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Future Primitive

Future Tears

By R. Herne SteelegravePublished 4 years ago 6 min read

In advance, I apologize for my rant, but better out than in. I have thought about this for many sleepless nights as I pace the night dealing with bad nights. You know those nights, where the past creeps up and fills the landscape with bad things that you thought you had gotten over, but never can. In my pacing, I went over all the intel I learned, or was entrusted to me, and see a future with a landscape painted with stupidity, and blood. I see many factions, and many endgames in play, and since I am nobody, my ability to stop it all is limited to my turf, and here I shall stand,mentor those awake, and aware, and fight.

Walk with me now as I look ahead at the world that can change in a heartbeat. Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, are all part-time jobs to the Puppet Masters, but that is a topic for those who are awake, and aware, and in my Circle.

As it stands, only a blind person misses the signs that have become obvious for the last decade. As I write this, weapons and ammo are gathered with no paper trail by millions of law abiding citizens, and Militias, geared up, and ready to march. We are all beyond tired, and angry with a corrupt Congress that feels it is above the Constitution, using laws, media, and those bully cowards in blue to push their lies, and agendas, while the President does what, sends out another witty Tweet? He is either weak, or part of it, if he is not rounding up these traitors, fitting them all for orange jumpsuits, and sending them to Gitmo, or the gallows. We have all reached a breaking point in this drama of obvious lies, where the crimes are beyond public, cities burn, prison states are formed, and they continue to walk free. The line between Freedom, and tyranny, and a police state was crossed a long time ago, and how is ignoring it working out for you?

The main goals of these DemocRAT elites, if you have been paying attention, is disarm, depopulate, and control. Perfect slaves, that can do nothing but obey.

I can bring up tons of stats on guns, but we all know it has to do with control, and disarming legal gun owners, not criminals. Why do they push so hard with false flags, fake shootings, actors, because they deserve to be shot, and we outnumber them. They are afraid to be caught, and judged, then executed. Nobody has the right to disarm you, and stop you from protecting your home, and family. More die by DUI, knives, and hammers, than guns, and everyone knows it. They cannot have complete ownership of you if you are armed, and we all know this. So, what do they do to further these agendas, the fake shootings, actors, media to spread the lies, to push their disarmament, and to further the depopulation agenda, they push a white genocide agenda with diversity lies, push gender confusion, and gay agendas, paedophilia, and abortions, feminist rights, and socialism. They poison the vax, the food, the water, and the air, every disease that has hit has a patent as a bio-weapon, so don't think they were an accident, and through media platform controls, and their trolls, stop the spread of truth, and information. Population control is important to them because we are too many to control, not because of resource limitations.

So, here we stand on the precipice of a great civil war, and why it is almost inevitable. The death toll will be millions of lives. Because Freedom is anything but free.

The first thing we should examine, are the many sides to the conflict on this massive chess board. After it begins, it will not be an easy thing to put it back in the box...

The Puppetmasters at the top, almost immortal, are untouchable to anything on the surface, and have ruled for thousands of years.

Second are their high level Puppets, who have brought together the spark that shall ignite this war. The lucky ones shall join their Masters in relative safety, but the majority will head underground in their 5 star DUMBS, to their accommodations that they have prepared for over 100 years, and upgrade monthly.

Thirdly, are the cannon fodder, expendables, soldiers, law enforcement, those who follow the elite, and not the Constitution, or Law. This will include the many ChiCom UN mercenaries in hidden bases all through the states that are on standby. All of these were recruited from many agencies for their ability to follow orders, and use lethal force against anyone they are pointed at.

Fourthly shall be the armed millions who have joined forces to fight. Militias, the private armies, and groups that come from law enforcement, military, vets, private security, to take back their country from this coup that wants to enslave a nation and rule by force.

Add to this the Wild Cards who have their own power agendas, reavers, mercenaries, religious fanatics from all religions who have been training for such a conflict. I talk about those dogs of Allah.

That pretty much covers the Players, but the real devastation is at risk before that first shot.

It is all wonderful to finally get Justice, Revenge, the execution of a long list of Congressional traitors who are doing their best to destroy the country, with names and faces all over the corrupt media, but the price will be steep, and one that you need to look at before you pull that trigger, make that bomb, cut that throat. That is the easy part, and many of us have been trained to tear down the system, have done this before, and are not afraid to get our hands dirty, but beyond the part where we paint the landscape red with the blood of our enemies, there is the infrastructure. This is the most important factor of all.

There is only enough food in a city for 4 days in the event of an EMP, or Civil War in which the trucks, trains, boats, come to a grinding halt. People will not be delivering food, running the water plants, repairing downed power lines, working in hospitals, working at a million other jobs that are all connected, they will be hiding with their families behind locked doors. There won't be a special armband or helmet to define the good guys, and bad guys, and with blood in the water, the country at war, what is stopping China, Russia, or many Muslim factions already here training in every state from taking over the country? Nothing stops them. Even the Cartels that defeated the Mexican Army could move north and take over,

Suddenly you realize, the food in your pantry is your grocery store, your medicine cabinet, is your pharmacy, and the water in the back of the toilet, is your water supply, and death awaits you outside to take what little you have, away from you.

The government did an evaluation of such an event, and saw rioting the first week, and looting for food in 2 weeks, and cannibalism in 4-6 weeks. Disease, and starvation will kill off the weak, the young, the old, those in hospitals, and they predicted a 50% loss of life in 4-6 months.

They planned ahead for this, did you?

I ran many scenarios, simulations, and the endgame does not look good.

The black hats win, and all opposed will be classified as traitors and executed.

The white hats win, we get the country back and start over.

Here is the conundrum, after all is said and done, what will be left of the country and who has the skillset to rebuild?

Healthcare, transportation, finance, agriculture, mining, logging, the infrastructure of power, heat, water; who will bring all that online while dealing with internals, like traitors, possible invasion, and restructuring at a municipal, state, and country level? Some little guy with guns, and visualizing himself as some kind of King?

Not an easy question to answer, as I pace the night and see the complexities of civil war.

Killing is easy, rebuilding, is a challenge I would not want at any price.


About the Creator

R. Herne Steelegrave

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    R. Herne SteelegraveWritten by R. Herne Steelegrave

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