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Republicans Who Love Weed, Thank Joe Biden

Your President Finds it Ridiculous to Imprison Potheads

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Snoop Dogg and I support the President’s actions. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Just like so many of us who support the federal legalization of marijuana and cannabis-related products, our president Joe Biden feels the same. He issued federal pardons yesterday for all prior federal offenses for simple possession of marijuana.

While this affects thousands of people who have been jailed in the past for possession of marijuana, there is still much work to be done. Legalization in many states still has a long way to go. Particularly in overwhelmingly conservative Christian red states, where any form of marijuana possession is still illegal.

The Moral Minority loves telling other people what they shouldn’t be doing. Don’t smoke this, don’t have sex, don’t get abortions, blah, blah, blah. Because their preferred deity wouldn’t like it. Who gives a damn about YOUR god or religious figurehead? Sadly most religious people have yet to learn the art of fucking off.

When you are comfortable with your own religious beliefs, there is no need to push them on others who have no interest in them. You have no right to infringe upon the rights of others, be it about their choice of religion, the things they choose to consume, or trying to control the reproductive rights of women. A woman’s body is her own fucking choice.

The reason that Christianity is slowing down and may eventually die out is because of these zealots who feel they have a right to control everything. They will attempt to force them onto others and justify their racism, bigotry, sexism, and homophobia in the name of their god. But nobody gives a damn what you think.

Your church is not our government. You gotta keep ’em separated. Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Your right to practice and enjoy your religion is your right. Until it infringes upon my rights. Or my neighbor’s rights. Or any other US citizen's rights. We don’t need your influence. We don’t need to be “saved”. If we want to choose to practice your religion (which seems really boring, judgmental, and pushy), then we will do so.

But we will not be pushed into such choices. You will not scare or intimidate those who think you’re full of bullshit. If you don’t like marijuana, don’t use it. Stop worrying about what others are choosing to do, it’s their choice.

Ditto about alcohol, which is a far more toxic and destructive force than weed has ever been. Yet so many are so judgemental about herb, but not alcohol. There’s more of that conservative Christian hypocrisy we all love so much. You all are looking ridiculous when you do that.

We won’t vote for idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, or Lauren Boebert. These are people who have a below-average intelligence and lack any amount of empathy for others who differ from themselves. We don’t need your authoritarian overreach into our own personal lives. Mind your business.

Let’s be clear about this newest development in the fight to legalize marijuana. This doesn’t make it legal in many states where it’s currently illegal. This is done to help rectify any past wrongdoing at the federal level, incarcerating people for simple possession of a mostly harmless, natural substance.

Until the Federal government takes additional steps to declassify marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic (the same as heroin and meth), it will remain illegal on the federal level and in many states. Biden has urged state governments to follow his lead and pardon any current prisoners with a simple possession of marijuana conviction.

It is insane to classify marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic, on the same level as heroin and meth.

The chance of this happening in red states is not likely. Most conservative red states enjoy locking people up for any minor reason they see fit. The political party of law and order would love nothing more than to have their jails full of people who have been caught with personal-use amounts of weed. Preferably brown people, because you know, racism.

There are similar demographics and close percentages of people of all races, colors, and creeds who use marijuana in the United States. However, there is a disproportionate number of non-white citizens who are currently incarcerated for marijuana possession. This has to end.

Prison-for-profit reform has to happen. We need to stop making people rich by locking other people up for bullshit offenses. Especially the ones that aren’t actually harming others.

If people want to purchase marijuana, so be it. If they want to get high after work instead of downing a six-pack, let them. Keep your holier-than-thou opinions to yourselves. We don’t care what you or your religion thinks.

Judging others for “sinning” differently than you do directly goes against that book you put so much faith in. Jesus doesn’t want you treating your brothers and sisters like shit. He doesn’t want you supporting a piece of filth like Donald Trump. That man is as anti-Christian as it gets.

Ditto about Marjorie Taylor Greene and everyone else like them. Hypocrisy will never be something that Jesus, myself, or any other rationally thinking person will condone. So just stop, already. Worry about yourselves and stop pushing your beliefs on the rest of the country. We don’t need your guidance, nor do we want it.

Check out the blog I recently posted about Marge, who is a lunatic and a serial cheater. Her husband has recently filed for divorce from her. I’m sure he has his reasons. This one went viral for me, please read it if you can’t stand MTG like I can’t.

If you are a Republican who enjoys smoking weed, vaping oil, or eating edibles, thank your president. He’s pushing to make right the incarceration for past offenses of those who also enjoy marijuana like you do. He’s pushing to remove it from the Schedule 1 classification it currently is and is encouraging blue states as well as your conservative red states to follow suit.

The United States of America is supposed to be a nation built on the idea of freedom, not freedumb. When your views and thoughts infringe on the beliefs of others, that’s not freedom. If you think everyone should think like you, that’s freedumb. If you believe you have the right to choose for a woman about HER reproductive rights, that’s freedumb. Thinking that your religion is the only one that should exist, FREEDUMB.

Worry about yourselves. Choose your own beliefs, raise your kids the way you see fit, attend your churches, and limit yourselves and your choices in any way you see fit. Just leave me and mine the hell out of it. I am fully supportive of anyone believing whatever they want to believe, as long as your rights don’t restrict my own.

Or let's sit down and share a joint. We can toke up and discuss this over a bag of Cheetos. I bet our conversation would be interesting and funny if you just opened your mind to new experiences. Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em, and thank you, Mr. President. &:^)

Thank you for standing up for freedom and not freeDUMB. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

activismcongresscontroversieslegislationopinionpoliticspresidentwhite housepoliticians

About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)

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