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Why Gifts Are So Special

Zariya’s Commentary Feature

By Isaiah WalkerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Why Gifts Are So Special
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Hello beautiful queens and handsome kings. Welcome to Zariya’s spectacular ultra magnificent holiday gifts article. Presenting the commentary featuring the holiday addition of 2020.I will be your conductor of recommendations and/or suggestions. specialist in the love language of receiving gifts and giving remarkable insightful new tips and/or advice for the holiday season of 2020!

The holidays are always filled with joy, love, happiness! Whether you are naughty or nice this year Saint Nick aka Santa should be able to give you a void on all the naughty things because of the year we have endured.

Everyone deserves a little more love and appreciation for whatever they have overcome in this year of 2020. With everything going on during these hard times. We need it more than ever before so many Americans and people around the globe want better days.

By Hert Niks on Unsplash

This holiday season should bring back good memories that remind us of the importance of quality time with our loved ones.

Usually the 5 love languages are used to show how much you love yourself, significant other, or friends and family, or anyone special to you. There are five different ways of expressing and receiving love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

By frank mckenna on Unsplash

Not everyone communicates love in the same way, and likewise, people have different ways they prefer to receive love. So one of the five languages we will be talking about today will be receiving gifts.

The special moment of giving in act of kindness for someone other than yourself can be exhilarating. But also you deserve self love just as much as anyone else ! So whatever you feel in your heart to do for the holidays I would say do your best.

By Rebecca Campbell on Unsplash

Because It is like a super power that can warm the heart and put love in the atmosphere. No matter who receives the gift! It is more about the principle other than the monetary value of the item.

By Bundo Kim on Unsplash

There are many local shops, eccentric small businesses, many assortments of Black-owned business we could strengthen with our contribution to their business. So many options and places to shop for personalized items, holiday decorations, and even essential products that complete this holiday season! Few of the shops I would recommend are Esty, Kohl’s, Gabe’s, Target, Macy’s, Tj Maxx, And Etc. But you are always welcome to check out the new mysterious shops around the shopping centers in your area.

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

My shopping advice to you would be to be very thoughtful with the gifts. Because you are giving them to the significant people in your life. And this gift could create a memory that could have a long lasting impact on you and the other person. Tips on making your gift shopping experience more smooth and enjoyable is to organize a list of each person stating what’s their favorite thing. Handmade items or personalized products are so much more meaningful and heart warming to the soul. Do the gift shopping one week earlier than the week of the holiday allowing you more time to prepare. Last minute shopping can cause a lot of chaos. Might even have to wait in long lines of some unprepared people and empty shelves everywhere creating a shortage of presents to buy for the holiday.

By Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Hot deals tend to come out of hiding when any holiday season starts to make its way. It’s very important that you shop around meaning checkout a few stores to find great deals on specific items. Understanding how to see what best works for you and your budget. Saving you more bang for your buck meaning more money in your pocket for other amenities.

By Smart on Unsplash

I will have a link to all of the information on local shops, Black-owned businesses, and online small businesses below. Please know that all your support is greatly appreciated by all of these brands and companies! Most importantly do whatever you feel is comfortable for you this holiday season of gift giving and love. Please don’t stress about anything, and remember that special feeling inside of you and focus on what you can do!

Local Shopping Stores

By Filip Mroz on Unsplash





T.J. Maxx


Black Owned Businesses

By Deji Akinyele on Unsplash

“Supporting any black business during the holidays or just in general helps create more opportunities for meaningful savings, property ownership, credit building, and generational wealth for black communities. If we all do our part in supporting black businesses, then we’re helping with the progression of strengthening many black communities.”

Source :

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About the Creator

Isaiah Walker

I Enjoy Writing Like Songs, Short Stories, Advice, Etc! I Want To Make An Impact In Peoples Lives . I Am Open To Feedback. Always Improving Daily. I Truly Hope You Enjoy It. Thank You For Reading And I Am Grateful For You And I Love You!

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