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North Korean Follies

An Affirmation of an Already Agreed Upon Agreement

By Chris MichaelsPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

The recent summit in Singapore between North Korea and the United States is nothing short of historic. Of course no matter what happened during that summit, the US media arm of the globalist NGOs (interest groups) would never allow a positive outlook. Why? The rest of the world seems to be perfectly happy with the first steps that were taken as SOME steps in SOME direction other than a nuclear confrontation were made.

Months ago, Trump pushed and pushed North Korea with provocative rhetoric and saber rattling that had so many commentators on edge; OH MY GOD, HE’S GOING TO DESTROY US ALL!!! North Korea continued on with their tests and Trump shoved even more.

What happened? Absolutely nothing. A summit was arranged. War mongering Neanderthal, National Security Advisor, John Bolton shot his mouth off from under that ridiculously over-enthusiastic mustache of his, saying that North Korea should abide by the Libya Option. We all know what happened with Libya’s ‘liberation.’ Libya gave up its nuclear weapons, decided to come up with a gold backed currency attempting to unite the African continent without consulting the Gnomes of Zurich, and to paraphrase the pear-shaped Matriarch, Clinton, we came, we saw, he died. Libya is in utter ruin now. Any wonder why Kim Jong Un was outraged at this ‘option’ being brought up? Trump, trying to beat Kim to the punch, pulled out of the Summit first and feigned outrage at Kim.

Something else happened that didn’t get reported at the time. Two seemingly separate events that are in no way distinct. Secretary of State, Pompeo, secretly visited North Korea around April 1st. Interesting. Within a month, around April 25th, the Nuclear Testing facility under the mountains in North Korea collapses. The timing is interesting to say the least.

A number of possibilities lie in those two events. First, Kim could’ve known the instability of the area and needed help reducing potential nuclear contamination of the region; making a choice between China or the US for assistance. Second, Pompeo could’ve said play ball or else. If you don’t believe that we can reach you anywhere and any time, guess again. Inserting a special ops team, satellite missile strike, submarine strike, scalar weapon (earthquake WMD), or some other nonsense in the arsenal, the United States destroys the nuclear facility. Kim decides to play ball.

The result? Trump called off drills with South Korea and Kim stated he would start dismantling the North Korea’s nuclear program. Seemingly, progress! What’s more? This would only be the start for future talks that hash out the rest of the details (peace treaties, human rights, etc.). The world over thought that this was wonderful progress! Norway even nominated Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize.

What happened in the United States? The Globalists went on a drunk bender. Trump sold out the US! China was the winner of the Summit (even though Trump threw more tariffs on them the day after he left)! Trump is a chump, he gave Kim everything! The mainstream media (CNN, NBC, et al.) even went so far as to cite North Korean news agencies for their sources after those same agencies claimed the sanctions would be lifted. North Korean...News Agencies...owned by the North Korean government (as if the above aren’t owned either). Think about the desperation of the mainstreams to cite them.

How did Trump give away the farm...? Trump said he’d stop the war games. So? Does anyone really believe that the United States couldn’t attack North Korea if the excrement went sideways...? Does anyone truly think think THE WORLD wouldn’t go after North Korea if the feces hit the fan blades? The country is surrounded all the way around. This dog don’t hunt.

Well, Trump DID NOTHING about the Human Rights abuses and actually spoke to a DICTATOR!!! Once again, so? EVERY President speaks with human rights abusers and Dictators. EVERY ONE. Hello Saudi Arabia for low hanging fruits sake. Obama and Clinton both kissed that ring and BOTH of them, along with many administration workers, took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from the Saudi Royals. I suppose this isn’t negotiating with a dictator and human rights abuser as they just out and out took bribes.

Who really lost out? The ‘Defense’ (War) Industry. Once the headlines came out that there would be a pathway to peace, the war industry stocks took a dive and collectively lost a couple of billion dollars. Uh oh...

Trump then said that the ultimate goal would be to remove American troops from the peninsula all together. All of a sudden, Democrats (the party of peace, but will always vote for a war) introduced a bill that won’t allow American troops to withdraw from South Korea. What...the...f...?

This leads us the potential real culprit behind all of this: the War Industry. Neither Democrat, nor Republican will ever vote against a war or additional funding for the War Department, and will always take care of the defense contractors in their electoral districts. The politicians are the ones beholden to this den of vipers and America will never change its global reputation unless these enormous interests are made to heel.

Democrats and leftists need to wake up and realize that your media will not tell you the truth when money, donors, and sponsors are on the line. You’re being played and you’ve been played well. Instead of thinking logically, you’ve been completely manipulated by emotional catalysts put in front of you by "your trusted source in news."


About the Creator

Chris Michaels

Political, perverse, and irreverent, Chris' informal cutting edge commentary on politics and current events blatantly disregards the mainstream media's information peddling with humor, interviews, and occasional brilliance.

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