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Why would?

Journal Entries

By Tabitha BaughmanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Pallas Cat is sick of America's shit

Why would?

Why would so many people follow a bigot? A fear-monger? A racist? A sexist? A xenophobe? A pathological liar? An angry, hate-filled man? A man of no values? A man of no convictions? An untrustworthy man? A man whose word means less than nothing? An uneducated, unworldly man? A conman? A petty man? A vindictive man? A vengeful man? An unforgiving man? An uncultured man? A man who puts ketchup on well-done steak??

Why would any person follow a “leader” with any single one of these qualities? Let alone every single one of these qualities?

Why would so many people put money before people? But my taxes? The economy? Jobs? Private insurance? The stock market? Wall street? CEOs? Fortune 500 companies?

What about people’s lives and their quality of life? Housing and homelessness? Illness and medical care? Education and school systems? Equal access to opportunities for all? Breaking down barriers for marginalized groups? Tearing down a system of oppression? Fighting systemic racism and sexism? Challenging biases? Facing the problems that are an imminent threat? Climate change? Inequity? Corruption? The prison industrial complex? Militant groups with caches of guns? Literal Nazis and the KKK?

Why would these be less important? How can they not see that by bettering the lives of others, we all benefit as a society?

Why would people be ok with kids in cages?

Why would people be ok with cops murdering POC in the streets?

Why would people be ok with corrupt government officials?

Why would people be ok with the government policing women’s bodies and ignoring women’s rights?

Why would people be ok with un-doing LGBTQ+ rights and allowing hatred to win again?

Why would people be ok with sick, traumatized individuals dying in the streets from drugs?

Why would people be ok with sick or injured people dying because they can’t afford healthcare?

Why would people be ok with sacrificing the elderly and immunocompromised to reopen the economy?

Why would people be ok with breaking laws as long as it only hurts “the others”?

Why would people be ok with destroying relations with our allies in favor of our enemies?

Why would people be ok with this reign of terror? Why do I see so many who STILL support this maniac? I cannot fathom how one can rationalize taxes or the stock market over actual human life and well-being. Over the suffering of humans.

If this were happening in another country, the US would be there in a hot second to quell the violations against humanity. They say other countries treat women like possessions and then impose reproductive restrictions not only in the US but around the world with the Global Gag Rule. They say, those poor children in X country! What about the children here? Both the citizens who go to schools and practice lockdown drills and go hungry or sick for lack of money AND the non-citizens kept in cages for the most heinous of transgressions -- walking on our dirt! The audacity of these aliens, they say. How could they come here to this magnificent country illegally?? How could they not know our laws? I say, who actually cares? This heinous crime-- a misdemeanor! They are escaping gangs, drugs, poverty, war, etc. Why would they care about breaking a law in America? It’s America after all. The land of the free. They would not treat us so harshly for breaking a law. ← the lies we tell them. When, after all they fought for and against, we did the one thing to them that none of that could! We took away their children. We caged them. We brutalized them. We starved them. We let them die. We never gave them back. And we have never apologized. In fact, people still say, they deserve it. They should have known better. What did they think would happen? IDK Karen, but not this, I’m sure! Not crimes against humanity. Not actions that literally go against the Geneva convention.






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