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The Growing Cases of Pedophilia

And the push to make it legal

By Bradley PerryPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
The Growing Cases of Pedophilia
Photo by Rene Bernal on Unsplash

For decades and decades, some things have been true. 2+2=4, the opposite of up is down, and pedophilia is wrong and sick. With the arrest of Jeffery Epstein and his cohorts, there has been a renewed interest in the topic. There are some very prominent and powerful people that will be implicated in this and Hollywood is only the start, seemingly. There have always been people who will say this is a lifestyle and it shouldn't be made taboo. These are sick people and they need help! There have been T.V. shows devoted to catching these people. There are also organizations that not only protect these people but make it seem perfectly normal to have these feelings. Ladies and gentlemen, there is now a push to make pedophilia normal. Not just normal, but a recognized sexual orientation! Why? Because it is the only way to protect those rich and powerful people and keep their butts safe. Think about this for one minute if you will. The laws are often made to benefit those who write them. By changing the laws they protect themselves, and all their buddies that have been implicated in the Epstein case.

There are children who have been used in trafficking and sex crimes that are as young as 3-years-old. They have never known their parents or a life of normalcy. To them, normal is being used for heinous crimes. Young women, and men, are taken or kidnapped every day and sold into sexual servitude of other types of slavery. There is no mention of it and the media could care less. Human trafficking is a large industry even in this country. In fact, it is the second-largest criminal enterprise in the world and children make up a large deal of that. But there is no mention of it in the media or from advocacy groups or Hollywood. Why is this? Could it be because Hollywood itself directly participates in these types of crimes? It is funny that anytime someone tries to come out against Hollywood or Washington D.C. and shine a light on these atrocities, they get shut down rapidly.

Add to it the fact that these kids disappear and once found, which is rare, they are lambasted and made to feel as though they were the reason it happened. And once someone in Holloyweird or D.C. is discovered, they try very hard to shut it down. Corey Feldman is a very good example of this. He has tried on multiple occasions to shed light on the topic, and every single time he is shut down and made to seem crazy and stupid. He's not the only one, but no one cares and they are shut down before they can even be heard. Look at how many times Michael Jackson was accused, and the accusers even had very detailed very intimate details about him and his anatomy, they tried to buy them off and at the end of the day, a very handpicked jury spoke and said he was not guilty. This gave people like R Kelly the idea that they could do things like this and get away with it, and they have for the most part.

Now groups like NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) have been around for a long time, but there has never been a serious attempt to shut them down. Shows like South Park have made light of the group, but they at least shed some light on the fact these people are around and they got a spotlight shed on them. Go onto YouTube and look up the TED talks on making pedophilia a recognized sexual orientation! As eluded to at the beginning of this article, when the rule writers write the rules to benefit them and their friends, they can not get into trouble, can they? You see, the evil people are typically the ones in power, for some reason. How can this be fixed? That's a good question that I don't think we have an answer to yet, but we as people need to work on it and ensure our children are protected.

The Jeffery Epstein case is another great example of the powers that be ignoring what is happening because they are partaking in the illegal activities themselves. For years he ran and operated an illegal sex ring and he had young children and women in bondage and they were forced to have sex with his clients. Several politicians have been photographed with him and girls on his island, as well as well known businessmen and Hollywood executives. It was hidden because there was huge money in it for Epstein and he had the secrets that they wanted to be kept in the closet. Now those are starting to come out and people are dying to protect it, literally! From former and current politicians to big-time movie and T.V. producers and writers to businessmen, they have all had exchanges with Epstein and his underaged sex slaves.

People need to open their eyes and realize the danger that our children and therefore our country are in. We have animals and monsters in the highest positions of power in this country and all over the world. This means the very people we have placed in the areas to run every facet of our lives, are themselves, criminals. Pizza gate was touted by the media and Washington D.C. as being a hoax, but now you really have to wonder, was it? Were they just trying to cover their own butts? It certainly seems like something they would do. The time to act is now, not later after elections are over, and not after the people charged talk. We know who is involved and we need to act to punish them now before they buy off people and this becomes a thing that becomes the norm. Just think about it, if you dare.


About the Creator

Bradley Perry

A former police officer from N.C. and also a medical professional. I write and have my own preparedness, security, and safety contracting and consulting firm. We also use drones. I also do blogs and have a podcast called The Blue View News.

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