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Ideology Is More Important Than Intersectionality

Thinking differently from the Left is unforgivable no matter how diverse you are.

By Gregory AlanPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Chris Boese on Unsplash

The Left is obsessed with intersectionality and identity politics. Merriam- Webster defines intersectionality as, “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.” It sounds innocent enough, but this idea is a significant reason why America is divided.

Believers in this ideology value the groups you are part of instead of your individuality. Some of these groups include race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. Their policies are focused on social justice, changing our perception of sex and gender, open borders, and climate change.

Diversity and inclusion are essential to the intersectional crowd. They value their opinions of people based on the different groups you are a part of. The more “boxes you check,” the more credibility you get. If you are straight, white, and female, then your opinion matters less than a gay, black male. This creates the weird dynamic of a man subverting a women’s opinion, which is the opposite of what you would think they intend.

The Left believes every minority group should vote in lockstep to what they dictate their main interest is. They believe that Hispanics only care about illegal immigration and border issues. What if a big interest was ensuring a business-friendly climate or strong national security? Can LGBT people care about lower taxes first or only their group issues? Do African-Americans only think about racism, or is getting their kids a good education in a safe and high performing school more important?

Democratic candidates will pander to these issues at every opportunity. The biggest pander bear is Elizabeth Warren. At a CNN town hall, a transgender child named Jacob asked her what she would do to make schools safer. Warren went on to bash Betsy Devos which was no big surprise. Then Warren appeared to say she would seek Jacob’s approval about her pick for Secretary of Education in this quote:

“I want to make sure that the person I think is the right secretary of education meets you and hears your story, and then I want you to tell me if you think that’s the right person and then we’ll make the deal.”

Are we letting 9-year-olds decide who gets to run the government? What is Jacob’s expertise in education policy and plans to have America catch up to our peers in the rest of the world in math, science, and reading? What other children will she let decide who serves in her administration? Warren could end up with a 7-year-old Battleship champion running the Navy if she stays consistent in this process.

The Left claims to be sincere in advancing the cause to have more minorities and women in power. If this were true, they would be celebrating those populations that have served in President Trump’s cabinet. Here are a few examples of diversity that the Left should celebrate in his administration.

  • Nikki Haley was Ambassador to the United Nations and child of Indian- American Sikh immigrants
  • Jovita Carranza is a first-generation Mexican immigrant and served as U.S. Treasurer and now as head of the Small Business Association
  • Mercedes Schlapp who is a first-generation Cuban-American and her father was a prisoner of Fidel Castro
  • Elaine Chao leads the Department of Transportation and is the first woman of Asian descent to serve in a President’s Cabinet
  • Richard Grennell is openly gay and serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany and is expected to be the next Director of National Intelligence
  • Dr. Ben Carson is an African-American serving as Secretary of HUD

These are examples of prominent women and minorities who serve or have served in the Trump Administration. If the Left really celebrated women and minorities in positions of power, they should act thrilled for these individuals. Instead, they criticize, attack, and tear down these cabinet members because they don’t agree with their ideology. If you hold different views from the Left, your diversity doesn’t matter.

Democrats criticize Trump for not having enough diversity in his cabinet and ignoring who he does have because of their policies and beliefs. What they fail to do is provide specifics on what diversity numbers would be satisfactory. The secret is they would never feel satisfied if those people have different views from them. The last thing they want to see is a cabinet full of conservative, minority women and gay men.

Warren could end up with a 7-year-old Battleship champion running the Navy if she stays consistent in this process.

The front runners for the Democratic nomination for president consist of two old white men approaching 80 years old and a white woman who claimed to be Native American most of her life to advance her career and boost her intersectional credentials. Does this sound like a party that cares for diversity over ideology?

It gets worse if you are a Trump supporter. The “tolerant” Left will call you racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic, and think you have sympathy towards Nazis. They won’t be afraid to attack you online or in real life if you don’t think like them. Many Trump supporters won’t show their support for him in public due to the lack of tolerance and inclusivity of the Left on political viewpoint.

A large portion of the American public needs to wake up to this charade of intersectionality and identity politics. Your race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation don’t matter to the Left if you don’t agree with them. You become a bigger threat than a non-minority. The group you belong to won’t matter unless you believe in their ideology.

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About the Creator

Gregory Alan

Gregory is an imperfect Christian, new husband, doggy daddy, amateur boxer, runner, and political commentator.

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