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Who was Vlad Țepeș?

Did you know that in modern day Romanian Dracul means “The Devil?”

By Drake WaggonerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Who was Vlad Țepeș?
Photo by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

Vlad Țepeș-

Did you know that in modern day Romanian Dracul means “The Devil?”

Vlad Țepeș had many nicknames some being “Dracula, and Vlad Dracula.” There are many others and I may refer to Vlad as those other nicknames throughout the story. Vlad was Viovode of Wallachia three times from the year 1448 until his death. Vlad is often referenced as a very important leader of Wallachian history. He is also referenced as a national hero of Romania. Vlad Țepeș became the ruler of Wallachia in the year 1436. Vlad Dracul was the father of Dracula and his younger brother Radu.

Dracula and his brother Radu were held captive to secure their father’s loyalty. They were held captive in the Ottoman Empire in the year 1442. In 1447 Vlad Dracul and his eldest son were murdered after the regent-governor of Hungary “John Hunyadi” invaded Wallachia. Vlad’s second cousin Vladislav(II) became the new Viovode because of Hunyadi. In the autumn of 1448 Vladislav accompanied Hunyadi when Hunyadi launched a military campaign on the Ottomans. In October Vlad broke into Wallachia with Ottoman backup. After Vlad broke in Vladislav returned and then Dracula sought refuge in the Ottoman by the end of the year. Dracula traveled to Moldova in 1449 or 1450 and then later traveled to Hungary.

The relationship between Hungary and Vladislav deteriorated. Dracula invaded Wallachia once again in 1456 with the help of Hungarian support. Vladislav died fighting against Dracula. A purge began among the Wallachian Boyars. Vlad the Impaler started the purge to strengthen his position. Vlad came into conflict with a group known as the Transylvanian Saxons. This group supported Dracula’s opponents. Dan and Basarab Laiotă were illegitimate half-brother, Vlad the monk. Vlad raided the Saxton villages. Vlad then took the captured people to Wallachia and had them impaled. In 1460 the peace was restored.

Vlad was ordered to pay homage to Mehmed(II). Vlad had Mehmed’s two envoy’s captured and impaled. Dracula massacred tens of thousands of Turks and Bulgarians when he attacked Ottoman territory in February 1462. Mehmed started a campaign to try to get rid of Dracula with his younger brother Radu. Vlad tried to capture Mehmed at Târgoviște on the night of June 16 1462. The main Ottoman army left Wallachia along Mehmed also known as the “Sultan.” Many Wallachians deserted to Radu. In 1462 Vlad travelled to Transylvania and the King of Hungary Matthias Corvinus had Vlad Dracula imprisoned.

Vlad was imprisoned in Visegrád from 1463 to 1475. The tales of Vlad’s cruelty started to spread through Germany and Italy. Vlad was released in the summer of 1475 at the request of Stephen(III) of Moldavia. In early 1476 Vlad fought in Corvinus’ army against the Ottomans in Bosnia. Hungarian and Moldavian troops helped Vlad force his younger brother Radu to flee Wallachia in November. Radu returned with the help of Ottoman support before the end of the year. Vlad was later killed in battle on January 10th 1477. The first bestsellers of German-speaking territories were the first to describe Vlad’s cruel acts. In Russia stories suggest that Vlad was able to strengthen the government only through brutal punishments. The same thought was adopted by most Romanian historians.

About the Name Vlad Dracula-

The name Dracula is now primarily known as a fictional vampire. Dracula for centuries was known as the sobriquet of Vlad(III). In the 15th century reports and stories referred to him as Dracula and many more nicknames. In the late 1470’s Dracula signed as “Dragulya” or “Drakulya.” His name had its origin in the sobriquet of his father Vlad Dracul.


About the Creator

Drake Waggoner

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