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False Prophets desired election to be overturned so their fake predictions would come to pass

Some Evangelicals were against Joe Biden’s win because they wanted to save their own skin.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
False Prophets desired election to be overturned  so their fake predictions would come to pass
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In the aftermath of the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, there are Trump supporters who have been left bewildered. CNN interviewed several members of Qanon who said they expected a different outcome and were not sure what was next for them. There is also uncertainty within the Evangelical community because a number of trusted leaders assured their followers that Divine revelation assured them Donald Trump would have four more years in the White House. Now it has been revealed that some of these spiritual leaders and their followers wanted the election overturned so they could say the prophesies were correct.

In 2016 the Evangelical community said Donald Trump was heaven-sent and they helped him become elected the 45th President of The United States. They continued to support him even in the aftermath of children separated from parents and locked in cages. They sang his praises in spite of Charlottesville and the rise of white supremacy and antisemitism. They continued to insist he was the chosen one and many were angry with the first impeachment. Although more level headed Americans warned that worse was sure to come, these blind guides dismissed it and voted for him again in 2020.

One fact that continued to be ignored by the Trumpettes was that Donald Trump was put in office in 2016 by the Electoral College and he did not win the popular vote. The American people overwhelmingly voted for Hilary Clinton. It would make sense to logical minds that after all the problems he has caused in the last 4 years, that even fewer people would vote for Trump in 2020. The Evangelicals continued with their narrative that "God" had put Trump in office and Paula White threatened the wrath of God on those who did not stand with number 45. The fact that Americans express their free will to vote seems lost on Trump supporters.

A little over 70 million Americans ignored the warning signs of the chaos that Donald Trump was setting in motion. He began brainwashing his loyal supporters by hosting rallies instead of doing his presidential duties. He pumped and primed those who were enamored of him like a good cult leader. He tweeted lies multiple times daily for 4 years and millions believed every word. In the summer of 2020 Trump was brazen enough to say that the only way he would lose is if the election was stolen from him.

Once again, sensible Americans saw this for what it was. he knew the people did not vote him into office in 2016. He either realized himself or was told by advisers that his chance of winning in 2020 were less probable. He came up with the plan to say there was election fraud and Evangelicals ran with it. I have no doubt that many of them knew the 2020 election was legitimate and that 81,281,502 Americans chose Joe Biden, while 74,222,593 voted for Trump. They used Trump's voter fraud narrative in order to not look bad in front of their followers.

Evangelical leaders pushed a falsehood in the hopes that somehow, someway the election would be overturned and they could say they heard correctly from heaven. Christianity Today is calling for humility and asking its readers not to say " I told you so" but I disagree. This is not a matter of opinion or misinterpretation this was a flat out lie. Evangelical misled their followers and they were hoping to cover it up. That is devious and deceptive. The root of the problem is that people put too much faith in these spiritual leaders and believe every word out of their mouths is divinely inspired.

Let's look at this situation from a very narrow viewpoint. If an all-wise, all-knowing, Diety spoke something, it's safe to say that it would be true. In the opinion of many Americans, the Evangelicals looked to Donald Trump as a demigod. They believed he would push their anti-abortion agenda, and allowed that one issue to cloud their minds. Evangelicals were elated that Trump utilized them as his advisers and were caught up in the celebrity of it all. By pushing the rigged election narrative Evangelicals backed a lie and this in part led to the events of January 6.

Evangelicals should have told their television audiences, and or congregations to accept the will of the people and that Joe Biden is the legal president. They could have used their platforms to reassure Americans that the election was not rigged, there was no voter fraud, and promoted peace and unity. Instead, they were trying to find ways to convince everyone that they were correct and Trump would get a second term. In a video, Paula White Cain said "The Lord says it is done". Perhaps on this one, she may have gotten her signals crossed because it is the Trump presidency that is done and not a second term.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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