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Typography in UI

Let's learn about Typography with an example!

By Mithul KandianPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Typography with an example.

Typography is like the style and arrangement of text on a screen. It's not just about picking a font; it's also about making sure the text looks good, is easy to read, and helps convey the right message.

Imagine you're reading a website or using an app. The way the text is presented—its size, font, spacing, and color—all falls under typography.

Here's a simple breakdown:

Font Choice

  • Just like you choose the style of your handwriting, in design, you choose a font. For example, a formal website might use a serif font (like Times New Roman), while a modern tech app might go for a sans-serif font (like Arial).
  • Fonts are like the personalities of text. Different fonts convey different feelings. For instance, a sleek and modern app might opt for a clean sans-serif font like Helvetica, while a more traditional or formal website might go for a serif font like Georgia.
  • Consistency in font choice across the design helps establish a cohesive and professional look.

Font Size

  • This is how big or small the text is. Headings might be larger to grab attention, while regular text is smaller for easy reading.
  • Font size is more than just how big or small text appears; it guides the reader through the content. Headings and subheadings are usually larger to catch the eye and organize information, while body text is smaller for comfortable reading.
  • Adjusting font size appropriately ensures a balanced and visually appealing layout.

Line Spacing

  • Also known as leading, it's the space between lines of text. Enough space makes it easy to follow along.
  • Imagine reading a page with text crammed together. Not pleasant, right? Line spacing, or leading, is the vertical space between lines of text. Adequate spacing enhances readability and prevents visual clutter.
  • In user interfaces, optimal line spacing ensures that users can easily follow the text without feeling overwhelmed.

Letter Spacing

  • Adjusting the space between characters. This can affect readability.
  • Kerning refers to adjusting the space between individual characters. Proper kerning improves the overall aesthetic and readability of the text. Too much or too little space between letters can make words hard to read.
  • For example, in a logo, precise kerning ensures that the letters are visually balanced and form a cohesive unit.


  • The color of the text matters. It should contrast well with the background for easy reading.
  • Text color is not just about aesthetics; it significantly impacts readability. High contrast between text and background enhances legibility.
  • For accessibility, designers need to consider color combinations that accommodate users with visual impairments, ensuring everyone can comfortably interact with the content.


  • Important information stands out. Headings are usually bigger and bolder than regular text to create a visual hierarchy.
  • Visual hierarchy guides users through the content by emphasizing the importance of different elements. Headings, subheadings, and body text contribute to a structured layout.
  • This hierarchy ensures that users can quickly grasp the main points and navigate through the information seamlessly.

Here's a simple example:

Imagine a weather app. The temperature might be displayed in a large, bold font at the top (font size and hierarchy), while the description like "Sunny" or "Rainy" is in a slightly smaller but still prominent font underneath. This arrangement, along with the right colors and spacing, helps users quickly grasp the weather information.

Good typography makes the text not only readable but also conveys the tone and purpose of the content effectively in the context of the overall design.

Hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of Typography!


About the Creator

Mithul Kandian

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