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Compassion in Action – Part 2

Thoughts from the Coalition

By Jeff McCartyPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

ven general acquaintances. Performing a simple yet helpful task in service towards another human being that we know, but by no means that we would consider a loved one. Many of us have fulfilled the role of demonstrating compassion towards another human being that falls into this category, which entails that many of us can demonstrate compassion if we choose. While most of us have fulfilled this role at least once up to this point in our existence, we should all know that there is always room to expand the parameters to which your compassion can be extended.

I put myself at the top of that list. The key to initiating a change is first recognizing a need for that change, and as the human species, we all must recognize that we have a dire need to expand our compassion parameters. We must look past the ones we love, and even the ones we know and would help out in their time of need, we must even be willing to be compassionate to those that we know nothing of, and that we may have judged in the past. For each human being, we must realize that we share a bond with every other member of the human species, and in turn, we must be willing to demonstrate compassion to even the least likely of humans you would want to be compassionate towards.

The question is how do we expand our abilities to willingly demonstrate compassion towards all other human beings? As the HCRC, we believe that the answer lies within the commonalities of the human species. When you can remind yourselves that every single member of the human species is experiencing existence just as we are, and is subject to live a life as a human being that ends in death on Planet Earth just as you are as well, then you can begin to gain a further appreciation for every other human being. When you can view the fellow members of your species in this regard, you can begin to see how we are all part of the collective story called humanity. In this story of humanity, we must realize that the only way we become the heroes at the end of the story is if we succeed as collective species. This is why it is crucial that we consistently remind ourselves of the bond we share as a species and demonstrate compassion towards all other human beings, especially in their time of need.

As we continually practice the principle of demonstrating compassion to our fellow human beings, we will become equipped with the abilities necessary towards building a better global human civilization. It is never an easy journey and something a close friend recently reminded me of is that we have to remember to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. When it comes to the practice of expanding our compassion parameters, you may make mistakes, I know I’ve made more than I would like to ever admit, nonetheless it should never stop you from continuing the effort to expand the range in which your compassion parameters will reach. Join us next Friday, as we expand our perceptions of who and what we can be compassionate towards in the pursuit of expanding our compassion parameters even further.

Until next time, I am Jeff McCarty and I just want to thank you for your time in reading. Looking forward to seeing you next post around. In the meantime, don’t forget to explore our website and to follow the HCRC on social media. Thanks again.

new world order

About the Creator

Jeff McCarty

I create content for a nonprofit organization, called the Human Civilization Reformation Coalition. Our focus is positively progressing humanity. All tips go towards the nonprofit organization, and the further creation of content.

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