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Boris: No Idea!

Boris' Indecisiveness Over COVID Lockdown.

By Nicholas BishopPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
The Joker: Former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been, appointed, as a presenter on GB News. It seems this channel gives jobs to washed-up, right-wing politicians. Take Nigel Farage, popular as he may have been or may still be, yet he never got, into parliament. Yet, he is the anchor of his show now.

A hearing is being held currently about the government's approach to COVID and lockdown. The power behind Boris's throne is currently describing what happened at that time. Dominic Cummings describes a Prime Minister who was literally out of his depth. This is also backed up by Patrick Vallance at the hearing.

Boris thought that COVID was much "a do about nothing" to quote Shakespeare. No doubt, if the Bard, were around today he would write a play about the farce and disfunction of Johnson's administration.

Boris thought that COVID was a natural way to control old people. That they should "accept their fate" and leave life "to young people". So that the economy could grow unfettered.

I can see, with all due respect, to the elderly amongst us, where Boris was coming from on this one. In nature, to coin a 'Darwinian ' term it is the survival of the fittest and strongest. However, that can come over as callous and unfeeling. The elderly should be respected and given their due.

When the full apocalypse-like events of COVID unfolded, a lockdown, had to be imposed. At the hearing, Boris has been described as a Prime Minister, wholly, unfit to be dealing with COVID. Boris dithered a whole 10 days, apparently, before imposing lockdown. Thousands of people died during the lockdown if they survived, many, suffered from long COVID. Many elderly people died, along with ethnic minorities, and those with underlying illnesses.

The question when historians look back on this will be, "If the government had acted earlier, could, lives have been saved"? There will be various thoughts and ideas about this. But like all things past, we will, probably never know.

Of course, COVID is still around, and the NHS is advising people to get their jab. It's the elderly, the medically vulnerable, etc, like last time. People are also advised of the same categories to get their flu jab too. Around this time in the UK, COVID and Influenza, bedevil people's lives. Hence, the urgent call for people to get their jab, so, they can be protected.

However, the COVID jab still divides the population and experts alike. Some say it is dangerous and causes harm, but, supposedly any harm is minimal. While others say, the risk is very small and get your jab. The jab doesn't stop you from getting COVID but it protects you from it being more severe.

Some question the time the COVID jab was given to see if it was suitable for use. Many antidotes take normally 10 years, whereas, this antidote was passed as safe and ready to use. Of course, with COVID running rife at the time it had to be rushed out. Big pharmaceutical companies brought out their version of the jab. And of course, like all drugs, antidotes, etc, they will make money from it. Whatever you think about capitalism that is the way of the world!

Going back to the chaotic actions of the Johnson administration. Given the total idiocy, corruption and other shenanigans, I am not surprised. As with everything this government has done, no matter who was leading, it has been an utter disaster.

It would seem, if polls are to be believed together with Labour wins at by-elections, the people have finally seen through this administration. That Sunak may be the last Prime Minister of this current Tory government. Another quotable Shakespearean line comes to mind, "For this relief, much thanks"!

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About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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