things, Trump chose to go the insult route by telling Joe that his kid was basically a no-good druggie, a low blow coming from someone that said they would date their own daughter.

Not to mention his refusal to denounce white supremacy groups, while favoring to attack ANTIFA instead. How can he talk badly about white supremacy groups though when they are a big part of his followers?

Overall this transgression was the most unprofessional, and unpresidential example of a debate I have ever seen in my years on this planet. While I may not be old, I am told that this could even be the most ridiculous presidential debate in the history of the United States. Leave it to Donald Trump to make our national debates a reality show.

It's not to say that Biden was not also acting childish in some respects. However, when someone talks over you at every question, even when those questions happen to be your time alone to answer, I could see why he may have become annoyed. I don't know about you, but if I had someone next to me that was spitting outright lies, I would have a few choice insults as well.

If Trump decided to reach some common ground with both sides of our party system, he would have no problem winning. However, he has no interest in making a truce. The chaos that has resulted from his fear tactics on the right has actually benefited him, so why would he? Sound like anyone else from history... oh yeah Hitler.

Speaking of, he can't really say anything bad about Hitler either because then he would lose his Nazi supporters as well.

Now to get into another topic, masks. When asked about his stance on masks, he took his own mask out of his suit, declaring that he wears it, but not as much as Joe. Considering his concern for his own safety, it's a bit hypocritical that he doesn't enforce wearing masks at his own rallies, which are packed tight with Trump supporters. He did mention that they are outside, but what does it matter when you're so close to someone that you can feel their breath on you.

But that's just it, he doesn't care, as long as his support shows up to make him look good.

He has shown time and time again that he doesn't care about the working-class individual, this is especially shown through his tax returns that we finally got a hold of. It's pretty ironic that he pays more for haircuts than he pays in taxes. Not to mention the money he had to pay to women he molested over the years, just to keep out of court.

While I could go on and on about the state of our country and our current president, I feel that the closer we get to election day, the more you will start to see more of his faults. This next debate should be interesting, as it will be with our current VP, and our future VP (hopefully).

I hope you enjoyed reading! If you did, make sure to leave me a tip so I can continue writing about this topic, among other things. Thank you!


About the Creator

Grace Genet

A passionate Gen-z that’s into fighting for what’s right.

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