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Trump supporters please take the blinders off

Trumpeters ignore facts by attempting to redirect and change the narrative.Its time they face facts for the sake of the nation.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

One of the saddest things that I have been witnessing lately is how low Donald Trump’s supporters are sinking. They have listened to his rhetoric so long that they have become robots who record and play back the Trump sound. There are some who have expressed outrage at recent revelations but the hardcore base is working overtime in attempts to paint him in a better light. Donald Trump is guilty of tax fraud which is a federal crime punishable with jail time. His supporters are pointing out that he does not keep his salary for being the president. Some have said that Biden became rich while working in the government. Neither of these statements have anything to do with the fact that the Donald has broken the law.

Trump supporters are ignoring how toxic this man is and how embarrassing he was during the debate. They are boldly saying they will continue to stick with him and give him their vote anyway. His comment for the “ Proud Boys” to be in standby has caused his base to vehemently deny that he is racist. They are posting images of Donald Trump with African American celebrities on social media as if that validates their point. I knew a white male who was dating a black relative of mine and after her death he called me and my family the N word during a telephone call. A white female who married another of my relatives calls him the N word whenever she is drunk. Donald Trump taking photos with black people really means very little. These are not isolated instances as I have heard others tell the same tale.

Trump has so brainwashed his base that they actually believe that Democrats are going to steal votes. The following is but one Facebook comment of many that express the same sentiment. I am amazed at the number of people using the words fake news, the radical left agenda and other phrases that Trump has been planting in their minds for the past 4 years. I find that his supporters are being very mean spirited just like he is. They cannot disagree without anger. Top Republicans including Mitch McConnell are condemning the racist statements coming from Donald Trump and his refusal to truly denounce white supremacy. Yes he has made comments that give the impression that he does not agree with those who promote hate but:

When he does so he is nonchalant and you can tell he does not mean it. When he said their were very fine people on both sides, and when he talks about Antifa there is a fire in his eyes. His voice is loud and you can tell he means what he is saying. Even so, his base will not admit what they hear out of his own mouth.

Americans need to vote in record numbers and send a clear message to Donald Trump that he had his chance and he blew it. There is no conspiracy to cheat Trump out of votes. The conspiracy is of his own making. He is a crooked businessman and will do anything to win. It’s disheartening to see that so many Americans are falling for his lies. It has been stated that 45% of registered voters stayed home in 2016. Every single one of them who is still living, breathing and able, need to look at what has happened during the past 4 years and make sure they cast a ballot between now and November 3. This is especially true for African Americans. Extreme measures have been taken over the years to suppress black voters. This is no time to give up and think your vote will not count.

It’s important to send a strong message so that the Proud boys and other extremists get the message loud and clear. Americans must vote against tyranny, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and homophobia. Trump supporters and enablers need to take the blinders and acknowledge what is really going on. Ever since November 2016 this nation has been going downhill and become the laughing stock of the entire world. Donald Trump came to the White House as a ruthless, cutthroat businessman and has continued to operate in that manner. Evangelicals support him because he says he is against abortion but they don’t care that his rhetoric is causing people of color to die.

News reports say the proud boys are excited that Trump gave them a shout out and this is dangerous. Any sane American can see this but Trumpsters are turning the other way. It’s understandable that those who are not personally affected by Trump’s rhetoric can laugh it off and pretend he is misunderstood. When you or your loved ones have been in the line of fire because of race busting and homophobic statements it’s an entirely different situation. When your religion, race, sexual orientation or ethnicity is challenged daily by extremists who could hurt or kill someone this is life or death. For Trumps base, however, it seems only the lives of the unborn matter. Is Joe Biden a perfect candidate, of course not? He is however trying to to bring the nation together instead of tearing it apart. Open your eyes Trump supporters. Donald Trump lied that Obama was not born in America. He continues to say that Congresswoman Illhan Omar is not American. His position is clear and if you keep supporting him, yours is to.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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